
  1. 那两个学吹笛的问导师:“吹笛难,还是教两个学吹笛的人吹笛难呢?”

    Said the two to their tutor , “ Is it harder to toot or to tutor two tooters to toot ? ”

  2. 在鲍登学院(Bowdoin),两人学的都是音乐专业,从来没有上过经济类课程。

    At Bowdoin , Arlyn Davich and her brother Eric were music majors who never took an economics course .

  3. 还有两名学建筑的学生。

    There are also two architectural students .

  4. 南京大学两类地学人才培养模式和实践

    Scheme and Practices of Training of Two Types of Students in Geosciences in Nanjing University On Cultivation of Geological Talent

  5. 这一发现公布之前,追踪相关间谍软件源头的另一个调查组查到中国两所学校内的计算机,其中一所学校与军方联系密切。

    Their discovery came after another team of investigators tracked the launch of the spyware to computers inside two educational institutions in China , one of them with close ties to the military .

  6. 目的:比较和评价常规X线、CT扫描两种影像学方法在空洞性肺结核诊断中的价值。

    Objective To compare the routine X-ray film and CT scan in diagnosis of cavitary pulmonary tuberculosis .

  7. 目的:比较和评价X线平片及CT两种影像学方法在骨肿瘤及肿瘤样病变诊断中的作用。

    Objective : To compare and assess the diagnostic role of X-ray plain films and CT scans in bone tumors and tumor-like lesions .

  8. 两项药效学试验结果表明:缓释片具有显著抑制角叉菜胶引起大鼠足爪肿(P<0.001),且与肠溶片比较,消炎作用持久。

    The results showed that buffer tablets could inhibit the swelling of toe of rats caused by carrageenin significantly ( p < 0.001 ), and its diminishing inflammation was longer than that of enteric coated tablets .

  9. 美国圣母大学(NotreDame)门多萨商学院(MendozaCollegeofBusiness)的两位管理学教授爱华德•康隆和安特•格拉瓦斯对这一点深信不疑。

    Edward Conlon and ante glavas , two management professors at the Mendoza College of business at Notre Dame , think so .

  10. 同时对柴油/天然气内燃机建立了两区现象学燃烧分析模型,并利用该方法实现了MATLAB程序设计。

    A two - zone phenomenological combustion model is developed for the diesel / natural gas dual fuel engine , and the program is completed with the method based on MATLAB .

  11. 在此,我们评价了CD99在这两种组织学上难以鉴别的病变中的表达。

    Here , we evaluate the presence of CD99 in these two histologically difficult to differentiate entities .

  12. 5.25例RA早期患者,腕关节、MCP和全部手关节的两种影像学检查阳性率,差异无统计学意义;PIP阳性率差异有统计学意义。

    The positive rate of two imaging methods in wrist and MCP and all the hand joints , the difference was not statistically significant ; in PIP was statistical significances . 1 .

  13. 黑格尔与胡塞尔:两种现象学方法之比较

    A Comparative Study of Hegel 's Phenomenology and Husserl 's Phenomenology

  14. 本研究通过两个行为学实验证明了上述观点。

    This research use behavioral experiments to demonstrate the propositions above .

  15. 皮艇训练中的两个生理学问题及训练的生理学原则

    Two Physiological Topics and Four Physiological Principles in Kayak Training

  16. 两种影像学辅助检查相互配合可提高静脉血栓栓塞症的诊断。

    Two kinds of screenage assist examination can help to diagnose VTE correctly .

  17. 社会保障与社会支持往往是人们容易混淆的两个社会学术语。

    Social security and social support are two terms which are easily confused .

  18. 他们中有两人从未学过驾驶。

    Two of them have never learned to drive .

  19. 血清白蛋白测定的两种方法学分析

    Two Methodologies Analysis of Measurement in Serum Albumin

  20. “声称”和“定位”这两种广告学技巧将给人1个全新的视角来看待广告翻译。

    Claim and positioning make translators understand advertisements translation with a whole new perspective .

  21. 改革创新的两部图书馆学教材&《图书馆学导论》和《图书馆学基础教程》之比较

    A Comparative study on An Introduction to Library Science and Basic Study Course of Library Science

  22. 两种语用学理论之比较

    A Comparison between Two Pragmatic Theories

  23. 其实还有一种可能,那就是:在移动市场上,微软恐怕这两个都学不像,所谓邯郸学步是也。

    There is a third possibility : that in the mobile market , it will become neither .

  24. 从思想逻辑上看,存在主义与马克思主义完全是南辕北辙互不相干的两种人学理论体系。

    Existentialist Marxism and Marxism are two different and irrelevant human theory systems on the thought logical .

  25. 当我那四个孩子还小,我常常希望有两个也学能上哈佛。

    When my four were little , I used to hope a couple might go to Harvard .

  26. 前屈侧位片中水平位移者24人,角位移者30人,其中12人同时并有水平及角位移两种影像学改变。

    Of anteflexed lateral radiographs , 24 had horizontal displacement and30 angular displacement.12 had both horizontal and angular displacement .

  27. 谁的?与何以可能?&教育社会学研究的两种知识学设问

    " Whose ?" and " How Possible ?" - Two Kinds of Sociology Knowledge Ask of Education Sociology Research

  28. 在商山脚下的王塬村,李改娥与丈夫在照看着两个还在学走路的孩子。

    Li Gai'e is raising two toddlers with her husband in Wangyuan village , in the lee of Mount Shang .

  29. 瞬时弹性超声和肝脏活检检查,对大于两个组织学阶段的诊断不一致性为13.4%(即33例患者)。

    Discordance of at least two stages between transient elastography and histology was observed in33 ( 13.4 % ) patients .

  30. 四种中医分型与两种影像学上肿瘤的大小之间有统计学意义,但与病灶的数目无相关性。

    Four kinds different TCM types and tumor size of radiology image has statistically significant , but has no correlation with its numbers .