
sān jiǎo xíng
  • triangle;square;delta
三角形 [sān jiǎo xíng]
  • [triangle] 有三边的平面多边形。也叫三边形

三角形[sān jiǎo xíng]
  1. 介绍了电容器的接线方式6kV、10kV电容器采用星形接线,而低压电容器一般采用三角形接线。

    Capacitor connection type are following : 6 / 10kV capacitor using star type and low-voltage capacitor using delta type .

  2. 三角形埋入式涡流发生器几何参数对其涡的影响

    Effects of geometric parameters of Submerged Delta vortex generator on vortex

  3. 把三明治切成三角形。

    Cut the sandwiches into triangles .

  4. 这一设计由淡色的3个长方形和3个三角形构成。

    This design is in pastel colours with three rectangles and three triangles

  5. 桌上有一只用珠子串成的小三角形作装饰的盒子。

    On the table sat a box decorated with little pearl triangles .

  6. 三角形内角总和为180度。

    The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees .

  7. 几所乡村小木屋环绕在三角形绿地周围。

    Timbered cottages stood around a triangular green .

  8. 它的轮廓大致形成一个等边三角形。

    Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle .

  9. 床单有漂亮的方格形、条纹、斜纹和三角形图案。

    The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks , stripes , diagonals and triangles .

  10. 它是三角形的。

    It was triangular in shape .

  11. 这两个三角形相重合。

    The two triangles coincide .

  12. 等腰三角形的底角相等。

    The base angles of an isosceles triangle are equal .

  13. 直角三角形绕一直角边旋转即成锥形。

    Revolution of a right triangle about one of its legs generates a cone .

  14. 三角形的三个高共点。

    The3 altitudes of a triangle are concurrent .

  15. 图案是由三角形构成的。

    The design is formed with triangles .

  16. 三角形的面积等于任何一边与那边上的高的乘积的一半。

    The area of a triangle is equal to half the product of any side and the altitude on that side .

  17. 三角形就成了尾翼。

    The triangles will be the tail fins .

  18. 第二步:用记号笔在海报板上画三个小三角形和一个大三角形。

    Step 2 Use markers to draw three small triangles and one large triangle on the poster board .

  19. 第五步:把较小的三角形粘在可乐瓶的另一端,即瓶口周围。

    Step 5 Glue the smaller triangles to the other end of the cola bottle , around its opening .

  20. 第三步:滚动大三角形,使其两边接触,使大三角形成为火箭的鼻锥。

    Step 3 Rollthe large triangle so that two of its sides touch and it forms a rocket 's nose cone .

  21. 04如果你是三角形,一定是锐角那个。

    If you were a triangle you 'd be acute one .

  22. 三角洲河口常见的三角形沉淀淤积地带。

    A usually triangular alluvial deposit at the mouth of a river .

  23. 这块地略成三角形。

    It 's more or less triangular plot of land .

  24. 犀牛的形体像牛,头呈三角形。

    The body of the rhinoceros likes a cattle and the head likes a triangle .

  25. 极富创意的办公桌,有着不同形装如三角形、半圆形、曲尺形及四边形,以创造您个人品位的办公室

    Various shapes of returns like triangular , semi-circular are available for cresting your own office .

  26. 你可以看到它矮胖、粗短的身体,短短的脖子以及三角形的脑袋。

    Look at the squat6 , stumpy body of the animal , with its very short neck and three-cornered head .

  27. 在髋部是倒三角形设计,裤头加宽,前面还有假拉链。

    They have inverted2 triangle panels on the hips3 , wide waist bands and a faux zip in the front .

  28. 跳房子Hopscotch4跳房子是一种流行操场游戏,玩家将一个小物体抛到地面上标了数字的三角形或者一组矩形里,然后在这些形状里跳跃并取回物体。

    Hopscotch is a popular playground game in which players toss a small object into numbered triangles or a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop3 or jump through the spaces and retrieve5 the object .

  29. Fuzzy聚类的等腰直角三角形法

    Method of isosceles right triangle on Fuzzy clustering

  30. 求解单位等边三角形PACKING问题的最小损伤法

    How to Find out Minimum Damage to Unit Equilateral Triangle Packing