首页 / 词典 / good

  • twist;wring;entangle;entwine
  • skein;hank
  • 拧,扭紧,挤压:~车。~痛。~心。~肠痧(霍乱病的俗称)。~尽心力。

  • 用绳子把人勒死:~刑。~杀。

  • 缠绕:~缠。~结。

  • 量词,用于纱或毛线等。


(把两股以上条状物扭在一起) twist:

  • 把几股铁丝绞在一起

    twist several strands of wire together;

  • 心如刀绞

    feel as if a knife were being twisted in one's heart


(握住条状物的两端同时向相反的方向转动, 使受到挤压; 拧) wring:

  • 把毛巾的水绞出来

    wring water from [out of] a towel


(纠缠) entangle; entwine:

  • 许多问题绞在一起, 闹不清楚。

    With so many things mixed up, it's hard to make out what's what.


(用绳索勒) hang by the neck:

  • 那个罪犯被绞死。

    The criminal was hanged.


(转动轮轴) wind:

  • 绞动辘轳

    wind a windlass


{机} (用绞刀切削) bore with a reamer; ream:

  • 绞孔

    ream a hole


(费心思) give a lot of care:

  • 绞尽脑汁

    rack [beat] one's brains


(用于纱、毛线等) skein; hank:

  • 一绞毛线

    a skein of woollen yarn


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 绞洁

    Jiao Jie

  1. 将每个通道的HI和LO线合绞在一起可减小封闭区域。

    Twist the HI and LO wires of each channel together to minimize the enclosed area .

  2. 该包装机采用碾拉工艺,通过综合分析拉紧与绞扭组合动作的传动,实现了钢管的打捆包装机械化,使钢管包装质量达到了ISO9000标准要求,同时降低了劳动强度。

    Adopting the method of grinding and pulling , and generally analyzing the transmission of combination motion of tense and twist , the mechanization of steel tube packing is realized , the packing quality has met the needs of ISO9000 , and the labor intension is reduced .

  3. 他们把床单绞成绳子,缘绳而下逃走了。

    They had twisted the sheets into a rope and escaped by climbing down it .

  4. 也许我会买点瘦肉自己绞。

    Perhaps I 'll buy lean meat and mince it myself .

  5. 有个男的一只脚绞进剪草机里了。

    A man caught his foot in the lawnmower .

  6. 她想把睡衣踢脱,可是它却和缎子床单绞到了一块。

    She tried to kick the pajamas loose , but they were tangled in the satin sheet

  7. 肉煮熟后,沥干肉汁,将其放入食品加工机或绞肉机中。

    When cooked , drain off the juices and put the meat in a processor or mincer .

  8. 许多问题绞在一起,闹不清楚。

    With so many things mixed up , it 's hard to make out what 's what .

  9. 她把衣服绞干了。

    She wrings the clothes dry .

  10. 等把脸上所有的毛全绞光了,整个脸就像个鸭蛋一样光净。

    When all the fine hair and eyebrows were rooted out , the whole face was as glossy as duck 's egg .

  11. 基于PLC现场网络的绞吸式挖泥船监控系统

    Cutter Suction Dredger Monitoring System Based on PLC Field Net

  12. GPS定位系统在绞吸式挖泥船中的应用

    Application of Globe Positioning System to Cutter Suction Dredger

  13. PLC在绞吸式挖泥船监控系统改造中的应用

    Application of PLC in Reform of Monitoring and Control System of Cutter Suction Dredge

  14. PLC及总线技术在啤酒糖化绞笼出槽系统中的应用

    The Application of PLC and Bus Technology to the Out Trough System of Beery Saccharified Winch Spool

  15. 1750m3/h绞吸式挖泥船是我国目前自行设计、自行制造的疏浚功率最大的绞吸式挖泥船。

    The 1750 m3 / h cutter suction dredger is the biggest dredger designed and built in our country .

  16. 所有元数据结合起来,在用户输入的选择转换为XML标记,并添加到绞文件。

    All meta-data is combined with the user inputted options , converted to XML tags and added to the Skein document .

  17. IBM公司(财富美国500强排名第20位)曾经是绞肉机和奶酪切片机制造商。

    IBM ( IBM , Fortune 500 ) ( No. 20 ) used to make meat choppers and cheese slicers .

  18. 手术要点是绞链侧骨槽截面为浅弧形而非V形。

    The gist of operation is that the bone groove of hinged side was not cut V shape but shallow in section .

  19. 针对目前国内绞吸式挖泥船自动化水平较低的情况,提出了一种基于Controllerlink网络的绞吸式挖泥船监控系统。

    View of lower automation level of cutter-suction dredger in China , the article introduces a monitoring system of cutter suction dredger based on controller link networks .

  20. 本文作者结合具体挖泥船的设计对泥泵系统作了一些探索,并简要阐述了1750m3/h绞吸式挖泥船泥泵系统设计的顺序和方法。

    Dredging pumping system for a cutter suction dredger is described in the paper . Also the design sequences and methods for the system are outlined .

  21. 利用较小规模的BP网络就实现了对铝绞导线断股的实时在线精确诊断。

    When smaller BP network is adopted , the online precise diagnosis to the aluminum stranded conductor strand broken by inspection robot will be realized .

  22. 最后,在理论和实际研究的指导下,采用VISUALBASIC程序语言,编制了独立的绞吸挖泥船绞刀切削岩石受力计算软件,为今后进一步的研究和实际应用提供了便利。

    In the end , based on the theoretical and practical research , independent software were programmed using Visual Basic language , which would facilitate further study and practical application in future .

  23. SZ绞在电力电缆制造中的应用

    The application of SZ stranding in the production of power cables

  24. ICP-MS测定绞骨蓝中微量元素及其溶出特性的研究

    Determination and Extraction of Trace Element in Red Sage by ICP - MS

  25. SY皮革防绞剂性能与应用研究

    Properties And Use Of Tangle - proofing Agent SY For Leather

  26. 我认为他很有可能利用雄厚的资金和众多人的吹捧重新投入这场绞尽脑汁的竞选角逐(meatgrinder绞肉机)。

    I think he is probably making too much money , getting too much adulation to put himself through the meat grinder again .

  27. 利用γ分布模型求取国产对绞电缆开通PCM系统时的收容系数

    Use of γ Distribution Mode for Determining Percentage of Pairs of Domestic Paired Cables Used for PCM Transmission

  28. 测得其的绞纱品质指标(CSP)和单纱相对强力(RS)。

    Determining the quality indexes ( CSP ) of the yarn in hank and its relative tensile strength ( RS ) .

  29. 层绞式ADSS光缆的结构设计与软件实现

    Structure design and software accomplishment of layer stranded all-dielectric self-supporting fiber optic cable

  30. 光纤带SZ绞新技术

    SZ stranding technology for fiber ribbons