
  • 网络customer centricity;Customer focus;customer-oriented;customer oriented;customer focused
  1. 企业有效运用ISO9000:2000标准的核心理念是以顾客为中心和持续改进。

    The core idea of using ISO 9000:2000 is the customer focus and the continual improvement .

  2. 因为以顾客为中心容易但真正与顾客良好沟通难;

    One , a customer focus is easy but communicating with customers is hard for companies .

  3. 但是业务流程再造(BPR)是如何以顾客为中心实现顾客满意度的改善过程的呢?这个问题一直以来没有得到有效的解答。

    However , Business Process Reengineering ( BPR ) is how to improve customer satisfaction ?

  4. TERAWELLNESSCLUB致力于以顾客为中心,改变顾客的生活方式,而不仅仅是提供健身课程;

    TERA WELLNESS CLUB is committed to customer-orientation and changing the lifestyle of customers , but not just providing fitness programs ;

  5. 因此Khoja制定了以顾客为中心的理念。

    Hence Mr Khoja 's customer-centric philosophy .

  6. 从那时起,EMSD成功地从一个宫僚的保守的组织转变成一个以顾客为中心的开放的服务组织,其最终目的是提供全面顾客满意。

    Since then , EMSD has successfully transformed itself from a bureaucratic , inward-looking organization to a customer-focused , outward-looking service organization with the ultimate goal to deliver total customer satisfaction .

  7. 全院护理人员牢固树立以顾客为中心的服务理念。

    The hospital nursing staff members firmly establish customer-centered service philosophy .

  8. 论医院管理创新:以顾客为中心

    On the Innovation of Hospital Management : Customer Centered

  9. 虚拟企业网络系统中以顾客为中心的设计模式

    Design Model of Focus on Customers in the Virtual Enterprise 's Network System

  10. 在企业进行市场决策时,以顾客为中心还是以竞争者为中心是一个不容回避的问题。

    Client-oriented or competitor-oriented is an unavoidable problem in marketing decision making for enterprises .

  11. 树立以顾客为中心的企业质量观

    Establishing the Customer - Oriented Enterprise Quality Concept

  12. 提出将健壮设计与传统的可靠性方法相结合,形成以顾客为中心的汽车可靠性设计分析方法。

    A new reliability design method & the customer centered automobile 's reliability design is presented .

  13. 企业在体验营销中,更加注重顾客的精神需求,完全以顾客为中心。

    Experiential marketing , pay more attention to the spiritual needs of the customer fully customer-centric .

  14. 新版标准突出强调了以顾客为中心和持续改进的观念,并且要求定量描述质量管理的成效。

    This new version stresses the " customer-centered " idea and advocates the constant quality improvement .

  15. 医院要以顾客为中心,把消费者作为市场营销的出发点和归宿。

    Hospital should be custom-oriented and regard customs as starting point and the end of marketing .

  16. 一种全新的以顾客为中心的业务模式正在形成,并被提升到前所未有的高度。

    A new " customer-centric " business model is formed and is elevated to unprecedented heights .

  17. 本文的创新之处在于,运用服务营销和管理学理论,分析写字楼的租赁与管理,提出了在合理定位的基础上,如何做到以顾客为中心,提高服务质量,加强服务管理。

    When studying how to level the service , using the service marketing and management theory .

  18. 以顾客为中心培育国有企业核心竞争能力的思考

    Thoughts on Focuses on the Demand of Customers to Cultivate Nucleus Competitive Ability of State Owned Enterprises

  19. 在当今以顾客为中心的超强竞争时代,公司声誉已经成为管理与研究的重点之一。

    In the customer-centered era , corporate reputation has become one of the priorities of managers and researchers .

  20. 目的:介绍一种以顾客为中心的管理策略&顾客价值管理策略。

    OBJECTIVE : To introduce a customer-centric management strategy , i.e , customer value management ( CVM ) .

  21. 概述顾客满意和顾客感知价值等组织关键的以顾客为中心的结果,包括顾客忠诚。

    Summarize your organization 's KEY CUSTOMER-focused RESULTS for CUSTOMER satisfaction and CUSTOMER-perceived VALUE , including CUSTOMER loyalty .

  22. 以顾客为中心、满足顾客需求的经营和管理理念在发达国家形成并发展。

    The management notion about focus on the customer and satisfy the customer demand has been forming and developing .

  23. 21世纪是以顾客为中心的时代,关系营销正日益受到重视。

    The 21 st century is the period of Customer-centric , Relationship marketing is being more and more attention .

  24. 这是由于它涉及一个与新产品开发的其它主要吸引力的潜在的冲突,比如,以顾客为中心。

    This is because it involves a potential conflict with another lodestone of new product development , i.e.customer orientation .

  25. 在“以顾客为中心”的时代,高等学校需要回应各种各样的利益相关者的问责要求。

    In the " customer-oriented " age , HEIs have to give response to various needs requested by the stakeholders .

  26. 网络数据库营销是适应信息社会需求新型的以顾客为中心营销策略。

    Network Database-Marketing is a new strategy that takes clients as the centre for meeting the need of information society .

  27. 秉着“以顾客为中心”的经营理念,不断提升满足顾客要求的能力。

    Upholding the " customer-centered " operational concept , we 've been improving our capacity of meeting customer requirements constantly .

  28. 关键的因素则是制订科学的策略,实现以顾客为中心的服务,全面提升虚拟空间的信息价值。

    The key factor is to formulate scientific strategy to achieve client oriented service and advance information value of dummy space .

  29. 是以顾客为中心的信息交流,对话的起点和终点都是集中在顾客的需求上。

    It is a customer-centered exchange of information that begins and ends with the customer whose needs must drive the conversation .

  30. 我们将世界最先进的创新技术与以顾客为中心的产品和服务结合起来。

    We have combined advanced innovational technology and service oriented towards clients to supply the best suitable products for every district .