
shì jiè wèi shēnɡ dà huì
  • World Health Assembly;WHA
  1. BillKean将介绍世界卫生大会的结果并概述选举新总干事的程序。

    Bill Kean will describe the outcome of the World Health Assembly and outline the process for the election for the new Director-General .

  2. 有利于保证在将IHR草案提交世界卫生大会(预定2003年)之前取得有效的投入。

    To ensure effective input well in advance of submission of the IHR draft to the World Health Assembly ( target date 2003 ) .

  3. 2005年,世界卫生大会通过决议,敦促各国计划“电子健康”e-Health服务。

    In two thousand five , the World Health Assembly passed a resolution urging countries to plan for " eHealth " services .

  4. 在国际扶轮社监督根除脊髓灰质炎的规划担任领导人达12年之久的WilliamT.Sergeant在世界卫生大会上获得世卫组织给予的个人嘉奖。

    William T.Sergeant , for12 years the leader of the programme overseeing polio eradication within Rotary International , received a personal citation from the WHO , at the World Health Assembly .

  5. 世界卫生大会在2007年5月通过了关于卫生技术的决议(WHA60.29号决议)。

    The World Health Assembly adopted the resolution on health technologies in May2007 ( resolution WHA60.29 ) .

  6. 1980年5月8日通过的一项世界卫生大会决议(WHA33.3)宣布已经实现全球根除天花目标。

    A World Health Assembly resolution ( WHA33.3 ), adopted on8 May1980 , declared that the global goal of smallpox eradication had been achieved .

  7. 二十世纪七十年代末,该疾病开始渐渐复苏,因此,1978年通过了一项世界卫生大会决议(WHA31.58);

    By the late1970s , the disease had began to creep back , resulting in a World Health Assembly Resolution ( WHA31.58 ) in1978 .

  8. 受到输入性脊髓灰质炎病毒影响的国家应按照世界卫生大会WHA59.1号决议,利用有关口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗开展大规模疫情应对活动,继续实施补充性常规免疫。

    Countries affected by poliovirus importations should continue to supplement routine immunization with large-scale outbreak response activities with the relevant OPV , as per the WHA Resolution WHA59.1 .

  9. 在1999年第五十二届世界卫生大会期间,会员国通过了WHA52.18号决议,成立了世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约工作小组和政府间谈判机构。

    During the52nd World Health Assembly in May1999 , Member States adopted resolution WHA52.18 , which established both a WHO FCTC Working Group and an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body .

  10. 这一行动计划于2008年获得世界卫生大会的批准。

    This Action Plan was endorsed by the2008 World Health Assembly .

  11. 世界卫生大会于1987年设定了世界无烟日。

    The World Health Assembly established the event in nineteen eighty-seven .

  12. 第六十届世界卫生大会上的其它决定和讨论的问题概要

    Summary of additional decisions and issues discussed at the60th World Health Assembly

  13. 本新闻稿概述在第五十八届世界卫生大会上作出的决定。

    This news release summarizes decisions taken at the58th World Health Assembly .

  14. 世界卫生大会通过了关于预防儿童伤害的决议。

    The World Health Assembly adopted a resolution on child injury prevention .

  15. 本届世界卫生大会讨论了这些建议。

    These recommendations were discussed at this World Health Assembly .

  16. 将于2011年5月向世界卫生大会提交最后报告。

    The final report will be presented to the WHA in May2011 .

  17. 该任命于第五十八届世界卫生大会第一天宣布。

    The appointment comes on the first day of the58th World Health Assembly .

  18. 世界卫生大会《日刊》/新闻稿/其它文件

    Daily Journal of the World Health Assembly / news releases / other documents

  19. 全体会议是世界卫生大会全体代表会议。

    Plenary is the meeting of all delegates to the World Health Assembly .

  20. 世界卫生大会由世界卫生组织成员国组成。

    The assembly is made up of counties in the World Health Orgnization .

  21. 在5月份的世界卫生大会上,我们将解决卫生工作人员的短缺问题。

    At the World Health Assembly in May we will tackle health worker shortages .

  22. 这份公报将提交给2009年的世界卫生大会和联合国教科文组织的大会。

    Will be submitted to the2009 World Health Assembly and the UNESCO General Conference .

  23. 一年一度的世界卫生大会的工作程序

    The process at the annual World Health Assembly

  24. 今年的世界卫生大会证明了我们共同作出决定的意志。

    This year 's World Health Assembly demonstrated the will to work out solutions together .

  25. 在1988年,世界卫生大会的一项决议形成了全球根除脊髓灰质炎行动。

    In1988 , a resolution of the World Health Assembly formed the Global Polio Eradication Initiative .

  26. 2005年5月20日日内瓦-今天,各国在世界卫生大会上讨论了有关天花的两份报告。

    May2005 | Geneva-Today , countries at the World Health Assembly discussed two reports regarding smallpox .

  27. 由此产生的全球计划将于2008年中期提交世界卫生大会。

    The resulting global plan of action will be presented to the World Health Assembly in mid-2008 .

  28. 世界卫生大会汇聚所有193个成员国的部长及高级卫生官员。

    The World Health Assembly brings together ministers and senior health officials from all 193 member states .

  29. 世界卫生大会审议执委会提名是否向公众开放?

    Is the consideration by the World Health Assembly of the Board nomination open to the public ?

  30. 该战略已于2011年5月提交给世界卫生大会。

    The Strategy is now being prepared to be submitted to the World Health Assembly in May2011 .