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yī bān
  • same as;just like;sort;kind;general;ordinary;common;generally;roughly;habitually;typically;at large
一般 [yì bān]
  • (1) [same as;just like]∶一样,同样

  • (2) [sort;kind]∶一种;一番

  • 别有一般滋味

  • (3) [general;ordinary;common]∶普通;通常

  • 一般常识

  • (4) [generally;roughly;habitually]∶总体上;概括地

  • 一般说来

一般[yī bān]
  1. 新加坡人民行动党表面上具备了西方代议制政党的一般特点,但在实质上它对新加坡的行政体系施加着重大影响。人民行动党对新加坡政府的控制主要是通过左右政府的组成人员来实现的。

    People 's Action Party in Singapore seems to be the same as the political parties in the West , but in fact it exerts great influence on the administration of the country .

  2. 数值仿真工具的应用一般是通过增量法反复计算来代替实验过程,这种方法可以减少实际试模次数,但需要耗费大量的模拟时间。

    Application of the numerical simulation is just like to replace manual tryout of tools with FEM simulation . Such an approach can reduce the number of actual tryout , but needs a lot of simulation time to spend .

  3. 我们一般不给在职职工送礼。

    We don 't usually give presents to people at work .

  4. 我一般总能想方设法得到我想要的东西。

    I generally get what I want one way or another .

  5. 一般情况下,我会说“行”。

    Under normal circumstances , I would say ' yes ' .

  6. 一般而言,她懒得跟他理论。

    Ordinarily , she wouldn 't have bothered arguing with him .

  7. 论人格魅力,约翰很一般。

    John doesn 't do too well in the personality stakes .

  8. 一般认为,同时具有这样一些品质极为罕见。

    This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare .

  9. 这类决定一般属于高层管理的职责范围。

    Such decisions are normally the province of higher management .

  10. 他进去时,房间里变得死一般的寂静。

    A deathly hush fell over the room as he walked in .

  11. 我们像罐头里的沙丁鱼一般紧紧挤在一起。

    We were jammed together like sardines in a can .

  12. 许多外国货都太贵,与一般美国人的财力不符。

    Many foreign goods are too expensive for American pocketbooks .

  13. 今天不是一般的日子——是我的生日!

    It isn 't just any day ─ it 's my birthday !

  14. 一般百姓似乎普遍看不起从政者。

    Politicians seem to be generally held in contempt by ordinary people .

  15. 一般认为这是该国家最美好的一段时光。

    This was often thought of as the country 's finest hour .

  16. 他和一般的电影明星迥然不同。

    He was very different from the general run of movie stars .

  17. 那名士兵当时以军人的身份行事,而不是以一般人的身份。

    The soldier acted qua soldier , not as a human being .

  18. 一般说来,你住在什么地方是由你的工作决定的。

    It 's generally your job that dictates where you live now .

  19. 有些申请表格一般人可能看不懂。

    Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people .

  20. 一般而言,她是个不爱紧张的人。

    In the ordinary way , she 's not a nervous person .

  21. 我的工作日一般在7:30开始。

    A typical working day for me begins at 7.30 .

  22. 露台里铺砌的地面和房子一般宽。

    The terrace runs the full width of the house .

  23. 这些复杂的公式是一般小学生不能理解的。

    These complex formulae are beyond the grasp of the average pupil .

  24. 去那儿一般要花20分钟。

    It normally takes 20 minutes to get there .

  25. 和一般教师相比,他是不错的。

    As teachers go , he 's not bad .

  26. 很明显,女生的考试成绩一般比男生的好。

    It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys .

  27. 别丢了——这可不是一般东西。

    Don 't lose it ─ it 's special .

  28. 一般人的看法似乎认为她会被判有罪。

    The prevailing view seems to be that they will find her guilty .

  29. 如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。

    Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously .

  30. 午饭后人们一般都懒得回办公室办公。

    There was a general disinclination to return to the office after lunch .