
  • 网络george square
  1. 他还设计了爱丁堡大学一座投影于乔治广场的塔楼。

    He also designed one of the Edinburgh University towers that overshadows George Square

  2. 格拉斯哥的乔治广场每年都是众人云集。

    Large crowds gather each year in George Square in glasgow .

  3. 他从西门走进乔治广场花园。

    He goes into Gorge Square Gardens by the West Gate .

  4. 乔治广场的四面都有楼房。

    There are buildings on all four sides of George Square .

  5. 你觉得乔治广场的那座新建筑如何?

    What do you think of the new building in George Square ?

  6. 你沿着贝尔格里夫路走下去就可以到达圣乔治广场。

    Belgrave road will bring you down into St george 's square .