
  • 网络patent pool;patent pooling
  1. NIH于上个月(9月30日)加入了这个专利池。

    NIH joined the patent pool last month ( 30 September ) .

  2. 而MPEG-2专利池结合了技术标准,促进了技术标准的应用。

    Combination with technical standards , MPEG-2 patent pool promote the application of technical standards .

  3. Gold说,专利池等新的知识产权策略还可以帮助发展中国家的技术发展。

    And new IP strategies like patent pools could also assist technological development in the developing world , says Gold .

  4. UNITAID提议的专利池可能完全改变这种情况。

    UNITAID 's proposed patent pool could change all that .

  5. UNITAID的专利池可能让创新恢复活力,挽救发展中国家的生命。

    UNITAID 's patent pool could revitalise innovation , saving lives in the developing world .

  6. UNITAID提出专利池的方案正值世界知识产权组织(WIPO)在新领导人的带领下重整旗鼓。

    UNITAID 's proposal for a patent pool comes as the World Intellectual Property Organization ( WIPO ) is revitalised under new leadership .

  7. “这一贡献是对支持这个专利池的承认,”NIH技术转移办公室主任MarkRohrbaugh说。

    " This contribution is an acknowledgment of support for the patent pool ," said Mark Rohrbaugh , head of the NIH Office of Technology Transfer .

  8. 该专利池的负责人Ellen'tHoen告诉本网站说;

    Ellen 't Hoen , head of the patent pool , told SciDev .

  9. UNITAID的艾滋病专利池意味着可以立刻生产仿制药,而且可以开始进行新药联用以及对儿童友好的配方的研究。

    The UNITAID HIV patent pool would mean generics could be made immediately , and research could begin into new drug combinations and child-friendly formulations .

  10. 例如,国际药品采购机制(UNITAID)运营着一个专利池,从而规划专门用于发展中国家的药品以低价生产和分发。国际药品采购机制是一个国际药品采购机构。

    For example , UNITAID an international drug purchase facility operates a patent pool to formulate medicines specifically for developing countries to manufacture and distribute at a low price .

  11. 设在瑞士的这个专利池计划在得到国际药品采购机制(UNITAID)这个国际药物采购机构的理事会正式批准之后于6月开始运作。

    The pool , to be based in Switzerland , is scheduled to start operating in June after formal approval by the executive board of UNITAID , the international drug purchase facility .

  12. 孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、玻利维亚和苏里南都写信给世界卫生组织(它负责组织和管理UNITAID),要求它考虑这个奖金基金/专利池的模式。

    Bangladesh , Barbados , Bolivia , and Suriname have written to the WHO ( who host and administer UNITAID ) asking it to consider the prize fund / patent pool model .

  13. 第二个原因。一些主要的大公司,本身就是MPEG-LA“专利池”的所有者,比如苹果公司和微软公司。

    Another reason is that some major companies , including Apple , are part of the MPEG-LA patent pool .

  14. 专利池及构建策略研究&以温州企业为例

    Patent Pool and Its Establishing Measures-Take Wenzhou Enterprises as an Example

  15. 然而,专利池并未如人们所预期的那样大量涌现,而只是集中于电子、通信领域,而且数量有限。

    However , patent pool did not emerge massively as people anticipate .

  16. 专利池滥用的反垄断法规制问题研究

    Research on Regulating Patent Pool Abuse by Antitrust ( Competition ) Law

  17. 专利池既有促进竞争的一面又有限制竞争的危害。

    Patent pools have two sides of promoting competition and restricting competition .

  18. 专利池许可中专利搭售行为的法律规制

    Legal Regulation for Patent Tying Action on Patent Pool Licensing

  19. 我对国际药品采购机制主动设立药物专利池表示称赞。

    I commend UNITAID for taking the initiative to establish the Medicines Patent Pool .

  20. 专利池中的权利滥用问题&美国专利权滥用规则的发展

    On patent misuse in patent pool

  21. 而且有很好的理由认为该组织可以让一个专利池运作起来。

    And there 's good reason to believe that the organisation can make a pool work .

  22. 第5章总结了专利池对我国市场竞争的影响并提出了政策建议。

    Chapter V summarizes the competitive effect of patent pool in China and put forward policy recommendations .

  23. 专利池并不是确保发展中国家获得药物的唯一方式。

    Patent pools aren 't the only way of ensuring the developing world has access to drugs .

  24. 第三部分,阐述了我国专利池运用及规制现状。

    Chapter III describes the use of our patent pool and regulations on the abuse of patent pool .

  25. 专利池形成之后,通过促进技术扩散和技术溢出,将有利于我国自主创新能力的提高。

    After formation of patent pool , it can improve innovation ability through promoting technology diffusion and spillover .

  26. 最后,本文分析了专利池对于我国自主创新和市场竞争的影响,并提出了对策建议。

    Finally , this paper researches the impact of patent pool on the innovation and competition in China .

  27. 结成专利池将使各方的交易成本显著下降。

    While patent holders join a patent pool , the transaction cost of related entities will be reduced .

  28. 专利池管理机构也可以直接取得专利权人的授权,然后以分许可的方式提供许可。

    The Administrator may also receive licenses from patent holders first and then grant sub-licenses to the users .

  29. 近年来,专利池已成为发达国家对我国发动标准和专利战的主角。

    In recent years , patent pool has become vanguard of west countries in the patent & standard war against our country .

  30. 该理事会上个月(2月5日)开会通过了在设立这个专利池的时候需要遵循的总体指导方针。

    The board met last month ( 5 February ) to agree the broad guidelines to be followed while setting up the pool .