
Moral Choice in Individual Economic Behaviour
What Changes if the Welfare Variables Are Considered in Decision-Making : A Hedonomics Complement of Personal Economic Behavior to Utility Maximization
Restricted by sample size , the individual effects in econometric models have to be neglected , which often cause serious results .
The study on the contradiction between the desire and resources based on individual economic behaviors finds equilibrium mechanism of marginal interests and gives birth to neo-classical economics .
Generally speaking , moral choice in individual economic behaviour mainly consists of the choice between individual benefits and social benefits , the choice between short term benefits and long term benefits and the choice between material gains or moral principles .
The analogous economic models are those in which atomistic economic agents contract with each other to achieve harmonious equilibrium .
Microeconomics studys the economics activity individual 's action in the economics individual former , the core is price decision theory .
In fact , individuals ' external economical behaviors solicit the collectivity 's hitchhiking behaviors , which directly result in environmental problems . So what environmental problems bring is social cost , which is the dual cost of individual and society .
According to the economics of taxation , tax incentive or inhibitory effect can influence the economic choice , thus changing the economic agents ' behaviors .