
  • 网络ancient chinese history;The History of Ancient China
  1. 李先生是中国古代史著名学者。

    Mr. Lee is a well-known scholar in ancient Chinese history .

  2. 它弥补了中国古代史研究领域的空白。

    It fills the gaps in the study of ancient Chinese history .

  3. 他喜欢中国古代史。

    He is fond of ancient history of china .

  4. 他写了一篇关于中国古代史的文章。

    He wrote an article on the ancient Chinese history .

  5. 研究性学习在《中国古代史》教学中的实践

    The Practice of Research Studying in the Teaching of Chinese Ancient History

  6. 但是纵观中国古代史,以嫡长子身份当了太子并顺利继承皇位的可以说少之又少。

    However , there were few such cases in the ancient Chinese history .

  7. 李大钊与中国古代史研究

    Li Da-zhao and His Study of Chinese Ancient History

  8. 对简明中国古代史课程教学设计的反思

    Reflection on Teaching Design of the Course of Brief History of Ancient China

  9. 17、18世纪欧洲对中国古代史的研究及其后果

    A Century-long Controversy about Ancient Chinese History in Europe

  10. 中国古代史是高校历史专业的主干课程。

    Ancient Chinese history is a backbone course of history major of the university .

  11. 你对中国古代史熟悉吗?

    Are you familiar with Chinese ancient history ?

  12. 关于重构中国古代史体系的思考

    A New Idea of Restructuring Ancient Chinese History

  13. 第四部分,中学古诗文引入高中中国古代史教学的原则。

    Fourth part , middle school ancient prose introduction high school China ancient history teaching principle .

  14. 世纪之交中国古代史研究的几个热点问题

    Three Focuses in the Study of Chinese Ancient History towards the Close of the 20th Century

  15. 他在研究古典文学的同时,还开始钻研中国古代史。

    While he was studying classical literature he also began to dig into ancient Chinese history .

  16. 延安时期的中国古代史研究在是在相对稳定的政治环境和较为自由的学术氛围下进行的。

    The research object of this article is The Ancient History of China of the90 s third revised edition .

  17. 然而,在中国古代史传文学中,诗入史传却成为一道亮丽的风景线。

    However , it becomes a beautiful scenery line that poetry into historical biography in Chinese ancient historical biography literature .

  18. 与会学者在中国古代史、中国近现代史、世界史等领域的一些专门问题上也发表了饱含深邃智慧的见解。

    The representations expressed view about some special questions such as Chinese ancient history Chinese modern history and so on .

  19. 杨翼骧在中国古代史、史学史上都做出了自己的贡献,尤以中国史学史研究成就显著。

    Yixiang Yang made the contribution in ancient Chinese history and history of the historical studies , particularly notable in the latter .

  20. 北京师范大学中国古代史学科与北京师范大学一起,走过了百年历程。

    With the university together , the discipline , ancient history of China of Beijing Normal University , has experienced 100 years .

  21. 第五部分,教学设计。具体分析中学古诗文与高中中国古代史教学的整合。

    The fifth part , the teaching design , specifically analyzes the middle school ancient prose and the high school China ancient history teaching conformity .

  22. 秦郡问题是中国古代史研究中的一个难点,一直未能得到真正的解决。

    The Issue of the Jun of the Qin Dynasty has been a problem in the study of Ancient Chinese history , and has not correctly solved .

  23. 有助于从更大的时空范围研究中国古代史;有助于认识中华文明对世界的贡献;

    In addition , it helps the study on Chinese ancient history from a broader scope and helps understand the contributions made by Chinese civilizations to the world .

  24. 通过在《计算机组成原理》和《中国古代史》两门课程中一年的实际应用,分析总结了实际的教学效果。

    After running this studying community in curricula of the Computer Architecture and Chinese Ancient History for one year , we analyze the instructional effects of the studying community .

  25. 古史辨之前已有疑古,之后也应该有疑古精神。不能把信古、疑古、释古截然分开和绝对化,中国古代史研究也不是这三个阶段的问题。

    The belief , suspicion and explanation of ancient history can not be segregated and absolutized and these three stages are not all the study of ancient Chinese history has .

  26. 唐宋时期发生的社会变化是中国古代史研究的重要问题,城市变化是这种深刻变化的一个集中表现。

    As a critical subject in the research of China 's ancient history , the social changes during the Tang and Song Dynasties are typically witnessed by the changes of cities .

  27. 《中国古代史》作为高校历史专业的基础课程,需要实践研究性学习这种新的教学理念和学习模式,才能更好地实现其教学目标。

    Chinese ancient history is an elementary course for history major , which need to practise the newteaching concept and studying model of research studying to realize the teaching goals better .

  28. 他对自己选修的第一门大学课程中国古代史概论感到有些紧张。已经开学几个星期了,他还在克服语言障碍。

    He was nervous about taking his first university class an introduction to ancient Chinese history and , a few weeks into the semester , was still wrestling with the language barrier .

  29. 中古(约3-9世纪)时期是中国古代史中一段特殊的历史时期,而佛教的兴起与繁荣则是这一时期最显著的特点之一。

    The middle ancient ( about from 3 to 9 century ) is a special ere of Chinese ancient society , the Buddhism was one of the best out standing characteristics of the time .

  30. 中国古代史迄今未能在一系列主要和重要问题上建立起公认的解释的基础,为此新世纪的古史研究需要有突破性的进展。

    Historiography of ancient China has failed to establish a generally acknowledged framework of interpretation for a series of key problems and therefore a breakthrough is necessary in the coming century in this field .