
zī běn zhǔ yì qǐ yè
  • capitalistic enterprise
  1. 1873他毅然离开怡和洋行,参与轮船招商局的改组,成功地接管了近代中国自办的第一个大型的资本主义企业,标志着他由洋行买办向民族资本家的转变。

    Soon they triumphantly took over the first large capitalistic enterprise self-run by China , which was the symbol of his changing from a comprador to a national capitalist .

  2. 中国民族资本主义企业的社会主义改造经历了不同的阶段。

    Socialist transformation of Chinese national capitalist enterprises had different stages .

  3. 文章还总结了资本主义企业兼并重组的发展历程。

    The article also summarizes the evolution of merger and restructuring of capitalist enterprises .

  4. 从19世纪六七十年代开始,中国逐渐出现民族资本主义企业。

    Since 1860s and 1870s , the national capitalist business emerged gradually in China .

  5. 孰不知马克思早就对资本主义企业制度作过深刻而科学的分析。

    Marx had deep and scientific analysis on the enterprise system of capitalism long ago .

  6. 私有产权的社会基础:历史的启示&以对民族资本主义企业的社会主义改造为例

    The Social Basis of Private Property Right : A Study of Socialism Transformation of Capitalism Enterprises

  7. 试述资本主义企业管理者向领导者的角色转换

    A Comment on the Transition from the Role of the Capitalist Enterprise Manager to That of Leader

  8. 官僚资本主义企业收归国有了。

    Bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises were nationalized .

  9. 中国的民族资本主义企业产生相对较晚,并且是一出生就在夹缝之中生存,因此发展就更为艰难。

    The national capitalism of China was born relatively late , and the condition for its birth and development was very terrible .

  10. 资本主义企业只要发展到一定规模,资本家不仅脱离体力劳动,也脱离管理劳动。

    Capitalists not only break away from mental work but also break away from handle work when enterprises reach some scale in capitalism enterprises .

  11. 私人资本主义企业也应当试行这种办法,以达到降低成本、增加生产、劳资两利的目的。

    Private capitalist enterprises should also try out this method in order to reduce costs , increase output and benefit both labour and capital .

  12. 作为企业理论的另一种思维,生产视角下的企业理论与资本主义企业的产生、变化过程一起发展。

    The production perspective of the firm theory , an alternative view of the theory , develops along with the rise and advancement of capitalist enterprises .

  13. 指出资本主义企业兼并重组已有一百多年的历史,经历了五次高潮,极大地促进了资本主义企业的发展。

    It is illustrated that this evolution has a history of more than one hundred years with five peaks and greatly promotes the development of capitalist enterprises .

  14. 市场社会主义者的回答最有意思。他们断言,国有企业能够模拟资本主义企业,利用市场价格来引导自己的行为。

    The most interesting response came from market socialists , who asserted that state-owned enterprises could mimic capitalist ones in using market prices to guide their activities .

  15. 中国民族资本主义企业产生的条件主要是商品市场、劳动力市场的形成和外国资本主义的刺激。

    The conditions for it to appear were the formation of outlets for goods and the market for labor forces and the stimulation of the foreign capitalism .

  16. 首先是西方资本主义企业股份制在中国的应用;其次是西方先进的科学技术在中国的传播。

    The first is the application of the sharing system of western capitalism incorporation in China . The second is spread of the western advanced scientific technology in China .

  17. 资本主义企业的主体是人格化了的资本&资本家,即资本家在企业中处于统治和主宰的地位,工人则是被雇佣的劳动者。

    Capitalist enterprises subject is personified in the capital-the capitalists , that is , the capitalists in the enterprise in a position of domination and domination , workers are hired workers .

  18. 最近几年,一些外国公司在委内瑞拉的日子并不好过,因为查韦斯希望惩罚资本主义企业以儆效尤,同时深化他的社会主义革命。

    Some foreign companies have had a rough ride in Venezuela in recent years as Mr Ch á vez sought to make an example of capitalist companies while deepening his socialist revolution .

