
Local searching algorithm using incomplete preference information of negotiation opponents is proposed to determine concrete negotiation offers .
The negotiation program and the proposal documents produced by the Chinese party shall comply with the contents of the approved project proposal .
The self-adaptive property of algorithm producing negotiation schemes in model embodies in adjustment dynamically on issue weight , genetic parameter and bias of gains , and gives the formulas of issue weight adjustment and real encoding .
One by one , families , after negotiating their compensations from governments , left and entire communities scattered to the winds to live out the next stage of their Shanghai dream .
A Solution Based on GA for Automatic Negotiation Negotiation skill strike the weak point
But the future of the EU case was clouded in August when Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor , said on a trip to China that she would prefer a negotiated solution .
Is there any specific formula to that end ?
We have time for that , and it would be better if we could find a solution through talks .
Russia says it 's putting together counter proposals to US plan for a negotiated solution to the Ukraine crisis .
According to people familiar with the matter , the industry department and BHP are in the final stages of negotiating a package designed to demonstrate the merits of a deal to Canada .
They include reaching agreement through consultation and negotiation between direct parties concerned , continuing to implement the Declaration of the Conduct of the South China Sea and searching for ways of common exploitation .
Developing countries will be paid for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation ( REDD ) in a scheme to be finalised at this year 's climate negotiations in Copenhagen .
The goal of the communication design is to define electronic negotiation scenario models for the logic space of an electronic negotiation medium .
According to one diplomat involved in negotiations with intermediaries from Tripoli , the coalition was " closer but not close enough " to a negotiated solution .
Risk evaluation in hostage negotiation refers to the basic assessment to the real situation before the actual negotiation and scheme design when the police reach the spot of hostage kidnapping .