
  • human resource manager;HR Manager
  1. 人力资源经理胜任力研究:检核表法

    Research on Human Resource Manager Competency : A Checklist Method

  2. 浅谈人力资源经理的自我开发

    Talking about the Self-development of the Human Resource Manager

  3. HR管理世界为人力资源经理提供资讯,并为服务供应商提供综合的市场推广服务。

    We provide professional and abundant information for HR managers and complete marketing promotion for the service suppliers .

  4. 北京万科物业服务有限公司(BeijingVankePropertyServiceCo.Ltd.)的人力资源经理宋贵波在招聘会上招聘保安、接待员和清洁工。

    Song Guibo , a human-resources manager at Vanke Management Services , was at the exchange to fill vacancies for security guards , receptionists , and cleaners .

  5. 特拉维夫开发商NemesyscoLtd.推出以人力资源经理为目标客户的“诚信维护”软件。

    One developer , Tel Aviv-based Nemesysco Ltd. , offers what it calls ' honesty maintenance ' software aimed at human-resource executives .

  6. Ryan以前是一位人力资源经理,他指出要参加的话就去那种指定公司指定时间的、或大学里举行的招聘会。

    Ryan , a former human resources executive , points to company-specific open hours and college placement job fairs .

  7. 在Facebook上向的上司,同事或人力资源经理发牢骚是非常不明智的举动,最后结果会损害你的专业形象。

    Badmouthing your boss , a colleague , or a hiring manager through Facebook is a highly risky move that 's come back to haunt many professionals .

  8. 大多数的人力资源经理认识到像Pinnacle这样的猎头在招聘的流程中起着有价值的作用。

    Most HR directors recognize that headhunters such as Pinnacle play a valuable role in the recruitment process .

  9. Ryan以前是人力资源经理,他说:求职中你可以做到的最完美的事情就是招收求职大军。

    Says Ryan , a former human resources executive , The best possible thing you can do for a search is enroll your job-search army !

  10. 麦克尤恩是从在联合利华(Unilever)新西兰公司当一名人力资源经理开始其职业生涯的。他仍有数项障碍要克服。

    The RBS boss , who started his career as a human resources manager at Unilever in New Zealand , still has several hurdles to clear .

  11. 布莱恩•巴德(BrianBader)回忆说,三年前他在苹果公司(AppleInc.)参加技术支持岗位的培训时,人力资源经理曾逐一历数了员工应当要遵守的一系列准则。

    At Brian Bader 's orientation for a tech-support job with Apple Inc. three years ago , he says , human-resources managers ran down the list of guidelines workers were expected to follow .

  12. 正如Chol指出从来没有更高的工资,此外,人力资源经理经常收到可观的年终奖。

    As Chol points out , salaries have never been higher and , in addition , HR managers often receive substantial annual bonuses .

  13. 但事实果真如此吗?最近,求职网站凯业必达(CareerBuilder)对2696名人力资源经理和4384名全球员工进行了调查,征询他们听说的、见过的或者自己用过的“最不同凡响”的缺勤理由。

    Or are there ? Job site CareerBuilder recently asked 2 , 696 human resources managers and 4 , 384 full-time employees for the " most unusual " reasons for absence that they had heard , seen , or perpetrated .

  14. 欧洲各国人力资源经理的培养与教育及对我国的启示

    The Education and Training of Human Resource Managers in European Countries

  15. 与人力资源经理共同面试、估应聘者。

    Work with HR manager to interview and assess the applicant .

  16. 人力资源经理必须招募许多职员。

    ex : The HR manager must look after many employees .

  17. 我国家庭企业人力资源经理胜任力特征模型研究

    The Study on HR Managers ' Competence Model of Chinese Family Companies

  18. 中国的人力资源经理们面临着充满挑战的2007年。

    Human resources managers face a challenging year in 2007 .

  19. 部门主管和人力资源经理将根据测试结果来确定最终人选。

    Head and Human Resources Manager will review results for hiring decision .

  20. 中国企业人力资源经理胜任力模型实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Competency Model for Human Resource Managers in Chinese Companies

  21. 人力资源经理胜任力的主客观评价方法

    A Subjective / Objective Evaluation for Competency of Candidates of Human Resources Manager

  22. 协助人力资源经理完成新员工入职培训。

    Organize orientation / induction training programs in conjunction with the HR Manager .

  23. 协助人力资源经理开展行政后勤工作。

    Assist HR Manager in administrative affairs and logistics .

  24. 在招聘,员工关系,培训等领域为人力资源经理提供支持。

    Support HR Manger in recruiting , employee relationship , training processing , etc.

  25. 我会把您的申请表格,在该分支的人力资源经理。

    I will forward your application form tomanager position at our Norwich branch .

  26. 人力资源经理负责协调与当地及中央政府关系。

    Relations with local / central governments are coordinated by the HR Manager .

  27. 这位人力资源经理被无数的申请表淹没了。

    This manager of human resources was inundated with / overwhelmed by numerous applications .

  28. 不是,我是瑞科源有限公司的人力资源经理。

    Man : No - I 'm the Human Resources manager at RKS Limited .

  29. 花旗银行(中国)有限公司深圳分行人力资源经理于晋(音译)评论如下:

    Comment by Yu Jin , HR manager at the Shenzhen branch of Citibank China :

  30. 人力资源经理,男,63岁

    HR manager , male , 63