  19. 第二,马克思主义者没有深入分析资本主义企业怎样成功地利用管理者与工人之间的等级制分工,对生产性资源的开发和利用加以计划和协调。

    Second , most Marxists haven 't deeply analysed how capitalistic enterprisers managed to make use of the estate division between manager and workers , how they planned and coordinated the exploitation of productive resources .

  20. 随着新科技革命的不断深入,市场经济由近代向现代的发展,资本主义企业面临的外部市场环境发生了重大变化,从而从根本上促成了资本主义企业管理者向领导者角色转换这样一场管理革命。

    In keeping with the deepgoing development of the new Sci Tech revolution and the transition from modern market economy to contemporary market economy , the external market that capitalistic enterprises faced changes a lot .

  21. 但他始终只是一个不受信任的买办,不信任、怀疑、屈辱时时伴随着他,到1873年,在他的思想意识里终于发出要求发展民族资本主义企业的呐喊。

    But he was always a comprador not being trusted . Mistrust , suspicion and insult went with him all the time . By the year 1873 , he had the voice of developing national capitalistic enterprises in his mind .

  22. 它使华商积累了资金、技术、企业管理经验,造就出一批颇有作为的企业家,使部分外资企业转化为民族资本主义企业,直接推动了中国资本主义的产生和社会的进步。

    It enabled the Chinese business to accumulate funds , technology and experiences in business management . It also brought up a group of promising enterprisers and turned part of foreign enterprises into national capitalist ones as well as pushing forward the Chinese capitalist production and social progress directly .

  23. 资本主义自由企业制

    The free enterprise capitalist system

  24. 在印度,人们深深担忧资本主义家族企业和西方金融推动下的增长故事,可能正在走向终点。

    In India , there are deep worries that a growth story driven by capitalist family businesses and western finance may be fading .

  25. 在中国的当代,否定资本主义私营企业中存在剥削的理论不符合客观经济事实。

    In the present age of China , the theory denying exploitation in capitalist private enterprises is not in line with the objective economic fact .

  26. 全球化背景下的经济理性主义、学术资本主义和企业管理主义以及政府角色的变化给大学带来前所未有的冲击与挑战。

    In the course of globalization , institutions of higher education are challenged by economic rationalism , academic capitalism , managerialism , and the change of the role of government .

  27. 大企业崛起后,美国政府对大企业的垄断行为进行管制并立法,体现了资本主义大企业成长与政府互动的一般规律。

    After that , American government set the regulation and legislation on monopolistic actions of large corporations and ruled over them . It shows the general principle about the interaction between enterprises growing and government legislation .

  28. 这是山西近代工业中资金比较雄厚、相对成规模的第一个民族资本主义煤矿企业,也是山西煤炭工业史上进入机械与半机械化采煤的开始。

    This is modern industrial capital in Shanxi Province is abundant , relative to the size of the first national capitalism in coal mine enterprises , Shanxi coal industry to the mechanical and half mechanization mining start .

  29. 这门课将传统的课堂讲课与情景模拟、嘉宾讲座和实践作业结合在一起,旨在探讨商业领导人应该如何在自由市场资本主义和企业的可持续性实践之间协调发展。

    The course , which combines traditional lectures with simulations , guest speakers , and hands-on work , tackles the question of how business leaders should reconcile the virtues of free-market capitalism with the need for more sustainable corporate practices .

  30. 马克思主义经济学的研究,大致可以归纳为自由人联合体、工人自治、劳动雇佣制、劳动者参与等几个方面,前三个方面描述的都是不同于资本主义的企业治理模式,即劳动者治理;

    It is different in Marxist economics that the research framework of laborer 's participation in firm governance will generally include the aspects of freemen 's union , workers ' autonomy , labor hiring system , and laborer 's joining into governance .