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  • 网络China Township Enterprises
  1. GEF中国乡镇企业节能与温室气体减排项目(二期)在墙材革新领域的实施效果

    The implement of energy conservation and less discharge of greenhouse gas for China township enterprises in the domain of wall material reformation

  2. 基于C-D生产函数模型,对中国乡镇企业的技术进步率和农业产业的技术进步率进行了实证测算,并引入格兰杰因果关系分析法,分析了二者技术进步率之间的关系。

    This paper , based on C-D production function , calculated the rate of technical development of the Chinese urban-rural enterprises and the agriculture industry , and analyzed the causal founding by using granger 's method relation between them .

  3. 中国乡镇企业规模与效益的区域研究

    The regional research on the scale and benefit of Chinese township enterprises

  4. 中国乡镇企业产出增长来源实证分析

    A Positive Analysis on the Source of Output Growth of Chinese Rural Enterprise

  5. 中国乡镇企业外向型经济发展的基本态势及省际差异

    Outward oriented activities of china 's rural enterprises : development and provincial differences

  6. 中国乡镇企业能效自愿协议活动初探

    Preliminary Study on Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement in Chinese Township and Village Enterprises

  7. 中国乡镇企业增长的随机前沿生产函数分析

    A Stochastic Frontier Production Function Analysis of the Growth in China 's Rural Enterprises

  8. 入世后的中国乡镇企业:挑战、机遇与对策

    The Village Enterprise of China after Acceding to WTO : Gauntlets , Opportunities and Countermeasures

  9. 民营化&中国乡镇企业发展的必由之路

    Turned over by private citizens & The certain Way For The Development Of Chines Township Enterprise

  10. 中国乡镇企业是中国传统农业向现代农业转化过程中的产物,乡镇企业的产生具有历史必然性。

    Chinese rural enterprises is a product in the changing process from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture .

  11. 制度变迁与乡村非正规制度&中国乡镇企业的财产形成与控制

    Institutional Change and Rural Informal Institution & The Formation and Control of Properties of China 's Township Enterprises

  12. 从50年代至今,中国乡镇企业已发展成为一个我国经济的重要支柱。

    From the 1950s to now , Chinese township enterprises has become an important pillar of our economy .

  13. 通过对1978-2002年中国乡镇企业相关统计数据的时间序列分析,发现其作为农村剩余劳动力吸纳器的作用正在逐步趋缓,且呈现出边际收益递减规律。

    Through the time series analysis of related statistical data from 1978-2002 of rural enterprise , we find . its function as absorption machine of rural surplus .

  14. 改革开放20多年以来,中国乡镇企业异军突起,迅猛发展,成为农村经济的主体力量和国民经济的重要组成部分。

    Since the reform and opening , the Township Enterprise in China rises and has been increasing rapidly , and starts to become the corpus power of village economy and the important part in the national economy .

  15. 未来跨世纪的15年,中国乡镇企业将成为国民经济的主力军,它带来的环境污染和破坏将成为中国最为突出的问题。

    In future 15 years of across century town and village industrial enterprises will become main force of national economy in China and the environmental pollution and destroy brought about by them will also become the most protruding problem .

  16. 中国乡镇企业的发展壮大不仅在中国经济发展史上是一个独创的、巨大的奇迹,而且也是世界经济史上的奇迹之一。

    The phenomenal expansion of China 's Township and Village Enterprises is not only a unique and tremendous miracle in China 's history of economic development , but also one of the great miracles in the World 's economic development history .

  17. 中国的乡镇企业:所有制结构的变迁与现状

    China 's TVE : the change of ownership structure and present status

  18. 论中国西部乡镇企业发展中的市场规模问题

    On the Township Enterprise Market Scale in China 's West

  19. 黄谈到了1980年代到1990年代中国农村乡镇企业的历史巨变,就连最贫穷的省份里,积极进取的企业家也建立了具有相当规模的企业。

    Huang relates the epic adventure of rural Chinese entrepreneurship between 1980 and 1990 , in which striving businessmen built firms of substantial scale in the poorest provinces .

  20. 中国的乡镇企业正处于一个体制转型和产业升级的阶段,需要进一步调整结构,提高发展水平。

    Township enterprises have been undergoing transformation of their management and operational systems and carrying out technological upgrading , which calls for further restructuring and a higher level of development .

  21. 中国闽东南乡镇企业发展继续领先

    China 's southeast Fujian continues to lead in development of village-and-town enterprises

  22. 中国2020年乡镇企业发展对环境影响展望

    Perspective of Environmental Effect from the Development of Chinese Village and Town Enterprise in 2020

  23. 中国西部地区乡镇企业的融资现状分析及对策研究

    The Analysis and Research of Township and Village Enterprises in the Western Area of China

  24. 中国农村妇女是乡镇企业发展的重要推动者。

    Rural women in China are an important driving force for the development of township enterprises .

  25. 目前,中国农村有一亿多乡镇企业劳动者,其中女性约有4000万人。

    At present , rural China boasts more than 100 million workers in township businesses , and 40 million of them are females .

  26. 全省已有十一家乡镇企业跻身中国最佳经济效益乡镇企业行列。

    There are already 11 village-and-town enterprises in the entire province that have ascended to the ranks of China 's " village-and-town enterprises with the best economic benefit " .