
  • 网络Unified Government;consistent government;united government
  1. 全国一致支持政府的政策。

    The country is unanimous in its support of the government 's policy .

  2. 正如克莱夫克鲁克(clivecrook)所指出的那样,如果美国国会就长期预算问题达成一致,政府诚然将会有更多回旋余地,但实际上它们做得不算太糟。

    It is true , as Clive crook points out , that the US authorities would have more room for manoeuvre if there were a congressional agreement on the long-term budgetary problem , but they have not done too badly as it is .

  3. 人民有权要求一贯一致的政府。

    The people have a right to uniform government .

  4. 如果他们不能在接下来的十天内达成一致,政府关闭将于10月1日生效。

    If they can 't reach an agreement over the next ten days , a government shutdown will kick in on October 1st .

  5. 他说,所有卷烟公司已经就这一决定达成一致,政府对这些公司所给予的支持与合作表示感谢。

    He said the decision had been agreed upon by all the cigarette companies and the government was thankful for the support and cooperation rendered by these companies .

  6. 在唯物史观的基础上,马克思主义者们构建了各自有关国家、政府与人民关系的理论,提出了各具特色但本质一致的政府服务观。

    Based on the historical materialism , Marxists have created the theories regarding the relationship among the country , the government and the people , and they have put forward theirs views of the government service functions with different features but the same essence .

  7. 委员会一致要求市政府工作人员就该项目准备一份进度报告。

    The Council unanimously directed city staff to prepare a status report on the project

  8. 附近的居民们一致赞成市政府关于关闭这座小印染厂的决定。

    The citizens in the neighborhood all clapped for the local government 's decision to close the small paint factory .

  9. 政府、私人或集体期望的替代不一致时,政府需要采取策略实现最优的供给主体替代方案。

    When the expectations from them are different , the government will take a strategy to enable the alternative of personal or collective reach the state of optimization .

  10. 所有人都一致认同英国政府财政亏空的程度:每支出4英镑,就有1英镑是借来的。

    The one point on which everybody agrees is over the depth of the fiscal hole : the government is borrowing a pound for every four it spends .

  11. 一个追求经济增长和环境发展协调一致的绿色政府必然选择高速增长、轻度污染的最优公共投资结构。

    A green government striving to economic growth and protect of environment at the same time must choose the structure of public investment with rapid growth and less pollution .

  12. 本文认为,从林业财政支出的用途来看,其主体、客体与公共财政的要求基本一致,但政府依然存在越位和严重缺位。

    The subjects and objects of efficiency on forestry finance expenditure primary consistent with public finance theory , but related forestry public department still be offside and severity imperfect .

  13. 委托代理关系中的信息不对称问题、政府的政策性目的与私人出资方以及基金管理机构经济性目的不一致问题造成政府在整个委托代理链中处于弱势地位。

    Information asymmetry in agency relationship and the inconsistency of policy objective of government and economic purposes of private funder as well as fund managers lead government to a weak position .

  14. 和平停火组织新孟邦党在上周五的傍晚新闻发布会宣布,新孟邦党全体一致拒绝军政府提出的改编为边境警卫队或民团的建议。

    The Mon cease-fire group , the New Mon State Party ( NMSP ), announced at a press conference on Friday evening that the party has rejected both the junta 's border guard force ( BGF ) and militia proposals .

  15. 最高法院于1905年一致作出有利于政府的裁决。

    The Supreme Court rendered a unanimous verdict for the government in 1905 .

  16. 凯恩斯主义的一致见解认为,政府可以被看成是外生性的。

    The Keynesian consensus view was that the government could be treated exogenously .

  17. 民国时期国体与政体的非一致性及民国政府形式与内容的非统一性也是议会制度屡遭破坏的内在原因。

    That is to say , the form of the government and its regime were not unified , therefore it was often demolished .

  18. 在谋求中东地区达成战略上一致意见时,政府完全忽视戴维营协议。它把全球的动荡不安都归咎于莫斯科和哈瓦那。

    It ignored Camp David while seeking strategic consensus in the middle east , and it traced almost all-global turmoil to Moscow and havana .

  19. 在赵镛基和其他韩国教会领导者们的一致努力下,政府首先妥协,随后便取消了该计划。

    Following concerted efforts by Mr Cho and other South Korean church leaders , the government blinked first , and the plan was dropped .

  20. 马侃和欧巴马两位参议员在许多议题上立场迥异,但他们一致认为,布希政府有关全球暖化的政策实在有气无力。

    Senator John McCain and Senator Barack Obama part company on many issues , but they agree that the Bush administration 's policies on global warming were far too Weak .

  21. 在争论中,人们逐步达成一致的观点:政府应主导和组织科学发展,科学发展最终要体现国家目标。

    In the arguments , the scientists , politicians , humanists and the public confirm the basic conception : government should conduct the development of science , which essentially reflects the goal of the nation .

  22. 白宫周日表示,将于本周内提出大刀阔斧的公共开支削减计划。继上周五与美国国会在最后一刻达成一致、避免联邦政府关门后,白宫正试图重新掌握主动权。

    The White House said on Sunday it would this week propose radical reforms to public spending , an attempt to regain the initiative after a last-minute deal on Friday to avoid a federal government shutdown .

  23. 为了在叙利亚问题上达成共同立场,外交政策主管凯瑟琳·阿什顿表示,28个欧盟国家一致认为,叙利亚政府很可能是8月21日化学武器的行凶者,现在必须要做些事情。

    Seeking to forge a common position on Syria , foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton says the 28 EU governments are unanimous that the Syrian regime is the likely perpetrator of the August 21st chemical attack and that something must be done .