
  • 网络industry effect;industrial effect
  1. 基于结构特征的商业模式创新:路径类型、产业效应与策略体系

    The Innovation of Business Model Based on Structure Character : Path Type , Industry Effects and Strategy

  2. 不同市场结构下的港口产业效应分析

    The Analysis on the Port Industry Effect Caused by Different Market Structure

  3. 最后在提升FDI的产业效应的研究主旨下,本文提出了外资政策和产业政策的协调整合战略。

    Finally , we put forward the coordination of FDI policy and industrial policy with objective of improving the industrial effects of FDI .

  4. 不仅从理论机理上阐述了FDI产业效应的形成机制,还通过理论模型的构建,对FDI产业效应的构成体系和影响因素,进行了具体分析。

    We have not only explained the mechanism of industrial effects of FDI in theory , but also analyzed the system and affecting factors of it through models .

  5. 广州市利用FDI绩效有七大宏观效应,即资本效应、产业效应、技术溢出效应、就业效应、出口效应、财税效应和经济增长效应。

    FDI in Guangzhou has six big macroscopic effects , namely industrial effect , employment effect , export effect , finance and taxation effect , technical overflow effect , economy growth effect .

  6. 以产业效应为基础的产业政策的调整包括:以集群政策代替传统的产业政策,并在FDI产业投资效应的基础上进一步深化产业集群政策。

    Based on the industrial effects , the adjustment of industrial polices include the substation of cluster policy for traditional industrial polices and deepening the industrial cluster polices on the basis of industrial effects of FDI .

  7. 中韩自由贸易区预期产业效应的实证分析&以中国钢铁业为例

    Empirical Analysis on the Expected Effects on Industries of the China-Korea FTA

  8. 开放市场下外商直接投资与产业效应的内在机制研究

    Research on the Inherent Mechanism between FDI and Industrial Effect under Opening Market

  9. 空港物流的产业效应分析&以广州白云机场为例

    Analysis on the Industrial Effect Caused by Airport Logistics

  10. 通过分析企业成长性的产业效应,进一步验证了分散化的溢价效应。

    Author also analyzes industrial effect of firm growth , documents the diversification premium .

  11. 没有高水平的规划、大规模的投资,旅游业的产业效应难以体现。

    Without high level programming , it is difficult to embody the domino effect of tourism industry .

  12. 企业组织结构决策及产业效应

    THE EFFECT OF OPPORTUNITY ON DECISION-MAKING The Decision of Organization Structures of Firms and the Industrial Benefits

  13. 从收入效应、创汇效应、就业效应和产业效应四个主要方面分析旅游产业对区域经济的影响。

    I analyze the impact of tourism on regional economy from income effect , export effect , employment effect and industry effect .

  14. 国内大大小小影视城,千姿百态,有着自己的发展方向和趋势,并带来巨大的产业效应。

    All kinds of MPCs in China , big or small , have their own development direction and trends and also bring huge industrial effect .

  15. 其次,对我国上市公司跨行业转型的动力机制进行了分析,认为转型能达到目的的前提是产业效应是企业绩效的重要因子。

    It is argued in this paper that the premise made the transition achieve its goal is that industrial effect is an important factor for the enterprises ' performance .

  16. 本文以2005年中国上市公司开展的并购事件为研究对象,从不同的角度分析了产业效应对我国上市公司并购绩效和并购动机的影响。

    Through studying the M A events happened in2005 in China , this paper analyzes the influences of industry effect on M A performance and M A motivation of China 's listed companies .

  17. 这三类新技术在大型网球赛事中聚合产生了赛事效应,其中包括对赛事的规模、赛事观赏性、赛事技战术变化,聚合还产生了技术创新效应和产业效应。

    The polymerization of the new technology cause competition effect in major tennis events , including the scale of the match the esthetics and changes of tactics . Polymerization also produces technological innovation effect and industry effect .

  18. 并结合全文分析结果就如何引导和控制好外商直接投资,发挥其积极的产业效应提出相关的产业发展政策建议。

    In the end , this paper provides the related industrial development policy recommendations about how to give the better guidance and control of foreign direct investment , and how to make it play positive effects of China 's industrial optimization .

  19. 证实了中国货币政策产业效应双重非对称性是存在的。最后,本文总结实证部分的结论,结合结论和中国货币政策产业效应非对称原因提出了相应的政策建议。

    We find that there exist asymmetric effects of monetary policy on industries in China . Finally , this article summarizes the conclusions of the empirical part and puts forward some useful suggestions based on the conclusions and the reasons of asymmetric effects of monetary policy on industries .

  20. FDI路径下我国承接国际服务产业转移效应分析

    The Research on Effects of China International Service Industry Transfer under FDI

  21. FDI与西部产业发展效应

    FDI and Industrial Development Utility

  22. 外商直接投资的产业结构效应FDI对广东产业结构的效应分析

    The Industrial Structure Effect of FDI An analysis on foreign direct investment and the industrial structure effect of Guangdong

  23. FDI的积累效应则可以分为FDI引致的产业集聚效应、FDI引致的经济开放度、人力资本的积累、制造能力的积累和基础设施的积累等。

    The build-up effect of FDI can be divided into the industrial agglomeration effect , opening-up of the domestic economy , accumulation of human capital , manufacturing capability and infrastructure construction .

  24. 中国应该继续强化产业结构效应优势,进一步推动出口产业结构合理化和提升产业技术水平,只有这样,在越南加入WTO的新形势下,中国才能缩小纺织品对日出口的总体竞争力劣势。

    Now , Vietnam is the number of WTO , so China should strengthen the industry mix effect advantage , only in this way , could China reduce the inferior position of textile export to Japan .

  25. FDI主要通过技术溢出效应、竞争效应、人员流动效应、示范和模范效应以及产业关联效应来影响着我国高技术产业的自主创新。

    FDI affects independent innovation in the high-tech industry of China mainly through technology spillover , competition , talent flow , demonstration and model effects as well as correlative effect among industries .

  26. 因此,中国应逐步将外资激励政策从超国民待遇向提高产业关联效应、集聚效应、完善特定的需求配套等过渡,尽可能地增加从FDI中的利得。

    Therefore , in order to increase the welfare effect of FDI , China should timely adjust its FDI incentive policy from tax and rental preferential to the improvement of the regional industrial relevancy and opening extent .

  27. 基于Panel-data的地区第三产业就业效应影响因素分析

    Factor Analysis on Effect of Tertiary Industry on Employment in Regions Based on Panel-data Model

  28. 集群区域MNE技术外溢能够通过竞争激励效应、产业关联效应、网络扩散效应等途径得以实现;

    Technology spillover of MNE can be realized by competition and inspiration , relationship of industries , diffusion of internet and so on .

  29. 本文利用Divisia指数分解法,分析了区域经济增长对环境污染排放量的规模效应、技术进步效应、区域产业结构效应和空间结构效应。

    This paper uses the Divisia index decomposition method to analyze the scale effect , technological progress effect , regional industrial structure effects and spatial structure effects of regional economic growth on environmental pollution emissions .

  30. 中国反倾销措施的产业救济效应分析

    The Analyzing on Industry Remedy Effect of Anti-dumping Measures in China