
  1. 要坚持以人民为中心。

    A people-centered approach must be taken .

  2. 谋划“十四五”时期发展,要贯彻以人民为中心的发展思想,坚持发展为了人民、发展成果由人民共享,努力在推动高质量发展过程中办好各项民生事业、补齐民生领域短板。

    When making plans for the 14th Five-Year period ( 2021-2025 ) , we must insist that development is for the people with the benefits shared by the people , and more efforts should be made to improve weak links concerning people 's livelihood4 , while striving for high-quality development .

  3. 要坚持以人民为中心的创作导向,提高文化产品质量,为人民提供更好更多精神食粮。

    We should pursue people-centered cultural creation , and create better cultural products to provide the people with more and better nourishments for the mind .

  4. 由于社会转型期社会矛盾日益繁杂,如何重新审视人民调解的性质及法律定位,重构以人民调解为中心的ADR,成为一项重大的理论课题和现实问题。

    For social conflicts during the social transition period grow more complicated , it comes to be an important theoretical thesis and realistic problem to figure out how to re-examine the nature and legal orientation of people mediation and to reconstruct people-mediation-centered ADR .

  5. 一个合理的医疗卫生体系应该是以人民健康为中心,在医疗卫生服务的提供与保障上兼顾公平与效率为原则的。

    A reasonable health care system should focus on peoples health , and finance and deliver health care services equitably and efficiently .

  6. 认识和解决社会主要矛盾,不能脱离社会基本矛盾的范围,应以人民的根本利益为中心,并依靠制度的力量。

    Knowing and solving the leading social contradictions should not retire from the realm of social basic contradictions , but should centre round the fundamental interests of the people and rely on the system .