
  • 网络Personal property rights;Individual Title
  1. 论中国个人产权的形成、影响和作用

    The formation , effect and role or China 's individual property rights

  2. 然而,个人产权的形成和发展并不会导致我国经济的私有化。

    The formation and development of the individual property rights , however , won , t lead to the privatization of our economy .

  3. 1950年到1978年,中国体制转轨的任务是利用国家权力消灭市场,消灭个人产权:1978年以后中国体制转轨的任务只能说完成了前半段&以权力恢复和发展市场和个人产权;

    From 1950 to 1978 , the shunt distribution of china was to use national power to destroy market and individual property right .

  4. 本房产经营公司供应个人产权房,交通便利,设施齐全,价格合理,欢迎面洽。

    This real estate company offers houses with property rights at reasonaBle prices , which have complete facilities and are convenient of access . Personal negotiations are welcome .

  5. 界定明晰而稳定的个人产权是使市场有效运行的前提条件,市场不是一种以普遍和谐为基础的制度。

    It also holds that the specifically delimited and stable private property rights is a prerequisite for the efficient operation of the market , which is not an institution based on a universal harmony .

  6. 公有制与市场经济结合的现实途径在于大力推进产权制度改革,全面确立以社会化的劳动者个人产权为基础的新型公有制模式。

    The key to integrating public ownership with a market economy is to advance reform on property rights systems , and to establish a new public ownership system with socialized individual property rights as its basis .

  7. 改革、开放以来,个人产权重新在我国得到了恢复和发展,并且对各种经济活动和经济运行机制产生了根本的影响和作用。

    Since the reform and opening up policies were carried out , China 's individual property rights has been recovering and developing , and it has been bringing about a great pushing effect on the various economic activities and economic operational mechanism .

  8. 农民专业合作社产权不仅是在直接生产经营过程中由众多数量大体均等的个人产权复合而成,更是由已经集合的个人产权、集体产权与国有产权复合而成。

    Farmer cooperatives professional property rights not only in the direct process of production and operation by the number of roughly equal number of personal property rights compound formed , it is already set by the individual property rights , collective property rights and state-owned property rights compound formed .

  9. 可以肯定的是,如何限制政府权力、如何协调经济发展和个人财产权保护的争论还将继续下去。

    Definitely , controversies on problems like how to restrict the power of the government and how to coordinate the economic development and personal property will continue .

  10. 随着技术等级的提高,个人住房产权类型由租房向和单位共有产权转变的可能性上升。

    Along with the increase of technical level , there is a large chance of the housing type changing from renting to owning the housing property with company .

  11. 他对孔教、宗法思想进行批判,对自由人格进行了阐释,对自由与宪政、救国的关系进行了探讨,并深入研究了个人财产权与自由的关系。

    He criticized Confucianism and patriarchal clan system thought , explained freedom personality , discussed the relations between freedom and constitutional government and saving the nation , and further investigated the relations between personal proprietary and free relation .

  12. 在现代社会,自由的现实意义在于成为社会现代化动力系统的构成环节,每个人的自由只有在理性设计和伦理实践中组织和改造社会关系,保障个人财产权和人格独立才是可能的。

    In modern society , the immediate significance of people 's freedom should be a link of society 's modernization . Only through reforming social relationship , protecting the right of property by rational design and ethic practice , is it possible to achieve individual freedom .

  13. 挂靠经营模式之经营权归公司所有,车辆产权归个人所有,产权关系不清晰,劳资关系不明确。

    The management right of affiliated business model belongs to the company . Vehicle property is owned by the individual .

  14. 首先,对个人信息财产权的概念、特征等做出了界定和归纳;其次,对个人信息财产权制度运行中的主要环节进行了探讨。

    It first defines personal information property and depicts its features , and next elaborates on substantive sections in such property system .

  15. 由于个人信息财产权制度广泛涉及道德、经济、法律领域,包含大量制度细节,本部分仅对该制度中的主要要素进行了讨论。

    Since the system broadly involves ethic , economic and legislation fields and contains massive institutional details , this part is limited to its principal factors .

  16. 个人隐私和知识产权两者都限制信息的自由流动。

    Both are restrictions on the free flow of information .

  17. 德索托阐释了,为何让个人拥有合法财产权能够推动经济繁荣。

    Mr de Soto showed how enabling individuals to own property legally would drive economic prosperity .

  18. 在公益征收、征用的对象上,应包括无形资产和集体所有财产,现阶段原则上不宜把国家对个人和集体财产权的限制也包括在公益征收范围之内;

    For the object of the commonweal expropriation , intangible asset and the collection-owned property should be included , while at the present stage , the state 's limit on the individual and the collection property right should not be included ;

  19. 人们在享受网络所提供方便的同时,也面临着许多诸如网络安全、个人隐私、知识产权与非人性化等难题,为道德建设提出了挑战。

    While people enjoy the convenience provided by the network , they also face many problems such as network safety , personal privacy , intellectual property , non humanity and so on . It gives a challenge to the moral construction .

  20. P2P网络下个人数字图书馆资源共享中个人隐私及知识产权保护方法

    Protection of Personal Privacy and Intellectual Property during the Sharing of Personal Digital Library under the Centralized P2P Networks

  21. 产权边界是个人努力、他人争夺和政府维护的函数,个人在产权界定中比政府有优势。

    The boundary of property rights is the function of individual effort , competition and government protection , where the individual has greater precedence over the government .

  22. 在近代美国财产法理念中,个人因素总是与社会因素连在一起的,个人主义财产权理论也总是与共和主义财产权理论相互促进的。

    In American property law theory , individual elements connect with social elements , in addition , individualism property theory and republicanism property theory have always mutually facilitated .

  23. 个人财产法律制度是人类社会的基本财产制度,个人财产权对于古今社会都具有非常重要的作用。

    Personal property of the legal system is the basic property of human social systems , personal property rights for the ancient and modern society has a very important role .