
  • 网络capitalist class
  1. 在认知层面,资本家阶级高倡劳资合作主义,鲜有例外。

    On the conceptual level , the capitalists unexeptionally sang odes to the cooperation between capital and labor .

  2. 东南亚华文文学的移民心态与本土心态社会主义改造中上海资本家阶级的思想动态

    Immigrant and Local Mentalities in the Chinese Language Literature of South East Asian Countries The Mentalities of Shanghai Capitalists and Their Performance in the course of Socialism Transformation

  3. 上海资本家阶级在改造过程中的疑惧不满较量服从的思想动态演变说明他们内心的矛盾与苦闷,无奈与挣扎,最后终于不太情愿地走向社会主义。

    The Shanghai capitalists ' mentalities development of suspicious , contest and submission illustrated their contradiction and depression , helplessness and struggle , utility and rationality in mind , but they accepted socialist transformation at last .

  4. 各阶层、各界人民,包括民族资本家、工人阶级、知识分子、青年学生、少数民族、宗教人士、台湾同胞、各地华侨,都表现出强烈的爱国主义精神。

    All the people from different social strata displayed strong spirit of patriotism , including national capitalists , workers , intellectuals , students , minority nationalities , religious members , our compatriots in Taiwan , overseas Chinese .

  5. 资产阶级在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家有地主阶级,有资产阶级;地主阶级和资产阶级的上层部分都是中国社会的统治阶级。

    In Marxist theory , a member of the property-owning class ; a capitalist . There are the landlord class and the bourgeoisie , the landlord class and the upper stratum of the bourgeoisie constituting the ruling classes in Chinese society .