
ɡè rén xìn yònɡ
  • personal credit
  1. 并对整个基于SVM的银行个人信用评估系统模型进行介绍。

    SVM-based bank and the personal credit rating system model are introduced .

  2. 个人信用评估中的LOGISTIC模型

    Logistic model in the personal credit estimation

  3. 传统的名片正被实时更新的在线个人信用档案所取代。

    where traditional business cards are replaced by profiles of your digital trustworthiness , updated in real-time .

  4. 最后部分详细描述BP神经网络在个人信用评价模型中的应用与仿真。

    Finally we will describe the application of BP ANN model in individual trust evaluation .

  5. 本文基于Logistic回归分析建立起个人信用风险评价模型,提供了一种有效的信用审核风险评价方法,在对美国的经验借鉴与实证基础上,提出合理与具有针对性的建议。

    The paper builds a Logistic regression model to provide an efficient method of credit risk assessment audits .

  6. 基于Probit模型的个人信用风险实证研究

    Empirical Study of Consume Credit Risk Based on Probit Model

  7. 拉赫曼表示:我已经在树上呆够了。他的初创企业FairFinance刚开始提供贷款的时候,用的是拉赫曼个人信用卡上5000英镑的授信额度。

    I have done enough stuff chaining myself to trees , says Mr Rahman , whose fledgling enterprise , Fair Finance , started offering loans using the 5,000 limit on his personal credit card .

  8. 针对此需求,本文构建了一种基于Logistic回归分析的个人信用风险评价模型,为我国商业银行提供了一种高效信用卡审批方法。

    Address this need this paper constructed an individual credit risk assessment model based on Logistic regression analysis for commercial banks in China which provide a highly efficient method of credit card approval .

  9. 同时,为正常通过实际应用,验证并改善GANN个人信用评价模型,本项目开发相应的程序和计算机系统,系统的运行结果证明了该方法的有效性。

    Meanwhile , we also empolder corresponding programme and computer system for real application and validation test of GA-NN model , Application results show that such model is effective .

  10. 最后,分析仿真实验的结果,并根据建立的模型所需的数据条件,给出了B-P算法应用的优化策略和完善我国个人信用风险评估制度的一些对策建议。

    Finally , it analysises the result of simulation experiment , and gives some optimization strategies , and some suggestion to personal credit risk evaluation system .

  11. 个人信用风险计量:双边抗体人工免疫概率模型

    Personal credit risk measurement : Bilateral antibody artificial immune probability model

  12. 但总体来讲,我国个人信用征信制度还是不完善。

    But generally personal credit system in China is not perfect .

  13. 商业银行个人信用风险评价

    Evaluate ; The Valuation on Individual Credit Risk of Commercial Bank

  14. 个人信用:信为用之本

    A personal credit : trustworthiness is a base for the convenience

  15. 论个人信用体系建设中对隐私权的法律保护

    On legal protection of the privacy in establishing personal credit system

  16. 建立我国商业银行个人信用评估体系的思考

    Thoughts on Establishment of Personal Credit Evaluation System of Commercial Bank

  17. 河南省个人信用档案建设存在的问题及应对措施

    Existent Problems on Henan Personal Credit Archives Construction and Answering Measures

  18. 构建我国个人信用管理体系之浅见

    A Discussion of Constructing Our Country 's Individual Credit Management System

  19. 个人信用征信过程中的隐私权的保护

    Protection On Right Of Privacy During The Process Of Personal Credit

  20. 基于支持向量机的大学生助学贷款个人信用评价

    Personal credit evaluation of college student loans with support vector machines

  21. 建立个人信用体系发展个人信贷

    To Establish Individual Credit System , To Develop Individual Loan

  22. 金融业个人信用体系的构想

    On Conception of the Personal Credit System in the Field of Finance

  23. 构建我国个人信用制度的对策分析

    Analyses on the Countermeasures of constructing Chinese Private Credit System

  24. 加快个人信用制度建设的立法工作;

    Accelerate the registration work of the institutional improvement of personal credit ;

  25. 再谈助学贷款和个人信用制度的建立

    Discussing on Aid - education Loan and Establishing System for Individual Credit

  26. 接下来深入地阐述了个人信用征信法律制度。

    Then detailedly analyze the legal system of the individual credit checking .

  27. 最后论文探讨了个人信用权的社会意义和对于权利主体的意义。

    Finally , the social significance of individual credit right is discussed .

  28. 消费者金融中个人信用信息的经济价值

    Economic Value of Personal Credit Information in Consumer Financial Market

  29. 个人信用风险模型已经被普通应用于银行的业务中。

    Consumer credit model has been applied in the business of banks .

  30. 八是我国个人信用制度的缺失。

    There isn 't personal credit system in our country .