
  • 网络industrial alliance;industry alliance;Wi-Fi Alliance
  1. 二是,信威公司外部采取产业联盟策略,实行技术许可、转让等经营措施,让更多地专业厂家来加入SCDMA产业联盟,提供品种更多、款式更新颖、总量更大的终端设备。

    Secondly , Xin Wei Company shall externally adopt industrial alliance strategy , and provide more kinds of terminal equipment with fashion styles and in large quantity .

  2. 产业联盟组织形态的实证研究

    The Empirical Research on the Organizational Form of Industrial Alliance

  3. 从TD-SCDMA产业联盟视角看通信企业的标准战略

    The Standard Strategy of Communication Enterprise in TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance

  4. “计算机与通信产业联盟”也附和此观点。其成员包括Google跟Facebook之类的企业。

    The Computer & Communications Industry Association , whose members include firms such as Google and Facebook , echoed that sentiment .

  5. 作为芯片业的另一代表,绝缘硅(SOI)产业联盟,其成员包括美国企业Globalfoundries和英国企业ARM,正在致力于升级平面型晶体管。

    As an alternative the Silicon On Insulator ( SOI ) consortium , which includes Globalfoundries , an American firm , and ARM , a British one , is trying to improve flat transistors .

  6. “计算机与通信产业联盟”也附和此观点。其成员包括Google跟Facebook之类的企业。3月22日,该联盟发表了一份声明,称这桩交易提案“可能是史上最咄咄逼人又反消费者的并购提议。”

    The Computer & Communications Industry Association , whose members include firms such as Google and Facebook , echoed that sentiment . In a statement on March 22nd it said that the proposed deal " may be the most aggressive and anti-consumer merger proposal in history . "

  7. 基于复杂网络的区域制造产业联盟研究

    Research on Regional Manufacturing Industry Alliance Based on Complex Network

  8. 我并非不知道男士美容的产业联盟。

    It isn 't that I am unaware of the guy-beauty industrial complex .

  9. 建立中国体育信息产业联盟等。

    To set up China Sports Information Industry Union .

  10. 一种新的经济组织形态&产业联盟

    One New Economic Organization Form & Industries Alliance

  11. 中原城市群高技术产业联盟的组织机构创新

    Innovative Patterns of Organizational Structures on High-tech Industries Alliance of City Agglomeration in Henan Province

  12. 产业联盟是解决智能交通产业发展共性问题的有效途径。

    Industry union is the effective method to solve the common problem in the development of ITS industry .

  13. 分析师则指出,不同的技术标准及产业联盟使得预测无线充电市场的增长速度非常困难。

    Analysts say the different standards and alliances make it difficult to predict how quickly the market will grow .

  14. 在区域制造产业联盟网络中,将制造企业抽象为网络节点,将任意企业之间的可合作性抽象为网络边。

    In the network , enterprise is abstracted into network vertex , and the cooperation between enterprises is abstracted into network edges .

  15. 研究显示:复杂产品企业的发展战略有企业集群化发展、产品多元化发展以及产业联盟国际化发展的趋势。

    It shows that the complex product manufacturing companies have a tendency to develop in industry cluster , diversified product and internationalized allies .

  16. 埃及产业联盟和工业部已要求财政部采取措施,维护国内产业。

    The Egyptian Industrial Union and the Ministry of Industry has asked the Ministry of Finance to take measures to safeguard domestic industries .

  17. 今年上半年,也正式提出成立武昌地区设计产业联盟,打造中部设计产业基地。

    The design industry alliance is formally proposed in this district to create the " Base of Central Design Industry " in the first half of this year .

  18. 第三,无论上游企业是否是国资企业,如果下游的国资企业与之缔结产业联盟,都会改善社会福利。

    Thirdly , on matter that kind of status of its upper firm , a lower national firm with its upper firm to form an industry chain will improve the social welfare .

  19. 接着介绍了本文所运用的基本理论,包括企业外部环境分析理论、市场结构理论、竞争战略与产业联盟等;

    Secondly , it briefs the theories of this article , about the analysis theory on enterprises external environment , the market structure theory , competition strategies , industrial alliance and so on .

  20. 产业联盟的厂商在产业标准化上既竞争又合作,他们都试图运用有效的知识产权政策和市场策略赢得标准谈判更大的筹码。

    In the industrial standardization , firms not only compete , and also cooperate in the industrial pool , and they try to win more weights by effective intellectual property policies and market policies in standardization negotiations .

  21. 中国机器人产业联盟理事长曲道奎称,尽管我国本国供应商在2016年将市场占有率扩至32.7%,去年这一趋势出现反转,其市场占有率降至26.8%。

    Although Chinese domestic suppliers have expanded their market share to 32.7 % in 2016 , the trend was reversed in 2017 , as their share shrank to 26.8 % , said Qu Daokui , president of China Robot Industry Alliance .

  22. 区域制造联盟是一个复杂的经济系统,针对其复杂性,将复杂网络理论及方法应用于区域制造产业联盟研究,提出了区域制造联盟网络的构建及其研究方法。

    Regional manufacturing industry alliance is a complex economic system . Based on its complexity , the theory and method of complex network are applied in the paper and the method of the construction and analysis of regional manufacturing industry alliance network is put forward .

  23. 在现代化设计制造过程中,不仅强调产品快速响应市场需求,而且强调企业的设计信息共享甚至形成产业联盟,这就使得现代设计制造系统必须具备完善的信息处理和数据管理功能。

    In modern design and manufacturing , it is emphasized to fast respond to market demand , and to share the design information in corporation even form industry federation . That makes modern design and manufacturing system must have perfect functions of information processing and data management .

  24. 其次,构建了黑龙江生物制药产业创新联盟成员选择指标体系,提出用多目标决策法进行联盟成员的选择及应用AHP法计算指标权重。

    Secondly , it builds a member selection index system of biopharmaceutical industry innovation alliance in Heilongjiang province , and proposes multi-objective decision method to select the members and AHP method to calculate the index weights .

  25. 目前,我国已成立了TD-SCDMA产业技术联盟、钢铁可循环流程技术创新战略联盟、新一代能源化工产业技术创新战略联盟、煤炭开发利用技术创新战略联盟和农业装备产业技术创新战略联盟等等。

    At the moment , some technology alliances have been constructed in China , such as TD-SCDMA industry technology alliance , technology alliance of the recycle technology of steel , the new energy and chemical industry technology alliance and so on .

  26. 构建我国房地产业战略联盟研究

    Studies on the Application of the Strategic Alliances of Real Estate

  27. 建立环渤海经济圈第三产业战略联盟构想

    Proposition On Constructing Strategic Alliance of Third Estate Circling Bohai Region

  28. 完善产业技术联盟法制环境的对策研究

    Research on Perfection Measures of Industrial Technology Alliance Legal Environment

  29. 网络产业的联盟结构研究

    A Study on Coalition Structures in Network Industries

  30. 县域生猪产业战略联盟的组织与策略研究

    Study the Tactic and the Organization of the Strategic Alliance for the County Swine Industry