
bù zú zhī chù
  • deficiencies;shortcomings;inadequacy;defects
不足之处[bù zú zhī chù]
  1. 它们也有许多不足之处,亟待改进。

    They also have many deficiencies , the need for improvement .

  2. 离子膜法烧碱工艺自动控制系统设计的不足之处

    Deficiencies of automatic control system for ion-exchange membrane caustic soda production

  3. 你能指出她论点中的不足之处吗?

    Can you spot the weakness in her argument ?

  4. 这就是该理论的不足之处。

    And that 's where the theory falls down .

  5. 该杂志致力于剖析自由主义的不足之处。

    The magazine is devoted to anato-mizing the inadequacies of liberalism .

  6. 据他自己声称,他的判断存在不足之处。

    By his own statement , there have been imperfections in his judgment .

  7. 为了弥补现实中儿子的不足之处,他就想象出了一个儿子。

    He had invented an imaginary son , in order to make up for his real son 's failings .

  8. 尽管有许多不足之处,这部影片仍颇具魅力。

    Despite all its defects the movie has a real charm .

  9. 该报道揭露了现有运输系统的不足之处。

    The report exposes the disadvantages of the present transportation system .

  10. 在彩排中,这出戏的不足之处才暴露出来。

    The weakpoints of the play became apparent in dress rehearsal .

  11. 从该模型出发,研究了转台的经典PID控制,并进行了仿真,分析了经典PID控制在转台控制中的不足之处。

    The traditional PID control is studied and a simulation is made .

  12. 随着开发和测试Linux的人数的增加,这个系统的不足之处很快就暴露了出来。

    Deficiencies in this system were quickly revealed as the number of people developing and testing Linux increased .

  13. 由于GIS局部放电超高频检测中不可避免的会遇到白噪声干扰,且现有抑制白噪声的方法有许多不足之处。

    As white-noise interference exists in GIS partial discharge ( PD ) UHF detection inevitably , the available suppression methods are unsatisfactory .

  14. 并针对神经网络PID控制器的不足之处提出了相应的改进方案。

    By Analysis of the traditional PID controller and the neural network PID controller advantages and shortcoming , corresponding improvement programmes were proposed .

  15. 串并联补偿式在线UPS和其他型式的UPS相比具有许多优点,但也存在一些不足之处。

    Series-parallel compensated UPS has many unexampled merits compared with the other types of UPS , but also has some shortages .

  16. 许多研究者提出了一些改进的PSO算法,但是仍存在各种不足之处。

    Also , some improved PSO algorithms were proposed by many researchers , but they still have different defects , respectively .

  17. 这种定量方法通用性好,易于移植复用,并且充分、直观地体现出分配安全仪表系统SIL设计目标的基本思想,弥补了风险矩阵和风险图的不足之处。

    The quantitative method is general and easy to reuse as well as intuitive .

  18. 虽然UCM有很多好处,比如版本管理和缺陷管理,但我们在Web应用上发现了不足之处。

    While UCM has many important benefits , such as version management and defect management , we have found Web application deployments to be inefficient .

  19. 通过算例分析了VaR在基础设施项目融资风险评估中的计算方法、如何进行动态风险评估和可能存在的不足之处;

    Through example , it discusses the computing method and how to assessing dynamic risk in the Project Financing , and the possible weakness .

  20. 针对传统网格法手工计算分维数的不足之处,引入了GIS技术,详细介绍了GIS在网格分维计算中的具体应用方法。

    Traditional box-counting method to calculate fractal dimension is far from perfection , so this paper introduces GIS and presents the specific application methods of GIS in calculating fractal dimension in details .

  21. 针对PT断线的特点,在对不同厂家的判据进行了分析后,结合一次现场实例,指出了目前判据中存在的不足之处,给出了一种PT断线的实用判据。

    Based on the characteristics of PT breaking and analysis of the criteria of different manufacturers , this paper points out the disadvantages of current PT breaking criterion .

  22. MMSE作为筛选工具尚有不足之处,应结合其他量表如ADL、POD等一?

    These figures indicated that as a screening tool for dementia MMSE need improving and should be combined with ADL and POD together .

  23. 本文重点分析了Google搜索引擎的PageRank技术的实现算法、优点及不足之处,并提出利用行为反馈再排序机制进行优化。

    This article mainly talked about the realization of PageRank of Google , its virtues and shortcomings , and put forward an optimized mechanism .

  24. 但是这几种码的最大不足之处是它们均有码长限制,即m序列、Gold序列为2~n&1长,而M序列为2~n长。

    But these spreading sequences only exist at some given length , m sequence and Gold sequence exist only at 2 ~ n & 1 length , and M sequence exists only at 2 ~ n length .

  25. DNA计算作为一个新兴的学科,对它的研究和应用还处于初期的探索阶段,在理论和实现技术上都还有一些不足之处,还需要进一步的深入研究和探讨。

    The research and application of DNA computing is still at the beginning as a new emerging discipline , and it needs further study and discussion since there are some shortcomings both in theory and implementation of technology .

  26. 针对机械加工制成铜带的不足之处采用MIG钎焊方法堆焊铜带。

    Aiming at shortcoming of machining copper band , the method of cladding copper band using metal inert-gas arc brazing was investigated .

  27. 针对Sprinter数字水准仪数据记录中存在的不足之处,采用PDA编制电子记簿的方法加以解决。

    Considering of the shortage of data recording of Sprinter digital level , a method of programming with PDA is put forward .

  28. 文章简要分析了目前常见分组丢弃算法所存在的不足之处,提出了一种基于区分服务模型的新型分组丢弃算法&TCRED算法,该算法采用同一组RED参数对三种颜色的分组进行队列管理。

    This paper analyzes several popular packet discarding algorithms , proposes a novel algorithm named TCRED ( Three Color RED ) based on DiffServ model , which using a same suite of RED parameter to control Green , Yellow and Red packets .

  29. 然而,TMN对网络管理作出贡献的同时,其本身及其实现方法尚存在一些不足之处,阻碍了电信服务水平的提高。

    However , Although TMN contributes to the network management , some deficiencies in their own way of implementation hinder the development of telecommunication services .

  30. 但是该合金也有不足之处,粗大块状初生Si相、棒状或板条状共晶Si相都使得合金性能变差,尤其是塑性。

    But this alloy also have some shortcomings , which make the performance becomes poor , especially toughness , for example primary silicon phase appears with bulky platelet and eutectic silicon phase appears with needle flake or lath-shaped .