
  • 网络symbolic interactionism;symbolic interaction theory;theory of symbolic interaction;symbolic-interactionist
  1. 消失的登陆点&社会心理学视野下的符号互动论与传播研究

    The Lost Landing Pot & Symbolic Interactionism and Communication Research in the View of Social Psychology

  2. 20世纪80年代以来,众多传播学者纷纷赋予芝加哥学派以思想登陆点的重要的地位,将其主体理论符号互动论视为最切实可行的源头。

    Many communication researchers have regarded the Chicago School as a landing pot in ideaistic history and symbolic interactionism as the most feasible resource since 1980s .

  3. 布鲁默和库恩在符号互动论上的异同

    On the Similarities and Differences of Symbolic Interactionism Between Brummer & Kuhn

  4. 师生互动:基于符号互动论的分析与改进

    Teacher-Student Interaction : Analysis and Improvement in the Perspective of Symbol Interaction Theory

  5. 扎根理论源于后实证主义和符号互动论,是质性研究中的核心研究方法之一。

    Grounded theory is one of the core research methods in qualitative research .

  6. 情境知识与社会互动&符号互动论的知识社会学思想评析

    Situational Knowledge and Social Interaction & On the Sociological Approach of Knowledge in Symbolic Interactionism

  7. 从符号互动论学者戈夫曼角色表演前后台理论入手,可以分析当代中国高校学生的政治社会化模式的发展过程。

    This essay applies the front and back stage theory by Ervin Goffman to analyze the political and social development pattern of university student in present-day China .

  8. 基于1994~2002年对上海青年性文化所做的人种志研究,通过符号互动论来阐释有风险的性行为。

    Based on ethnographic research on youth sex culture in Shanghai from 1994 to 2002 , this paper outlines a symbolic interaction approach to understanding risky sexual behaviors .

  9. 前言:从“符号互动论”的角度看,中西医结合是当代医家在共同创造的文化圈内的符号互动。

    As to Symbolic Interactionism , the integration of Chinese Medicine and western medicine is a symbolic interaction in the cultural circle created by modern doctors of both western and Chinese medicine .

  10. 符号互动论认为个体在一定程度上通过内化知觉到的他人对自己的看法来定义自己,即反思自我评价会在一定程度上影响自我概念。

    Symbolic interaction theory came up with that the individuals define themselves by the internalization of perceived others ' evaluations of themselves . Namely , reflected-self appraisals will be affect self-concept to a certain extent .

  11. 本文试图以教育社会学中符号互动论的相关理论为理论支撑点,探讨当前初中英语课堂师生互动中存在的问题,并分析影响师生互动的因素。

    This paper tries to base on the related theory of the symbolic interaction theory of the sociology of education , the author discusses the problems which exist in the teacher-student interaction , analyzes the effected factors .

  12. 符号互动论、常人方法学、后现代理论等社会学流派都从生活的不同角度重构了行动论,为生活理论走入社会学奠定了基础。其次,深入分析生活方式研究对社会学的建构功能。

    Symbolic interactionism , Ethnomethodology and Post-modernist re-construct theories in all have a different idea in their own angle , which establishes an excellent base for life theory entering Sociology . Secondly , have a deep research down to the constructible function of life theory .