
  • 网络GOLDMAN SACHS GROUP;Goldman Sachs Group Inc;The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc
  1. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的老板拒绝将在家办公视为新常态,而是称其为“反常态”。

    The boss of Goldman Sachs rejected working from home as a new normal – labelling it an ' aberration4 ' instead .

  2. 去年,高盛集团宣布,员工可以在办公室内着便装。

    Last year , Goldman Sachs announced that its employees could start dressing down for the office .

  3. 高盛集团CEO贝兰克梵:900万美元,均为股票。

    Lloyd Blankfein , CEO Goldman Sachs , $ 9 million , all in stock .

  4. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)曾在一份报告中将中国列为仅次于日本的全球第二大奢侈品市场。

    A Goldman Sachs Group report ranks China as the world 's second - largest luxury-goods market , after Japan .

  5. 吉利最近从高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)旗下的私募股权子公司获得了2.45亿美元的投资后,胆量尤其大了起来。

    Geely has been especially emboldened of late , having just received a $ 245 million investment from Goldman Sachs Group 's private-equity arm .

  6. 转化经济危机为生财良机,这种事我们或许可以指望高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)。

    Leave it to Goldman Sachs ( GS ) to turn an economic calamity into a money making opportunity .

  7. 1月4日,高盛集团表示其将购买脸谱网(facebook)的股份,并帮助其客户也投资这家互联网公司。

    On January 4th Goldman Sachs said it would buy a stake in Facebook and help its clients to invest in the Internet firm too .

  8. 如果你上周末买过一罐可乐,你有可能多花了0.002美元,背后的原因是高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)。

    If you bought a can of coke this weekend , you might have paid $ 0.002 more because of Goldman Sachs .

  9. 该公司的私募股权基金的投资者包括北美退休基金比尔及梅林达•盖茨基金会(Bill&MelindaGatesFoundation)、高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)和中国社保基金(SocialSecurityFund)。

    Investors in the firm 's private-equity funds include North American pension funds , the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation , Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and China 's national Social Security Fund .

  10. 另一家银行—高盛集团预测,这次灾难的经济损失将达16万亿日元(2020亿美元),或者说占GDP的4%。

    Another bank , Goldman Sachs , estimates the cost of the damage at ¥ 16 trillion ( $ 202 billion ) , or about 4 % of GDP .

  11. 担任了一段时间的公职之后,这位前高盛集团CEO试图推动明富环球进入更具风险性的领域,进而将其改造成一个更具影响力的金融机构。

    Coming off a stint in public service , the former Goldman Sachs CEO tried to makeover MF Global into something bigger by taking on risky trades .

  12. 本周末《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)一篇报道称,高盛集团操纵铝价进而从可口可乐及其他产品的消费者身上获利约50亿美元。

    The tale of how Goldman is manipulating the market for aluminum and boosting prices to the tune of $ 5 billion a year for coke drinkers and others was laid out this weekend in an article in thenew York Times .

  13. EdwardChang补充说,那些太过乐观的投行在次级抵押贷款危机中遭受了重创,而高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroup)当初却预见到了灾难性的前景,最终得以全身而退。

    Arguably , adds Prof. Chang , investment banks suffering from the subprime-lending crisis were too optimistic while Goldman Sachs , which plotted out disaster scenarios , has thrived . '

  14. 据高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)称,46%的公司大幅度超过了华尔街的收益预期,但只有收入明显超过预期的公司只有23%。

    According to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , 46 % of companies beat Wall Street 's earnings expectations by a wide margin , but only 23 % significantly bettered revenue forecasts .

  15. 但知情人士说,高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)和摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase&Co.)在上涨阶段也持有AIG股票。

    But Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. also owned AIG shares during the run-up , according to people familiar with the matter .

  16. 据联合国人口司(UNPopulationDivision)及高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)预测,在一代人时间内,中国中产阶级将大约是美国中产阶级人口规模的4倍。

    Within a generation , the middle class in China will be roughly four times the size of the American middle class population , according to the UN Population Division and Goldman Sachs .

  17. 去年,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的高管安东尼·J·诺托(AnthonyJ.Noto)搬到西海岸,成了Twitter的首席财务官。

    A top banker at Goldman Sachs , Anthony J. Noto , moved west last year to become the chief financial officer at Twitter .

