
  1. 他们讲上帝造人,我们讲从猿到人。

    Let them say that man was created by God , we say man evolved from the ape .

  2. 由是而论,婚姻制度的出现昭示了从猿到人进化过程的终结。

    Therefore , the emergence of marriage institution indicated that the evolution process from ape to man is ended .

  3. 《信誉:在从猿到人转变过程中的意义》一文缺乏跨学科研究的学术规范。

    The Role of Trust in the Evolution from Ape to Man lacks some academic standards of interdisciplinary study .

  4. 有些人说大脚怪和雪人是缺失的一环——从猿到人的过渡这一环的动物。

    You know , some people say that the d à ji ǎ o gu à i and yeti is the missing link - the animal that shows the transition from ape to man .

  5. 这就完成了从猿转变到人的具有决定意义的一步。

    This was the decisive step in the transition from ape to man .