
  • 网络Packaging;Food packaging;FOOD PACKAGE;food packing
  1. 来自拉夫堡和伯明翰的研究团队预测,将这一信息显示在食品包装上,可减少人均每天200卡路里的摄入量,他们说这足以降低英国的肥胖水平。

    The team from Loughborough and Birmingham predict displaying this information on food packaging could cut around 200 calories from a person 's daily average intake3 , which they say would be enough to bring down obesity4 levels in the UK .

  2. 食品包装用PVC膜增塑剂迁移的研究

    Migration of plasticizers in the PVC film applied in food packaging

  3. 许多食品包装袋被空运到另一个半球。

    Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth .

  4. 标准加入ICP-AES法测定食品包装袋中8种微量元素

    Standard addition determination of eight microelements in food wrapper by ICP-AES

  5. 本文以大豆分离蛋白(SPI)为基料,制备可食性食品包装薄膜。

    Soy protein isolate is used to form edible packaging film .

  6. 橡皮及PVC管材,密封件,仪表电表外壳,铝型材,药品食品包装。

    Rubber & PVC pipe , sealing parts , case shell of instrument , aluminum section and food package medicine .

  7. 化妆品包装面霜瓶洗发水香水瓶药品包装瓶食品包装瓶PE瓶PS瓶PP瓶PET瓶PVC瓶。

    Cosmetics packaging Cream bottle Shampoo perfume bottle Medicines bottle Food packing bottle PE bottle PS bottle PP bottle PET bottle PVC bottle .

  8. 以转谷氨酰胺酶(mTG)改性明胶为基料、丙三醇为增塑剂制备可食性食品包装薄膜。

    Edible films were prepared from microbial transglutaminase ( mTG ) modified gelatin , with glycerol as the plasticizer .

  9. 作为一种广泛应用的化工材料,目前BPA被滥用于生产罐头内包装、食品包装材料、牙科填充剂、婴儿用品等塑料行业。

    At present , BPA was abused in the production of canned packaging , food packaging materials , dental fillers , baby supplies and other plastics industry .

  10. 随着应用研究的深入,Nisin应用范围目前已扩展到造纸、活性食品包装、农业饲料、生殖避孕、医学移植等领域。

    The application field of Nisin has already expanded to paper making , food packing , agricultural feed , procreation and contraception , and the medical transplantation realms .

  11. 研制成功的食品包装用PVC新品种&WS-800S、WS-1300S的主要指标均处于国内同行业先进之列,并符合上海食品级包装材料的地方标准。

    Major norms of the title products , so prepared , have attained advanced domestic level , and have accorded with Shanghai local standards of food packaging use .

  12. 为确保聚酯瓶的食品包装安全卫生,我国及世界各国对此均有严格的限量规定,采取有效的措施进行质量控制,其中以FDA最为严格。

    PET bottles to food packaging to ensure safety and health , China and the world have strict limits to this requirement , to take effective measures to carry out quality control , of which the most stringent FDA .

  13. 采用该胶制成的复合薄膜食品包装袋可耐121℃、40min的蒸煮。

    The laminated film for food package can resist to boiling and steaming 40 min in 121 ℃ .

  14. 作为该调查研究的一部分,FDA上个月对BPA投了赞成票,称“目前对于食品包装中BPA的含量控制限度足够安全。”

    For its part , the FDA last month gave a vote of confidence to BPA , saying an " adequate margin of safety exists for BPA at current levels of exposure from food contact uses . "

  15. 它被使用为透明食品包装和渠管子。

    It is used for clear food packaging and plumbing pipe .

  16. 分析食品包装材料迁移模型中的扩散系数

    Analysis of Diffusion Coefficient for Migration Model in Food Packaging Material

  17. 食品包装中干式复合加工的应用与发展

    Application and development of dry-process , compound processing in food packaging

  18. 食品包装薄膜渗透性及其影响因素的研究

    The Researches on Factors Affecting the Permeability of Food Packaging Films

  19. 食品包装袋残留溶剂测定方法的研究

    Research on food pollution of residual solvent in food packing bags

  20. 逆向思维趋向于个性化的食品包装色彩设计

    Converse Thinking , Tendency to Personalized Color Design for Food Packaging

  21. 速食品包装设计中感性因素的认知和表达研究

    Research on Cognition and Expression in Sensibility of the Packaging Design

  22. 塑料食品包装中化学物迁移模型研究进展

    Research Progress of Chemical Substance Migration Model for Plastic Packaging Materials

  23. 气相色谱-质谱法分析食品包装材料中双酚A

    Determination of bisphenol A in food packings by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

  24. 基于价值工程原理的食品包装卫生安全分析

    Analysis the Food Package 's Hygienic Safety Base on Value Engineering

  25. 两种色谱法对塑料食品包装袋中邻苯二甲酸酯类化合物的分析

    Analysis of phthalates in food-packaging bags by two kinds of chromatography

  26. 新型环保技术在食品包装设计中的应用

    The Application of Food Packaging Design to New Environment Protection Technology

  27. 可食性食品包装技术的现状与未来

    Present situation and future of packaging technology for edible food

  28. 衍生气相色谱法快速测定食品包装材料中甲醛

    Rapid Determination of Formaldehyde in Food Packing Material by Derivation Gas Chromatography

  29. 微分阳极溶出伏安法测定食品包装材料中的痕量铅

    Determination of Trace Lead in Food Packing by Differential Anodic Stripping Voltammetry

  30. 荧光法测定食品包装材料中的双酚A

    Fluorescence Spectrophotometric Determination of Bisphenol A in Food Packing Materials