  18. 要求及收到AIG质押物的银行包括高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)、美林(MerrillLynch&Co.)、瑞士银行(UBSAG)、德意志银行(DeutscheBankAg)及其他一些银行。

    The banks that have sought and received collateral from AIG include Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , Merrill Lynch & Co. , UBS AG , Deutsche Bank AG and others .

  19. 知情人士说,高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)大中华区主席胡祖六(FredHu)将在4月份离任,到一家新成立的私募股权公司任职。

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 's China chairman , Fred Hu , is leaving Goldman in April to pursue a new private-equity venture , according to people familiar with the situation .

  20. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)说,其招聘的经理大多数来自实习项目,而在摩根士丹利(MorganStanley),所有的MBA新人几乎都来自夏季实习人才库。

    Goldman Sachs Group Inc. says the majority of its associate hires come from internship programs , while the summer intern pool accounts for nearly all M.B.A. hires at Morgan Stanley .

  21. 此外,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)指出,我们相信新住宅开工数目很可能已经见底,而名义房价也可能在2012年见底。

    Furthermore , notes Goldman Sachs : We believe that housing starts have probably bottomed already , while nominal house prices are likely to bottom in the course of 2012 .

  22. 高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)估计欧元区外围成员国银行受到的冲击将最为严重,其结果是38家银行需要300亿到920亿欧元的注资。

    Goldman Sachs ( GS ) estimates that banks in the peripheral eurozone would be hit the hardest , resulting in 38 banks requiring between 30 billion and 92 billion euros .

  23. 在中国石油4月份公布业绩后,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)能源分析师许利源(KevinKoh)将该公司股票的评级下调为卖出,原因是炼油损失扩大。

    After PetroChina 's earnings announcement in April , Kevin Koh , an energy analyst at Goldman Sachs , downgraded the stock to a sell because of widening refining losses .

  24. 消息首次曝光是在大约一年半之前。当时,古普塔突然辞去高盛集团董事一职【他也从宝洁公司(ProcterGamble)董事会辞职】。

    News of this story first broke almost a year and a half ago , when Gupta abruptly stepped down from Goldman 's board .

  25. 涉及提供抵押贷款相关的披露不当问题再次引发美国证券交易委员会(SEC)的关注,涉案单位包括高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)和富国银行(WellsFargo)。

    Disclosure failures related to mortgage offerings are again in the sights of the SEC , this time related to Goldman Sachs ( GS ) and Wells Fargo ( WFC ) .

  26. LexvanDam曾是高盛集团的顶级操盘手,现任Hampstead资本的对冲基金经理,他对于华尔街老板们的过热反应不以为然。

    Lex van Dam , former top trader at Goldman Sachs and head of hedge fund , Hampstead Capital , takes a dim view of the over-hyped reactions of the Wall Street bosses .

  27. 2008年,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)分析师指出,女性教育水平每提高一个百分点,GDP平均水平就能提高0.37%,而GDP年增长率能提高0.2%。

    In 2008 , Goldman Sachs analysts cited that a 1 percentage point increase in female education raises the average level of GDP by 0.37 percentage points and raises annual GDP growth rates by 0.2 percentage points on average .

  28. 9.11之后,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)在设计其位于曼哈顿下城的新总部时,安装了一套强大的发电机,尽管它所处的楼层非常高,足以避开最近发生的洪水灾害。

    After 9 / 11 , Goldman Sachs ( GS ) designed its new headquarters in lower Manhattan with a set of powerful electrical generators on a floor high enough to be safe from the recent floodwaters .

  29. 结果,到了12月3日,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的一位分析师暗示,戴尔公司可能适合做杠杆收购——这一下子就让戴尔的股票涨了4.4%,到了每股10.06美元。

    Then , on Dec. 3 , a Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analyst suggested that the company might be ripe for a leveraged buyout -- sending Dell stock up 4.4 % to $ 10.06 per share .

  30. 结果,到了12月3日,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的一位分析师暗示,戴尔公司可能适合做杠杆收购&这一下子就让戴尔的股票涨了4.4%,到了每股10.06美元。

    Then , on Dec. 3 , a Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analyst suggested that the company might be ripe for a leveraged buyout & sending Dell stock up 4.4 % to $ 10.06 per share .