
  • 网络Industrial extension;industry outreach
  1. 产业延伸是地勘单位走向市场的最佳途径

    Industrial Extending & the Optimum Way for Prospecting Units to Move towards Markets

  2. 在旅游业向大服务和大文化产业延伸的今天,旅游景区品牌的中心辐射功能日益突出。

    Tourism services to large and large extension of the cultural industry today , the center of the brand have become increasingly prominent feature of radiation .

  3. 但是,在严重依赖外资和外企的情况下,地方产业延伸价值链的努力,往往会被跨国公司的技术垄断和网络控制而锁定。

    However , on the condition of relying on foreign capital seriously , the effort of expanding local value chain has always been locked up by the technology monopoly and network control .

  4. 中国钢铁企业快速发展,各钢企的利润空间急剧地萎缩,为了自身的发展,纷纷地向上下游企业进行产业延伸。

    With the rapid development of iron and steel companies , the profit of companies has decreased rapidly . In order to guarantee their separate development , they have extended industry chain into the upstream and downstream enterprises .

  5. 在对选定的东北煤炭工业园区进行了现状分析的基础上,形成资源产品再生资源的回馈式流程,规划构建煤炭开发到产业延伸的循环链。

    Based on the analysis of the Northeast Coal Industrial Park selected , the the feedback-type process of " resources-products-renewable resources " is formed , building from the coal industry to the cycle of chain extension is planed .

  6. 摘要我国现行农业经营体制使得小农户与大市场无法对接,承包经营难以适应产业延伸要求,服务功能难以到位。

    Under Chinese current agricultural management system , the fanner 's household couldn 't connection with the market , contractual management couldn 't meet the requirements for industrial extension , and the service function couldn 't be realized .

  7. 在这种背景下,村镇银行的诞生及时弥补了金融市场的空白,在着力发展三农经济以及调整农业金融服务的重心方面,向着更加广泛的农业基础化产业延伸。

    Under this background , the appearance of rural bank make up the blank of financial market on the aspect of developing agriculture and the focus of agricultural finance , we are aiming to extend to a more widely agricultural industry .

  8. 因此,要努力构建农民增收的长效机制:城乡统筹机制、农业产业延伸机制、科技支撑机制、市场调控机制、农民就业创业机制、农民社会保障机制、投入增长机制及法律保护机制。

    Hence , great efforts should be made to establish a series of long-term mechanisms , such as the unified urban-rural planning , expansion of agricultural industry , dissemination of science and technology , market adaptation , rural venturing , social security , increase of investment and the legal protection .

  9. 黑龙江煤炭矿区产业链延伸策略研究

    Research on the industrial chain extension of Heilongjiang coal mining area

  10. 新矿集团煤炭产品产业链延伸的研究与应用

    Xin Wen Mining Coal Group Coal Productes Industry Chain Research and Applications

  11. 煤炭企业的产业链延伸研究

    Study on Extension of Industrial Chain in Coal Enterprises

  12. 产业链延伸、产业竞争规则创新、产业转型是其产业创新的基本途径。

    Innovation paths contain industrial chain extended , competition regulation innovation and industrial change .

  13. 依托龙头企业,带动产业链条延伸,打造强势经济板块。

    Based on pilot enterprises , promote the prolongation of industrial chain , so as to build strong economic blocks .

  14. 本次展会的举办为邯郸市乃至中原经济区装备制造产业链延伸,提高成套装备生产制造能力做出了重大贡献。

    The exhibition held in handan city and even the economic zone for the equipment manufacturing industry chain extension , improve equipment manufacture ability made significant contributions .

  15. 软件复用技术是提高软件生产率和软件质量的一种技术,是大工业生产技术在软件产业的延伸。

    Software reusable technology can improve the production rate and quality of software , which is the extension of large industry in the field of software industry .

  16. 在农业剩余劳动力转移战略的实施过程中,农业产业链延伸与城乡过渡体系构建是有机结合的。

    During the implementation of the strategies , both extending the industry chains of agriculture and building transition system between rural and urban area should be combined organically .

  17. 构建了基于技术链发展、产业链延伸、企业经济效益和管理协同度四个维度的双链整合效果评价指标体系。

    The paper constructs evaluation index system , which includes technology chain development , industry chain extension , the economic efficiency of enterprises and managing collaborative degree and so on .

  18. 湖泊型体育训练基地的旅游化开发,既是体育产业链延伸的要求,也是体育与旅游产业融合发展的必然趋势。

    Tourism development of lake-based sports training centers is both the request of extending the sports industry chains and the inevitable trend of the integration of sports industry and tourism .

  19. 作为民航产业的延伸,民航维修业受到的影响稍有滞后,但也会在2009年晚些时候进入严冬。

    The civil aviation aircraft maintenance industry , as the extend business , will be affected latterly in a short time and fall into deep winter by the end of 2009 .

  20. 随着物流和供应链管理思想由传统制造业领域向其他产业的延伸,针对建筑行业的研究和应用也必将逐步深化。

    The research and application about it for the construction industry will be strengthened as the thoughts of modern logistics and supply chain extend towards from the field of traditional manufacturing industry to other industries .

  21. 现阶段,河南省应从科技创新、项目建设、产业链延伸、智力支持四个方面保障战略性新兴产业的发展。

    At this stage , Henan province should protect the development of strategic emerging industries from four aspects , they are technological innovation , project construction , extension of industrial chain , and intellectual support .

  22. 用高科技改造传统产业,延伸产业链条,发展关联、连续和新兴的经济增长点和主导产业,形成专、精、特、新的产品。

    Extend industrial chain with high-tech transform traditional estate , develop the product that relation and continuous and burgeoning economy increase a little and leading estate , form " Zhuan , Jing , Te , Xin " .

  23. 根据生态效率的理念,矿区发展需要五项关键支撑技术,为合理选择煤炭的产业链延伸途径打下理论基础,促进矿区可持续发展。

    According to the principle of ecological efficiency , five key techniques are needed for mining development . It laid a theoretical foundation for choosing coal extension path of industrial chain reasonably and promoted sustainable development in mining area .

  24. 进入21世纪以来,随着信息技术的发展以及服务业产业链延伸和专业化分工的需要,服务业跨国投资开始迅速增加,全球已出现了以服务外包为主要特征的服务业转移浪潮。

    Entering into the 21st century , along with the development of information technology , services industry chain extension and the need of specialization , the multinational service investment began to increase quickly . There has emerged services transfer tide , taking service outsourcing as the main characteristic .

  25. 当前,茶产品内容不断丰富,茶产业链不断延伸。

    At present , constantly enriching the content of tea products , tea industry chain constantly extended .

  26. 四是解除对关键中间产品市场的垄断,促进产业链的延伸和组织的演进。

    Terminate the monopoly of key product markets , and extend industrial chain and promote evolution of organization .

  27. 探索新能源的储备模式;促进新能源技术的开发、产业转型,延伸产业链条;

    We will promote the development of new energy technology , accelerate the industrial transformation and extend the industrial chain .

  28. 随着旅游产业链不断延伸,人流、物流、资金流、信息流广泛交汇。

    With the travel industry-chain extending , person flow , logistic flow , capital flow and information flow are converging .

  29. 电信的传统产业链正在延伸和发展,一个新型产业价值链正在形成。

    Traditional business chain has been extended and developed , a new type of business value chain is come into being .

  30. 随着玉米用途的扩大和产业链的延伸,玉米产业已经成为黄金产业、朝阳产业。

    As expansion of corn use and extension of industrial chain , corn industry becomes the " goldindustry "," sunny industry " .