
  1. 一位为对冲基金提供上市咨询服务的英国银行家表示:所有人都有兴趣购买对冲基金股份。

    Everyone is interested , says one British banker who advises hedge funds on going public .

  2. 4月,该监管机构禁止台湾证券经纪商兆丰资本(MegaCapitalAsia)为在港上市提供咨询。

    In April , the regulator banned Mega Capital Asia , a Taiwanese broker , from advising on listings in Hong Kong .

  3. 总部位于伦敦的格拉夫钻石,预期在2011年将实现大约8亿美元的销售额。该公司的唯一拥有人劳伦斯格拉夫(LaurenceGraff)已聘请罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)为预期将在明年进行的上市提供咨询。

    Laurence Graff , sole owner of the London-based company which is expected to make sales of about $ 800m in 2011 , has hired Rothschild to advise on a listing expected next year .

  4. 提供项目融资、企业国际化和海外上市等咨询顾问服务。

    Consultancy and advisory roles for internationalization , fund raising and IPO activities .

  5. 基础设施投、融资研究、咨询,企业海内外上市融资咨询,企业股份制改造、重组、购并,财务顾问。

    Research on investment and finance for infrastructure , listing on domestic and oversea stock market , enterprise shareholding system reform , assets reconfiguration , business merger & acqusition , financial advising .

  6. 如今她管理下的咨询公司ClassVGroup专为拟上市公司提供咨询辅导。

    She now runs class V group , guiding ipo-bound companies .

  7. 我现在在ClassVGroup为拟上市公司提供咨询服务。

    Today , at class V group , I advise companies that are ipo-bound .

  8. 然而,在安排股票上市和并购咨询等一些可能利润丰厚的领域,德银却落后于全球投行对手。

    However , Deutsche Bank trails its global investment banking rivals in potentially lucrative areas such as arranging stock market listings and advising on mergers and acquisitions .

  9. 它正在寻找本土合资伙伴,以获得券商牌照,使其可以为在上海上市的企业提供咨询服务,并交易内地股票。

    It is seeking a local joint venture partner to secure a brokerage licence that would allow it to advise on stock market listings in Shanghai and to trade mainland shares .