
yì qí
  • the banner of an army fighting a just war;banner of righteousness
义旗 [yì qí]
  • [banner of righteousness] 义军的旗帜;也借指义军

义旗[yì qí]
  1. 他们都举起义旗,反对暴君。

    They all raised the standard of revolt against the tyrant .

  2. 1912年,自由党人举起义旗。

    The Liberals raised the standards of revolt in 1912 .

  3. 但当政局动荡、王朝没落时,少年又成了率先挑起反抗义旗,推动社会进步的激进力量。

    But while political situation was instability and the dynasty was declining , the " Juveniles " in the Chin-Han period became the radical force to resistance firstly and promote social progress .

  4. 在近代这一复杂的社会大环境中,深受吴地文化浸染的陈去病在思想上经历了数次改变,最终选择举起革命义旗。

    In modern times which had a complex social environment , Chen got the deeply influence by Wu culture and had some changes in the ideological aspects during his whole life . At last he chose revolutionary road .