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  1. 但是现在随着科技的发展它也被炮制为绞股蓝茶。

    But now , with the development of technology it has also been fabricated as Jiaogulan tea .

  2. 其高皂甙含量的持续时间很长,而且高皂甙含量持续时间正好与生物产量形成高峰期吻合,是生产绞股蓝茶的优良品系。

    The higher saponins content lasted for relative long time , and is consistent with the biomass , so 40201 cultivar is the eximious species to produce Gynostemma tea .

  3. 结果表明:绞股蓝珠茶最佳冲泡参数为茶水比1/75、冲泡时间6min、冲泡温度80℃、冲泡次数3次。

    The results showed that the best brew parameters were tea-water ratio 1 / 75 , brew period 6 min , brew temperature 80 ℃, and brewing for 3 times .

  4. 正交设计优化绞股蓝珠茶冲泡参数的研究

    Orthogonal Design for Optimizing the Brew Parameters of Pearl Gynostemma pentaphyllum Tea

  5. 第二,河南省绞股蓝利用研究匮乏,产品较少,品种比较单一,主要以绞股蓝茶为主。

    Second , mainly products in Henan province is less , variety is unitary , mainly composed of gynostemma tea .