
  1. 其次,分析资本主义私有制与前资本主义私有制的区别;

    And then , an analysis of the difference between capitalist ownership and pre-capitalist ownership ;

  2. 社会主义公有制是对资本主义私有制辩证否定的产物。

    Public ownership of socialism is the product of dialectical negation to private ownership of capitalism .

  3. 在资本主义私有制条件下,这三权归属于资本家;

    But under the condition of the capitalist private ownership , the above three rights belong to the capitalist .

  4. 资本主义私有制和市场经济共同决定了资本主义经济的两重性,即私人性和社会性。

    Capitalistic private ownership and market economy define the dualism of capitalist economy , that is , private and sociality .

  5. 合理个人主义不是商品经济的反映,而是资本主义私有制商品经济的必然。

    Rational individualism is not a reflection of the commodity economy , but a inevitable result of commodity economy under capitalism .

  6. 因此,实现利益的和谐必须要通过消除旧的分工,消灭资本主义私有制而实现。

    Therefore , the interests of harmony must be achieved by eliminating the old division of labor , capitalist private ownership .

  7. 试论资本主义私有制的存在方式&重读马克思、恩格斯著作的一则笔记

    On the Being Patterns of Capitalist Private Ownership & A Note in Reviewing the Books of K · Marx and F · Engls

  8. 这种剩余价值一般不仅存在于资本主义私有制经济中,也存在于社会主义公有制经济中。

    This kind of surplus value not only exists in capitalism private ownership economy , but also exists in socialism public ownership economy .

  9. 马克思所有制理论存在三条发展逻辑:1.小生产个人所有制资本主义私有制重新建立个人所有制;

    Three types of developmental patterns exist in his theory of ownership : 1 . private ownership of small producers capitalist private ownership reestablished private ownership ;

  10. 因此,他们提出要对资本主义私有制进行改造,这是实现市场公正的制度前提。

    Therefore , they pointed out that private owned system of capitalism should be reformed , and this is the system precondition to realize market equity .

  11. 从我国重点建设的成就看社会主义公有制的优越性&兼资本主义私有制的不合理性

    Comments on the Superiority of Socialist Public Ownership from the Achievements in the Key Construction of Our Country & Concurrently Analyses the Irrationality of Capitalist Private Ownership

  12. 但从本质看,个人主义源于资本主义私有制,集体主义取决于社会主义公有制。

    But seen from the essence , individualism comes from the private system of capitalism , and the collectivism is decided by the public owned system of socialism .

  13. 然而,西方新闻业建立在资本主义私有制的经济基础之上,这就决定了媒介社会责任观念始终无法解决西方新闻业的根本矛盾与悖论。

    However , western journalism is founded in the basis of capitalist private ownership , which decides the concept cannot solve the deep and basic contradiction and paradox .

  14. 社会经济制度变化了,个体经济变为集体经济,资本主义私有制正在变为社会主义公有制。

    The social and economic system has been changed ; individual economy has been transformed into collective economy , and capitalist private ownership is being transformed into socialist public ownership .

  15. 本文以我国重点建设的成就为事实依据,通过与资本主义私有制的对比,分析和说明了社会主义公有制的优越性。

    On the basis of the achievements in the key construction of our country , this paper analyses and explains the superiority of socialist public ownership by comparing with capitalist private ownership .

  16. 尽管在资本主义私有制条件下,这种作用往往被忽视弱化,然而在一定时期,尤其是经济危机时期,也会突发地暴露出来。

    Although such reaction is often neglected or weakened under the capitalist private system , it shows up spontaneously in a certain historical period , especially in the period of economic crisis .

  17. 印度社会的现代化进程相对缓慢,无疑是归之于资本主义私有制和国家垄断资本主义以及印度特有的社会文化制度(如宗教等)。

    The modern process of Indian society is slow relatively , undoubtedly being attributed to capitalist private ownership , state monopoly capitalism and Indian peculiar cultural system ( such as religious etc. ) .

