
  1. Plum是一个强硬的谈判对手,那些年轻的好战的联盟成员,希望他能和联盟对质。

    Plum is a tough negotiator , too , something younger , more militant members of the league want in their confrontation with the union .

  2. 数月以前,pcaob的官员在一场“建立信任”的演练中曾被允许观察他们的谈判对手中国监管机构的工作。

    A few months ago officials from PCAOB were allowed to observe their Chinese counterparts during a " trust-building " exercise .

  3. 这样,您的谈判对手才能尊重您。

    Also only then in the respect foundation , the negotiations can work .

  4. 但是,一个一心报复的群龙无首的政党,不可能是可靠的谈判对手。

    But a leaderless party bent on revenge cannot be a reliable negotiating partner .

  5. 他表示:男性应该考虑一下谈判对手会如何看待他们。

    Men should consider how their counterpart is going to view them , he said .

  6. 换句话说,中美商人都觉得中国谈判对手不那么老实。

    In other words , both US and Chinese businesspeople perceive Chinese counterparties as less scrupulous .

  7. 伊朗方面呼吁立刻取消所有制裁,而其谈判对手则希望渐进地取消制裁措施。

    Iran is calling for an immediate lifting of sanctions while its negotiation partners want a gradual easing .

  8. 这得看谈判对手多想跟你做生意了。

    It all depends on how badly the guys playing the dreams chips want to do business with you .

  9. 调查尽可能多地寻找关于谈判对手的信息,并确保自己已经有了最充分的准备。

    Research Try to find as much as you can about your counterpart and make sure you prepare properly .

  10. 李英镐与他的谈判对手魏圣洛将于本周三在北京进行今年第二次会谈。

    Ri and his South Korean counterpart Wi Sung-lac will meet in Beijing Wednesday for the second time this year .

  11. “与那些多年来左右市场价格的谈判对手相比,中国公司显得缺乏谈判经验,”他说。

    " They ( Chinese firms ) are less experienced compared with their negotiation rivals , who have controlled the market for years ," he said .

  12. 该轨迹图可以记录谈判对手的历史谈判数据,分析其心理特性,为当前谈判提供参考。

    The track chart can be used to record the historical bargaining data . These data can provide a useful tool for the analysis of psychological characters of buyers and support current negotiation .

  13. 我了解各位现在都很累了,但是你所写的同学(可能)会很感谢你的付出。此外,各位还需要多加练习分析谈判对手。

    By now you are totally exhausted with the semester , but the colleagues you write about will ( probably ) be grateful-and you need all the practice you can get in evaluating Others .

  14. 安托尼·阿诺特现在是伯鲁提品牌的首席执行官,他还说:“他的魅力与领导才能无与伦比。此外,他也是凶狠的谈判对手,你绝不想挡他的路。”

    The younger Mr. Arnault , who is now chief executive of the Berluti brand , added : " His charm and charisma were unparalleled . However , he was a fierce negotiator , and you didn 't want to get in his way . "

  15. 老牌的国榄联选手们开始谈判为对手的联赛效劳。

    Established NFL players began negotiating to play for the competing league .

  16. 这种失衡的一种可能解释是,谈判代表觉得谈判对手自己有可能采用不道德的策略。

    One possible explanation for this imbalance is the perceived likelihood that the other side in a negotiation will themselves use unethical tactics .

  17. 给出了确定谈判方案的基于谈判对手不完全偏好信息的局部搜索算法,以及基于论证理论的论据评价、产生以及选择方法。

    Local searching algorithm using incomplete preference information of negotiation opponents is proposed to determine concrete negotiation offers .

  18. 与此同时,中国谈判代表在与美国谈判对手谈判时的得分均值要更高一些,为3.92;在与中国谈判对手谈判时的得分均值为4.06。

    Meanwhile , Chinese participants had a higher score of 3.92 when dealing with Americans and 4.06 when dealing with Chinese counterparts .

  19. 分值从1到7,7代表采用不道德策略倾向最大的。美国谈判代表在与中国谈判对手谈判时的得分均值为3.00,在与美国谈判对手谈判时的得分均值为2.75。

    On a scale of one to seven , with seven being the least ethical , US participants had a mean score of 3.00 when dealing with Chinese counterparts and 2.75 when dealing with US counterparts .

  20. 要谈判就要研究、了解谈判对手的谈判风格。

    Negotiations will be to study the negotiating style of negotiations .

  21. 作为一个力争获得联合国安理会常任理事国席位的国家、一个全球贸易和气候变化谈判中强硬而坚定的谈判对手,巴西是大多数重大国际谈判的重要组成部分。

    An aspirant permanent member of the United Nations Security Council , a tough and determined negotiator in global trade and climate change talks , Brazil is an essential part of most serious global conversations .

  22. 维权投资者卡尔伊卡恩(carlicahn)为人熟知的习惯是起床很晚,工作到深夜,在大多数人通常已经熟睡的时候进行谈判,因此他在困倦的谈判对手面前很有优势。

    Carl Icahn , the activist investor , is known for waking up late and working late into the night , holding negotiations when most people would normally be fast asleep and he has an advantage over his weary rivals .

  23. 以色列也必须停止兴建定居点的活动,这种行动可以被看成是对和平谈判结果的预先判断,会破坏谈判对手的信心。

    Israel must also halt settlement activity , which can be seen as prejudging the outcome of negotiations and undermining its negotiating partner .

  24. 这些分数一方面能衡量你的谈判技能,一方面能看看你的运气和你的谈判方式与对手的方式切合而成的特定风格。

    These scores are , in part , a measure of your negotiating skill and in part a measure of luck and the particular fashion in which your negotiating style meshed with that of your negotiating partner .