
jiè zhì jiā rè
  • dielectric heating
  1. 结果表明,微波选择性介质加热,可以激励煤中顺磁性黄铁矿FeS2热解,使其转化为非化学计量的磁黄铁矿Fe(1-x)S(0

    The results for phase analyses show that the selective dielectric heating of microwave can convert the paramagnetic pyrite in coal to moderately ferro magnetic pyrrhotite Fe_ ( 1-x ) S ( 0

  2. 运用评价函数法得到的最佳参数组合是热风风温38℃,风速5.4m/s及介质加热时间40min。

    Using assessment function method , the best parameter combination is the drying air temperature 38 ℃, air velocity 5.4 m / s and heating time 40 min.

  3. 固体微波介质加热快速提取新鲜橘皮中挥发油组分

    Fast Determination of Essential Oil Extracted from Fresh Orange Peel by Improved Solvent-free Microwave Extraction

  4. 本文介绍了绵州20-2凝析气田热介质加热系统的设计条件、设计参数的选取和设计特点,并对热介质油的选择作了论述。

    The design conditions of the heating medium system , design parameters and characteristic of JZ 20 - 2 Condensate Field are also introduced . Finally , a discussion about the selection of the thermal oil is given in the paper .

  5. 检验了该方法的可行性及数据可靠性,结果表明:采用高温空气槽测定材料的热变形温度,其最高测定温度可达380℃以上,大大超过了目前国内采用油介质加热测定热变形设备的测温极限。

    The results show that the method of heating air is feasibility and reliability . The test values of HDT by using high temperature-air container could exceed 380 ℃ which is much higher than the limitation of HDT tested in the medium of heating oil .

  6. 高表面能接触表面、极性介质和加热处理有利于改性剂扩散富集到PP表面,使PP表面的极性基团朝基体取向从而降低PP共混物表面接触角;

    The surface materials with high surface tension , polar medium and heating treatment are favorable for the diffusion of modifiers from inner to surface of PP matrix and decrease the contact angle of PP blends .

  7. 在pH5.2的HAc-NaAc介质中和加热条件下,痕量Rh(Ⅲ)的存在对于KIO_4氧化溴蓝这一褪色反应具有明显的催化作用。基于这一现象建立了测定痕量铑的催化分光光度分析方法。

    Ln pH 5.21 , HAc-NaAc medium and heating condition , trace Rh (ⅲ ) has a strong catalytic action on the oxidative fading reaction of bromophenol blue and KIO_4.Based on this reaction , a new method for the catalytic spectrophotometric determination of trace Rh (ⅲ) was establish-ed.

  8. 在磷酸介质和加热条件下,痕量铑(Ⅲ)能灵敏地催化高碘酸钾氧化二安替比林对二甲氨基苯基甲烷(DAMAM)的显色反应。

    A kinetic method for the determination of trace rhodium based on the catalytic effect of Rh on the oxidative color reaction of diantipyryl - ( p-dimethylamino ) - phenylmethane ( DAMAM ) with potassium periodate in the H3PO4 medium and hot water bath was established .

  9. 微波技术作为一种传播介质和加热能源已被广泛应用于各个科学领域。

    Microwave irradiation as a spread medium and calefaction energy sources is widely applied in all fields of science .

  10. 热介质处于加热管的外部,待干燥谷物在加热管内部靠自重通过。

    The hot medium flows outside the heating tubes and the grains to be dried flows inside the heating tubes using self-weight .

  11. 对炼油装置中两相流介质进加热炉如何均匀分配的问题进行了分析和探讨。

    Analysis and study for how to uniformly distribute the two-phase flow to the heater inlet in hydrocracking unit is done in the article .

  12. 作为一种特殊的炉型形式,天然气加热炉采用中间载热介质间接加热的方式,是天然气生产、输送和应用中的主要耗能设备。

    As a special type of furnace , the natural gas heater is one of the low-efficiency energy consumption equipments adopting the indirect heating by the heat-transfer medium .

  13. 目前,在锻造等热塑性成形生成过程中常采用快速加热和介质保护加热等方式来减少和防止坯料在加热过程中的氧化。

    At present , quick heating or medium protected heating to reduce or prevent oxidation during heating are often used in the process of thermo-plastic forming such as forging .

