
  • 网络patent application
  1. 科研单位RD支出来源、用途与其专利申请量之关系研究

    The Relation among Sources , Purposes of RD Expenditure and Output of Patent Application on Research Institutions

  2. 中国专利申请量持续快速增长已延续多年。

    The amount of patent application has increased rapidly for years .

  3. 世界知识产权组织(WorldIntellectualPropertyOrganization)称,2012年中国的专利申请量已经超越了美国。

    The Chinese overtook the United States in 2012 , according to the World Intellectual Property Organization .

  4. 采用改进的BP神经网络对专利申请量年增长率进行预测。

    We use improved BP neural network to predict the increasing rate of patents received time serial .

  5. 改进的BP神经网络在专利申请量增长率预测中的应用

    The Application of Improved BP Neural Network in the Prediction Of the Increasing Rate of Patents Received Time Serial

  6. 专利申请量与RD经费支出关系的研究

    Relationship between the numbers of patents applying and expenditure on three RD activities

  7. 建立的等式中,用民营企业专利申请量表示的民营企业自主创新研发产出是因变量,民营企业科技人员投入、科技经费投入和FDI作为自变量。

    In the established equation , patent is dependent variable , it stands for innovation of private enterprise . Science and technology personnel input and capital input of private enterprise and FDI are independent variables .

  8. 该蓝皮书指出,中国已超过美国成为AI专利申请量最多的国家,日本位列第三。

    China has , however , surpassed the US to become the country with the largest number of AI patent applications , while Japan took third place , the blue paper said .

  9. 最后,该代表团报告,国家专利申请量在2005年有所增加,与pct申请的积极趋势一致。

    In concluding the delegation reported that the rate of national patent applications had increased in2005 , in correspondence with the positive trend in pct-filings .

  10. 中国信息通信研究院院长刘多表示,2015年起国内AI相关专利申请量快速攀升,AI市场规模也增长迅猛,尤其在语音和图像识别技术方面。

    The number of AI-related patent filings has risen in China since 2015 and the scale of the AI market has also developed drastically , especially concerning voice and image recognition technology , said Liu Duo , president of CAICT .

  11. 得出因果关系后,对等式进行回归分析。分析结果显示民营企业专利申请量与FDI之间的关系不显著,但是是同方向变动的。

    When obtained the result about the causal relationship between patent and FDI , the paper does regression analysis of the equation , and the result shows that the relationship between patent and FDI was not significant , but they change in the same direction .

  12. 专利申请量是经济、会发展变化的睛雨表。

    The figure of patent application is the barometer of economic and social development .

  13. 专利申请量与R&D支出之关系的定量分析

    Correlation between the numbers of patents applying and R & D payout of enterprises

  14. 2001年中国受理国内外专利申请量超过20万件。

    In 2001 , China accepted more than 200,000 domestic and overseas patent applications .

  15. 研究表明实际利用外资额对专利申请量有着显著的正面效应。

    The study shows that FDI does have positive and strong effects on all patent applications .

  16. 在专利申请量方面,中国也刚刚取代德国,位居全球排行榜的第五位。

    China has also just overtaken Germany in terms of patent filings to stand fifth in international rankings .

  17. 区域专利申请量的基尼系数分析表明,中国区域技术创新的空间集中性呈现增强趋势。

    Gini coefficient analysis shows that the space concentration trend of China ' sregional innovation has been increased .

  18. 对外专利申请量过少将不利于中国的企业最终走出国门、走向世界,开拓国际经济的大市场。

    Less foreign patent application will not benefit the domestic compa - ny to exploit the big international market .

  19. 专利申请量的多寡受着多种因素的影响,情报意识的强弱严重制约着专利申请。

    The figure of patent application is affected by many elements , and information consciousness affects the patent application badly .

  20. 结果表明,从专利申请量角度来研究此问题更客观、更符合实际。

    Studies show that it is more objective and in line with reality to study this issue from the perspective of patent applications .

  21. 我国的专利申请量和授权量快速增加,三种专利的内在结构比例日渐完善。

    In China , patent application and granted patent has been growing quickly and the inner construction of three kinds patent is highly upgraded .

  22. 结果表明,学校近年来专利申请量和授权量呈现大幅度增长势头,2005-2007年专利申请量占全部申请量的40.6%;

    The result shows that the amount of patent application and authorization increased rapidly , patent applications of2005-2007 account for40.6 % of the total application .

  23. 最新报告表明,中国成为了专利申请量世界第三大国,但是专家表示,还需要做更多工作提高中国的专利质量。

    China is now the third highest-ranking country for patent applications , but experts say the country needs to do more to improve patent quality .

  24. 只有在情报实践中坚持不懈地培养情报意识,理论与实践紧密结合,强化情报意识,才能提升专利申请量,保持我国的持续发展。

    We can strengthen information consciousness , combine the theory and practice , so that to increase the figure of patent application and keep our country sustainable developing .

  25. 种专利申请量很大、但专利有效率和产业化率很低的现象。

    Since a long time , China has had a large amount of patent applications , but the proportion of effective patent and the industrialized patent is low .

  26. 去年的专利申请量比前年高出了250%,增长惊人,而更多的中国企业家也通过在法庭上主张自己的知识产权来牟利。

    Patent filings were up an astonishing 250 per cent last year over the previous year , as more Chinese entrepreneurs are making money by asserting their IP rights in court .

  27. 由于专利申请量的增多,专利的保护力度越来越大,专利权人的维权意识也越来越强,从而导致专利侵权诉讼呈上升趋势。

    Since the increase of the patent applications , the intensity of patent protection and the awareness of human rights are getting stronger , leading to the rise of patent infringement litigation .

  28. 在全球专利申请量排行榜中,中国已取代德国,成为第五大申请国,这突显出在知识产权领域,亚洲工业强国的地位日益突出。

    China has overtaken Germany in the global ranking of patent applications to become the fifth - largest source of filings , underscoring an increasing prominence of Asian industrial powers in intellectual property .

  29. 整理报告显示,2005年,专利申请量在世界范围内的年均增长率已达4.7%,其增长最快的是亚洲东北部,尤其是韩国和中国地区。

    The report shows worldwide filing of patent applications grew at in anaverage annual rate of4.7 % in2005 , with the highest growth rates in North East asia , particularly in South Koreaand china .

  30. 美国金融服务方面的专利申请量今年大幅飙升,因为银行争相利用这种保护措施,而这曾被视为科技和制药公司的专门手段。

    The number of US patents issued for financial services has soared this year as banks have rushed to take advantage of a protection once seen as the preserve of technology and drug companies .