
zhōnɡ yào xué
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine;traditional Chinese pharmacology
  1. 多媒体在《中药学》教学中的应用

    Application in traditional Chinese pharmacology teaching of multimedia

  2. 陕西中药学的发端

    Origin of Traditional Chinese Pharmacology in Shaanxi Province

  3. 在单晶结构分析方法发展的同时,粉末X射线衍射分析也开始应用于药学领域,特别是在中药学中已崭露头角。

    While X-ray single crystal analysis was developed continually , powder X-ray diffraction analysis was also utilized in pharmaceutical analysis . Particularly , it has begun to make a figure in traditional Chinese medicine .

  4. 用《组合中药学》的理论开发新型中药(英文)

    Development of new Chinese medicine with 《 COMBINATORIAL Chinese Medicine 》

  5. 综合性大学《中药学》课程教学方法探索

    Study on the teaching method of Chinese pharmacy in comprehensive universities

  6. 韩国留学生班的中药学教学

    Teaching Methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Korean students in China

  7. 《中华本草》在中药学发展史上的历史意义。

    Historical Significance of Chinese Materia Medica in Developmrnt of Pharmacology .

  8. 关于中药学基础研究项目科学基金管理工作的思考

    Science funding management of the basic research project for traditional Chinese Medicine

  9. 临床中药学学科界定要点

    Major points of defining the discipline of clinical Chinese pharmacy

  10. 加强中药学基地人才创新能力的培养

    To Strengthen Talents Cultivation with Innovation in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  11. 中药学专业毕业前的课程是一些以基础课程为基础的应用性专业学科。

    The courses before graduation of TCM are all applicable .

  12. 谈中药学层次递进教学思路

    Remarks on the thought of teaching Chinese pharmacy progressively at each level

  13. 临床中药学的现状与展望

    Present Condition and Prospect of Clinical Chinese Materia Medica

  14. 农业院校中药学专业本科生指导方法的探索与实践

    On the undergraduate guidance methods in Chinese traditional medicine specialty of agricultural universities

  15. 本课程是为中药学和生药学专业研究生开设的学位课。

    This course is designed for graduate students in Chinese medicine and Pharmacogosy .

  16. 中药学专业资源库的构建

    Construction of a Database for Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialty

  17. 中药学专业课程与教材体系建设的改革探讨

    Approaches to Reform the Course and Teaching Material System Construction in Traditional Chinese Medicine

  18. 单位:河南中医学院药学院临床中药学实验室。材料:实验于2002-09/11在河南中医学院临床中药学实验室完成。

    SETTING : TCM Clinical Laboratory of Pharmaceutical School , Henan University of TCM .

  19. 学好章(节)概述是学好中药学的关键

    A good mastery of each chapter summary is the key to learning Chinese pharmacy well

  20. 中医学与中药学专科毕业生就业形势和对策研究

    Situation and Countermeasure Study on Employment of Graduates from Vocational Schools of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  21. 中药学教学方法探讨

    On the Teaching Methods of Chinese Herbology

  22. 中药学专业方向与课程体系的改革研究

    Study on the Reformation of Speciality Direction and Course System of Science of Chinese Materia Medica

  23. 农业院校中药学专业学生科研素质训练的探索

    Exploration on Students ' Training on Science Research Quality of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Agricultural University

  24. 中药学教学体会

    My experience of teaching Chinese pharmacy

  25. 中药学是研究中药的基本理论和临床应用的一门学科。

    The chinese materia medica is a course studying the theory and clinical application of chinese medicine .

  26. 目的:探讨硝普钠在临床应用中药学监护的重点。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss the key points of pharmaceutical care in the clinical use of Sodium Nitroprusside .

  27. 探讨高等教育中药学课程开展网络考试的可行性。

    This paper explores the feasibility of the examination of Science of Chinese Material Medica based on Internet .

  28. 他对中国5000年的中药学的科学研究产生了兴趣,以及草药的药理和营养价值。

    He is interested in the scientific research into China's5000-year-old pharmacopia and the medicinal and nutritional value of herbs .

  29. 因此,本论文提出了计算中药学这一新的学科概念。

    Therefore , a new concept , Computational Chinese Materia Medica ( CCMM ), was proposed in this dissertation .

  30. 但关于植物药机械超细粉碎以及超细化对药物显微特征结构和药效的影响少有报道,而超细粉碎技术与中药学的结合,是提高中药利用率和药效释放率的有效途径。

    It is critical of combining nanotechnology and Chinese traditional medicine to improve the utilization ratio and rapid releasing .