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bù xiào
  • unworthy;Nothing doing
不肖 [bù xiào]
  • (1)

  • [unworthy]∶品行不好,没有出息(多用于子孙)(不肖子孙)

  • (2)

  • [Nothing doing]∶谦辞。不才,不贤

  • 臣等不肖,请辞去。--《史记.廉颇蔺相如列传》

不肖[bù xiào]
  1. 不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .

  2. “不肖”不仅仅是“儿子不像父亲”;

    " Unworthy " does not only mean that the child takes after his father .

  3. 老人断绝了与他的不肖儿子的关系,并剥夺了他的继承权。

    The old man cast off his prodigal son and disinherited him .

  4. 我是不是一个很不肖的儿子?

    Am I really a black sheep of the family ?

  5. 要知道,在学术上,我是我们家的不肖之子。

    You see , I was the academic black sheep of my family .

  6. 他丢尽了全家人的脸,是个不肖之子。

    He was the black sheep of the family .

  7. 但此类行为统统都属忤逆不肖。

    But all such is disobedience and rebellion .

  8. 啊,我真是不肖之子!上帝宽恕我吧

    " Oh , I have been a cruel son ! God forgive me !"

  9. 他入狱后,成了这个家的不肖之子。

    He was the black sheep of the family after he had been to prison .

  10. 当然如果你早就看过了小说,这个也就不肖我来解释了。

    Of course , if you 've read the book , you already knew that .

  11. 伟人们在世上干的那些丰功伟业,修行完备的人是不肖一顾的。

    What great man does is grand cause , which man of perfect practice feels contempt on it .

  12. 现代派雕塑家明大多·罗索的肖像艺术不肖之子败坏了这家的门风。

    The Portraits of Rosso , the Modernist Sculptor The unworthy son corrupted the ethics and moral standards of the family .

  13. 同时为了防止不肖人士任意注册帐号,您的帐号将在确认电子邮件信箱无误后,始可使用。

    To avoid arbitrary registration , the account of the registered user will be activated after the email provided is verified .

  14. 然而症结在于有不少不肖的社会治安人员和不良帮派和份子勾结。

    But the crux is that there are not a few unworthy personnel of public security who collude with the evil gangs and fellows .

  15. 凯西奥我宁愿恳求他唾弃我,也不愿蒙蔽他的聪明,让这样一位贤能的主帅手下有这麽一个酗酒放荡的不肖将校。

    Cassio . I will rather sue to be despised than to deceive so good a commander with so slight , so drunken , and so indiscreet an officer .

  16. 李尔开始觉察出他那个不肖女儿对他冷淡,越来越不尊敬他,然而这个糊涂而且溺爱的父亲的遭遇还不仅仅这些。

    The coolness and falling off of respect which Lear had begun to perceive , were not all which this foolish fond father was to suffer from his unworthy daughter .

  17. 可怜的汤姆,他是这一家的不肖之子,总是不受人尊重。孙先生在天之灵,真不知怎样责备这些不肖子孙呢!

    Poor Tom , who is always the black sheep of the family , is always in disgrace . How Dr. Sun 's ghost would rebuke these unworthy followers of his !

  18. 我是国家的人才,为了天下民众我要爱惜自己的生命,你是不肖的小人,不必爱惜自己的身躯,你还是把衣服脱给我穿吧。

    I am national talent , for the world people I should cherish my life , you are unworthy Lilliputian , need not cherish oneself body , you still take off the dress to me to wear .

  19. 有些家族即使是有男性继承者,但如果父亲觉得这个继承者没能力掌管好企业,也会考虑收养一个具有商业天赋、能力更强的“新儿子”,以避免由于子孙的不肖而带来家业的衰败。

    Even if a certain family has male candidates for inheritance , if the father sees that his inheritors are unsuitable for running his business , then he might consider taking in one of his highly competent executives .