  18. 最后她却以悲剧收场,她的毁灭典型地代表着由于资本主义私有制的发展而在经济上造成了女性与男性之间的矛盾,并反映出整个贵族阶级女性遭受的种种灾难。

    Finally she ends in tragedy . Her ruin typically represents the economic contradiction with men due to the development of capitalist private ownership and reflects all kinds of disasters of the aristocratic women .

  19. 虽然这些研究都是以资本主义私有制为暗含前提的,但其研究方式和方法完全可供我们研究国有企业经营者激励与约束问题借鉴。

    Though these research accomplishments make the capitalist private system as their premise , we can learn from their ways and methods for studying the problem of incentive and constraint to manager in SOE .

  20. 马克思认为无产者要想获得自由,就必须先消灭资本主义私有制,然后在新社会中变为有产者,实现路径是重新建立个人所有制。

    To Marx , the " proletariat ", in order to obtain freedom , must first of all destroy capitalist private ownership , and then become " man of property " through the " rebuild personal ownership " .

  21. 社会主义实践经验已充分证明,社会主义公有制取代资本主义私有制必须经历一个渐进过程,产生于资本主义社会的股份经济是这一渐进过程中必经的过渡形式。

    The experience of the socialist practice has demonstrated that the substitute of the capitalist ownership by socialist public ownership is a gradual process . The share economy that derived from capitalism is the transitional form of socialist share economy .

  22. 但是处在资本主义私有制的环境下,他们从事的劳动并非出自本身对劳动的需要,而是被强制的,是为了满足诸如吃、喝、睡等同动物相似的机能所进行的劳动。

    However , in capitalist private ownership , they work not because of the innate need but because they are enforced to satisfy the need of eating , drinking , sleeping and so on which are equal to animal functions .

  23. 在现实上,我们应该以科学发展观为指导,通过弘扬人的主体性、体现人的根本利益,铲除资本主义私有制等途径解决环境问题,实现人的全面发展。

    In order to solve the environment problem and realize human ′ s comprehensive development , we should take the scientific development view as to guide , expand human ′ s subject , embody human ′ s basic benefits and uproot the capitalism private system .

  24. 经典作家认为未来社会主义发展模式将是社会主义公有制取代资本主义私有制,商品货币关系将退出历史舞台,社会将有计划地自觉地组织和管理经济活动。

    Public ownership of socialism takes the place of private ownership of capitalism , commodity money relation withdraws from history stage , and the society positively organizes and manages economic activity with plan , all that is the future development pattern of socialism that classical writers believe .

  25. 北美土地的富足加速了封建土地生产关系的瓦解以及资本主义土地私有制的确立,为商业性农业的发展创造了广阔的自由空间。

    The abundance of the land accelerated the collapse of the feudal ownership of land and promoted the establishing of capitalistic one . As a result , it created a freedom for the development of commercial agriculture .

  26. 相对于西方发达资本主义国家的私有制而言,我国拥有数量远为庞大的经营性国有资产,伴随着中国国有企业改革的步伐,中国国有资产监管机构也屡次变革。

    To compare with private ownership of the western developed capitalist nations , there are an overwhelming numbers of state-owned assets in China .

  27. 资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。

    Capitalism is based on private ownership .

  28. 资本家正从私人占有制中获得暴利。资本主义是建立在私有制基础上的。

    The capitalists are reaping rich harvest from their monopolistic ownership . Capitalism is based on private ownership .

  29. 所不同的是,资本主义社会从维护私有制这一前提出发,设定自由、正义、效率与效益以及和谐发展的内涵。

    The difference is that the capitalist societies enact the connotations of freedom , justice , efficiency , benefit and harmonious development under the condition of maintaining private system .

  30. 我们的政策,包括没收地主土地和实行八小时工作制在内,并没有超出资本主义范畴内私有财产制的界限以外,并没有实行社会主义。

    Our policy , including the confiscation of the land of the landlords and the enforcement of the eight-hour working day , never went beyond the bounds of capitalist private ownership ; our policy was not to put socialism in practice then .