
zhǔ gé
  • nominative;subjective;nominative case
主格[zhǔ gé]
  1. 衡量的比率,间距,序数和主格尺度。

    Ratio , Interval , Ordinal , and Nominative Scales of Measurement .

  2. 把这个名词变成主格词。

    Put this noun in ( to ) the nominative .

  3. 浅谈独立主格结构(m,n)构形的带宽

    On Absolute Construction ON BANDWIDTH OF THE ( m , n ) - CONFIGURATION

  4. 你母亲的父亲是你的外祖父。father是主语,grandpa是主语补语,都是第三人称、阳性、主格。

    Your mother 's father is your grandpa .

  5. 现在可是格莱美得主格莱美得主BrunoMars听上去很不错

    now it 's Grammy award winning.Grammy awar winning Bruno Mars , that sounds good

  6. 上述费用来自主格思里,武装部队和SAS的上校司令的前负责人。

    The charge came from Lord Guthrie , former head of the Armed Forces and colonel commandant of the SAS .

  7. 但之后,我读到DaringFireball博主格鲁伯(JohnGruber)和Gigaom创始人马利克(OmMalik)对米姆斯观点的反驳。

    But then I read a couple of rebuttals to Mims by Daring Fireball 's John Gruber and Om Malik , of Gigaom .

  8. 没有主可与其共享他的主格,及其特性。

    No one shares His divinity , nor His attributes .

  9. 有些独立主格结构可以满足这两个条件,因此可以体现并列关系。

    Some absolute clauses fulfilling the two requirements can realize paratactic relationships .

  10. 独立主格结构有4种语义功能;

    The A-clause has 4 types of Semantic Roles ;

  11. 俄语双主格句的语义分类研究

    Research on Semantic Classification of Double-nominal Sentences in Russian

  12. 这样,独立主格结构就具有和限定小句相同的意义潜势。

    Therefore , absolute clauses have the same meaning potential as finite clauses .

  13. 除了主格之外的任何语法格。

    Any grammatical case other than the nominative .

  14. 如果你仔细检查试卷的话,有些错误是可以避免的。(不要改为独立主格结构)

    If you check your test paper carefully , some mistakes can be avoided .

  15. 独立主格结构和介词复合结构

    Nominative Absolute Structure and Prepositional Complex Structure

  16. 把这一名词转换为主格。

    Put this noun into the nominative .

  17. 独立主格结构是一种具有逻辑主谓关系的独立结构。

    The English absolute construction is a kind of absolute construction with logical subject-predicate relation .

  18. 独立主格结构的特点及用法

    Characteristics and Usages of the Independent Nominative

  19. 英语独立主格结构种种

    Forms of the English Nominative Absolute Construction

  20. 这里是主格。正是她建议,他应该到纽约去搭乘直达班机。

    It was herwhosuggested that he goto New York in order to geta direct fight .

  21. 这个名词是主格形式的吗?

    Is this noun in the nominative ?

  22. 独立主格结构主要集中在小说文体中,而小说文体并不能代表正式文体。

    Absolute clauses appear mainly in Fiction , but Fiction is not formal in style .

  23. 假如你站在山顶上,公园看上去更美。(不要改为独立主格构造)

    If you stand on the top of the mountain , the park looks more beautiful .

  24. 十个学生报名参加了这次竞赛,年纪最小的是个12岁的男孩。独立主格与状语从句的转换

    Ten students entered for the competition , the youngest a boy of 12 . 1 .

  25. 在拉丁文中,属于第一类词形变化的名词的主格以a结尾。

    In Latin , the nominative case of first declension nouns ends in ` a ' .

  26. 论建筑的变形英语中的独立主格结构


  27. 英语中的独立主格结构

    The Nominative Absolute Construction

  28. 在介词后面,人称代词应该用宾格,但是他用了主格。

    After a preposition the objective case of pronouns should be used , but he used the nominative case .

  29. 基于认知语言学的英语独立主格结构型主语分析

    An Analysis of the Syntactic Subject in the Form of Nominative Absolute Construction on the Basis of Cognitive Linguistics

  30. 关于格,实际语言应用中也有许多以宾格代词为主语的独立主格结构。

    As for case , actual language use shows there are many absolute clauses with accusative pronouns as subjects .