
  1. 我国食品安全危机事件中国家形象的媒体呈现

    The National Image Reported by Media in Chinese Food Safety Crisis

  2. 政府要成功的应对食品安全危机在于构建一个有效的食品安全危机应急管理体系。

    Government should build a successful emergency management system food safety crisis .

  3. 食品安全危机预警机制研究

    A Study of Mechanism of the Early Warning on Food Safety Crisis

  4. 逆境型政府规制理论与食品安全危机防控

    Adversity Government Regulation Theory and Prevention of Food Safety Crisis

  5. 食品安全危机管理中政府应急处理机制研究

    Study on the Emergency Mechanism in Food Safety Crisis Management

  6. 国外食品安全危机管理法律体系的比较与借鉴

    The food security crisis managing in abroad Comparison and reference of the legal system

  7. 食品安全危机己经成为我国社会管理过程中不可避免的重大挑战。

    Food safety Crisis has become an inevitable challenge to go social management of the major challenges .

  8. 食品安全危机中大学生的安全意识及行为影响因素研究

    Study on the influencing factors of safety consciousness and consume behavior of Undergraduates in the crisis of food safety

  9. 在秘书长领导下,组成全球食品安全危机高层特别工作组,世卫组织是其中一部分。

    WHO is part of a high-level task force on the global food security crisis , led by the Secretary-General .

  10. 并在此基础上,尝试性地提出在食品安全危机事件中重塑国家形象的整体传播策略。

    On the basis , we try to raise a communication strategy of re-build national image during the food safety crisis .

  11. 药品安全事故危机与对策的研究(一)食品安全危机管理中政府应急处理机制研究

    Chinese Drug Sefety Risk and Crisis Control , Achievement Problems and Solutions Study on the Emergency Mechanism in Food Safety Crisis Management

  12. 以三鹿奶粉事件为例,论当前我国食品安全危机与管理对策

    A discussion of current food safety crisis in China and management suggestions concerned , with Sanlu Milk Powder Incident as an example

  13. 两起食品安全危机相继发生则在提醒我们,在中国经营快餐业是有风险的。

    Two food safety crises in quick succession are a reminder that operating in China 's fast-food sector is a risky business .

  14. 可见完善的政府食品安全危机应急管理体系对于妥善、及时、有效地处置食品安全事件起着决定性的作用。

    In a word , perfectible emergency management system food safety crisis play a decisive role to cope with food safety crisis timely , effectively .

  15. 然而,近年来频发的食品安全危机事件,充分暴露了我国食品安全规制体制存在的种种弊端。

    However , the food safety crisis had been frequently in recent years , that exposed the fully drawbacks existent in food safety regulation system .

  16. 美联社称,此事表明,这个国家最近爆发的食品安全危机所波及到的范围可能不仅局限于牛奶和鸡蛋。

    It 's an indication that the scope of the country 's latest food safety scandal could extend beyond milk and eggs , AP said .

  17. 食品安全危机的预测应由专家分析系统做出,对危机信息应及时通报,避免公众出现心理失控,导致社会动荡;

    Thirdly , the task of food safety crisis forecasting should be executed by expert analysis system , and must be promptly notified to the public .

  18. 第二章首先阐述了公共危机与信息沟通的相关概念,在此基础上分析了食品安全危机管理中信息沟通的价值。

    Chapter ⅱ firstly defines " public crisis " and " information communication ", base on this point out the value of information communication of food safety crisis .

  19. 尤其是面对频繁的食品安全危机,如何建立一个完善的危机应对和处理体系是迫在眉睫的重要课题。

    How to build a comprehensive Emergency management system of food safety crisis is an urgent issue , especially in the period that food safety crises happen frequent .

  20. 我国是个幅员辽阔,人口众多的发展中国家,各地对食品安全危机应急管理的水平不均衡。

    China is a developing country with vast territory and a great number of people , the level of emergency management system of food safety crisis in different areas of China is unbalanced .

  21. 第四,运用比较研究方法,总结了美国、欧盟和日本等发达国家在食品安全危机管理方面的经验及对我国的启示。

    Fourth , after using comparison research method , I summarize the United States , the European Union and Japan and other developed countries experiences in food security crisis management and gained the inspiration of China .

  22. 实际上,为应对食品安全危机,家庭主妇中此前已开始流行购买酸奶机、面包机,现在看来,她们还得再练练蒸包子的功夫。

    In fact , as a response to the food security crisis , housewives have already popular buy yogurt machine , bread machine , now looks like , they also need some practice Kung Fu steamed buns .

  23. 从公共管理角度看,我国食品安全危机事件频发,与食品安全监管体系的混乱和危机预警机制的缺乏有重要关系。

    From the perspective of public administration , that the food safety crisis occurs frequently in our country is possibly caused by the chaos of food safety supervision and management as well as the lack of early warning mechanism .

  24. 如何采取措施摆脱食品安全危机带给企业的影响,减轻危机蔓延的范围,从中寻找机会谋求新发展的危机管理是食品企业管理者必须认真思考的课题。

    It is a hard problem for business managers to seriously think about , such as how to get rid of bad impact brought by the food crisis and how to seek opportunity and new development from the crisis .

  25. 从领域、规模、频度等角度来看,我国现阶段处于公共危机事件的多发期,在发生的各类危机事件中,食品安全危机发生的频率和负面影响都位居前列。

    Viewed from the field , size , frequency and other points , our country is in the period that multiple public crises happen frequently . The frequency and negative impact that food security crisis caused are prominent in the events of various types of crisis .

  26. 近年来包括食品安全危机在内的各种品牌犯错事故层出不穷,对品牌造成负面影响的也严重危害到品牌与消费者之间的关系,甚至会导致品牌关系的断裂,对企业发展造成不利影响。

    Recent years , various brands misconducts emerge endlessly , having a negative impact on brand itself and also doing harms to the relationships between brands and consumers , and even leading to rupture of brand relationships . All these lead an adverse impact to the enterprise development .

  27. 尤其是,近年来我国乃至全世界的公共危机又有一种较为突出的公共危机即食品安全危机。本论文首先对食品安全危机、食品安全危机管理、系统思考进行相关文献的研究。

    In particular , in recent years , China and the world have a more prominent public crisis of public food safety crisis that kind of public crisis . Firstly , the food security crisis , food security crisis management , systems thinking to the study of literature .

  28. 化解食品安全危机,保护我国人民利益,需要建立完善的食品安全事前防预体系,更需要设置行之有效的事后救济机制,对食品安全事故中的受害者进行及时、充分的救济。

    To resolve food safety crisis , protect the interests of our people , need to establish a perfect food safety beforehand prevention system , the more you need to set up effective relief mechanism , for the victims of food safety accidents in a timely and adequate relief .

  29. 通过食品安全的危机预测预报,及时采取有效的干预措施,积极预防危机、化解或减轻危机。

    Lastly , effective intervention measures must strengthened to prevent , eliminate or ease a food safety crisis .

  30. 提高舆论监督的覆盖面,拓展舆论监督的渠道,实现大众媒体和专门媒体相结合的舆论监督;(2)全方位的进行食品安全公共危机的报道、曝光和监、指导。

    Improve the coverage of public opinion , expanding the channels of public opinion , combining the mass media and specialized media supervision by public opinion ; ( 2 ) A full rangeof public reports of the crisis of food safety , exposure and monitoring guidance . 3 .