
jiǎo ròu
  • mince meat
  1. 肉煮熟后,沥干肉汁,将其放入食品加工机或绞肉机中。

    When cooked , drain off the juices and put the meat in a processor or mincer .

  2. IBM公司(财富美国500强排名第20位)曾经是绞肉机和奶酪切片机制造商。

    IBM ( IBM , Fortune 500 ) ( No. 20 ) used to make meat choppers and cheese slicers .

  3. 我认为他很有可能利用雄厚的资金和众多人的吹捧重新投入这场绞尽脑汁的竞选角逐(meatgrinder绞肉机)。

    I think he is probably making too much money , getting too much adulation to put himself through the meat grinder again .

  4. HY公司是中国最早生产绞肉机、切肉机的企业之一,从1984年建立以来,一直未有合作者,公司的所有权归创始者。

    , Ltd. established in 1984 , and is one of the earliest meat grinder manufacturers in China , and has not pursued any cooperates .

  5. 他做饺子用的猪肉来自尼曼农场(NimanRanch),他自己绞肉,自己做出薄而结实的饺子皮。

    He grinds Niman Ranch pork in-house for dumplings and makes the skins from scratch , thin enough not to impose but still sturdy .

  6. 伯德夫人:我还要一磅绞肉。

    Mrs. Bird : And a pound of mince , too .

  7. 把绞肉机和碎骨机拿来。

    Bring up the mangler . Bring up the bonebreaker .

  8. 如果他们想要把他们的头送入绞肉机里,那么请便吧。

    If they want to feed themselves head first into that meat grinder , let em.

  9. 挖空的红蕃茄内填入南法香料、蕃茄与低筋牛绞肉,拌牛油烤出鲜浓茄汁为佐酱。

    A hallow tomato to be stuffed with south France spices and minced beef , with butter toasted .

  10. 首先,把一个鸡蛋、两茶匙盐和两磅牛绞肉搅在一起。

    First , mix together an egg , two teaspoons of salt , two pounds of ground beef .

  11. 处理过的鸡肉肉渣被加进了绞肉中,接着是食用淀粉、盐以及其他调味料。

    Processed chicken trimmings are added to the ground meat , followed by food starch , salt and other flavorings .

  12. 他指出,绞肉机的畅销是因为俄罗斯人不信任肉店。

    In the case of meat grinders , he says , that appears to be because Russians do not trust their butchers .

  13. 干酪素从奶粉中提取,并和其他自然配料一同在类似绞肉机的机器里加热。纤维成缕生出,并纺在纺纱机的细纱上。

    The casein is extracted from dried milk powder and then heated up in a type of meat-mincing machine with other natural ingredients .

  14. 本机是提升物料的专用设备,可用于绞肉机、斩拌机、真空搅拌机、肉糜输送提升加料。

    The elevator is devised to elevate the raw material for meat mincer , chopper . - mixer vacuum mixer and minced meat trasporter .

  15. 你知道你做客斯托克,你就知道一场绞肉机式的比赛,但是直到他们破门得分前,我们都非常出色。

    You know you will be in for a very physical game when you come to Stoke but we battled well until they scored .

  16. 马英九发表上述讲话前,台湾立法院完成了对《食品卫生管理法》的修订,禁止从过去10年内受到疯牛病影响的地区进口牛的内脏和绞肉。

    Mr Ma spoke after legislators amended food safety laws that bar the import of offal and ground beef from regions affected by mad cow disease in the past 10 years .

  17. 他用蜡纸把绞碎的肉包好,再用棕色纸包上,用胶纸粘好,在纸包上标上价钱。

    He wraps the ground meat in waxed paper , seals it with gummed paper , and marks the price on the package .

  18. 还有曾经可爱的母牛和火鸡的绞牛肉及火鸡肉。

    Phoebe : We 've got the groundup flesh of formerly cute cows and turkeys , ew ...

  19. 一种能有效地防止使用者不小心将自己的手指绞进去的防绞手绞肉机。

    The utility model relates to a hand-chop preventing meat grinder which can avoid effectively the hand of the user being chopped in .