  14. 金属热处理是将金属工件放在一定的介质中加热到适宜的温度,并在此温度中保持一定时间后,又以不同速度冷却的一种工艺。

    Metal heat treatment is a kind of craft to heat pieces of metals at the suitable temperature in some medium and to cool them at different speed after some time .

  15. 与旧的介质过滤加热灭菌工艺相比,每吨酒可节约13.62元,3年左右可回收设备投资。

    Compared with old technology of medium filtration plus remove bacteria used heating , the rice wine of per ton can save about 13.62 yuan , it can recover investment of equipments in around three years .

  16. 可更经济合理地用单台换热实现管程水蒸汽的冷凝及其凝结水的冷却、壳程介质被加热的换热过程。

    By using this method , the process of the condensation of the vapor , the cooling of the condensed water and the heating of the content at shell side can be finished in one heat exchanger .

  17. 中空的干燥盘内通入加热介质,加热介质形式有饱和蒸汽、热水和导热油,加热介质由干燥盘的一端进入,从另一端导出。

    The heating media , which could be in forms of saturated steam , hot water or heat conducting oil will be led into hollow drying plates from one end to the other end of the dryer .

  18. 在稀硫酸介质中及加热下,Au~(8+)对Ce~(4+)氧化Hg2~(2+)反应具有强烈催化作用;

    In the media of dilute sulfuric acid under heating conditions , Au8 + plays strong catalytic part for the oxidation-reduction reaction of Ce4 + versus Hg_ ( 2 ) ~ ( 2 + ) .

  19. 雾化介质对燃油加热炉内流动和燃烧的影响

    Impact of atomizing medium on flow and oil combustion in furnace

  20. 干介质微波辐射加热法合成蒽醌的研究

    A Study on Anthraquinone Synthesis by Dry-Media Microwave Irradiation Heating Method

  21. 对不同介质、不同加热管的沸腾滞后实验研究

    Experimental investigation of hysteresis in boiling heat transfer of different media and heating tubes

  22. 用连续管循环导热介质的井筒加热法

    Heating wellbore : use coiled tubing / hollow rod to circulate the heat conduction media

  23. 以热介质油为加热媒介的供热系统在海上油气田开发工程中正越来越多地得到应用。

    The heating system using thermal oil as medium , has found more and more application in offshore engineering development .

  24. 在升膜蒸发器内,以软化水为介质测定不同加热量、不同水量的气液两相流传热膜系数,分析影响传热膜系数的诸因素及变化关系;

    Heat transfer film Coefficient of two-phase flow has been measured in a rising film evaporator with variable heat quantities and water rates .

  25. 巧妙地构思出射流加热板,使得干燥介质在不同加热板上有不同的加热方式、提供不同的能量,实现了不同干燥阶段的按需供能。

    The " jet flow heating plate " is suggested dexterously to supply different heating schemes and different energy for the dry medium on different heating plates , which has realized the energy supply depending on the demand in different drying phases .

  26. 本文根据浮法玻璃的物理性质,从退火温度曲线、冷却介质性能、加热方式及退火炉结构特征等几方面初步探讨了浮法玻璃热风退火工艺设计原理。

    The paper preliminarily discussed about design principle on hot-blast annealing technology of float glass from several ways over annealing curve , coolant performance , the ways of heating and lehr structure character and so on , according to the physical properties of float glass .

  27. 实验介质由电阻膜加热,半导体致冷片、散热片以及风扇冷却。

    The experimental medium was heated by resistance film and refrigerated by Peltier elements .

  28. 本文就含水的倾斜多孔介质层在侧向加热条件下流体热对流稳定性问题进行试验研究。

    A experimental investigation on the stability of thermal convection in a sloping porous Medium under lateral heating is reported .

  29. 在冶金行业广泛应用于快速切断气体介质,尤其在加热炉方面应用广泛。

    Widely used in metallurgy industry , quickly cut off the gas medium , in particular , are widely used in the furnace area .

  30. 该试验说明了应用该小功率水介质等离子弧辅助加热切削氮化硅陶瓷材料的方法可行而有效,能够大大降低加工成本,对促进工程陶瓷材料的更广泛应用具有重要意义。

    The experiment results indicate that the thermal cutting method with the new-style equipment is effective and valid and the processing cost could be greatly reduced and has significant meaning for the extensive applications of the engineering ceramics materials .