
qǐ yè xìn yù
  • Corporate reputation;goodwill of an enterprise
  1. 实际上,企业信誉咨询机构ReputationInstitute最近还将联想评为全球声誉最好的公司之一。

    it was , in fact , recently ranked by the Reputation Institute as one of the world 's most reputable companies .

  2. 供需网环境下企业信誉评价研究

    The Research of Reputation Evaluation of Corporations in SDN People Network

  3. 中国企业信誉缺失的理论分析

    A Theoretical Analysis of Lack of Reputation among Chinese Firms

  4. 加工质量是企业信誉的保证。

    Processing quality is the guarantee of the enterprise credibility .

  5. 非正式制度视角下的集群企业信誉机制

    Enterprises Reputation Mechanism in Industrial Clusters : From the Perspective of Informal Institutions

  6. 在本文的模型里,在均衡中企业信誉有一个动态演变的过程。

    In our model , in equilibrium firm reputation is a dynamic process .

  7. 我国中小企业信誉链融资模式研究

    Study on Credit Chain Financing of Chinese Small-Medium Enterprises

  8. 电信企业信誉评级体系:内涵、意义及构建

    The credit rating system for telecom enterprises : connotation , significance and construction

  9. 商标有利于保证产品质量与企业信誉;

    The trade mark helps to guarantee product quality and enterprise 's prestige ;

  10. 镶嵌于网络的建筑企业信誉机制探讨

    On Construction Enterprise Credit Mechanism Embedded in Social Network

  11. 拉塞尔:非也,这是对我们企业信誉的投资。

    Russell : No , that 's an investment in our business reputation .

  12. 项目施工安全与企业信誉探讨

    Relation Between Safety in Construction and Enterprise Reputation

  13. 偿债能力分析与企业信誉评价

    Analysis of enterprise 's debt paying ability and evalution of enterprise 's prestige grade

  14. 企业信誉问题研究

    A Study on the Problem of Enterprise Reputation

  15. 强化质量管理提高企业信誉

    Strengthening Quality Management , Enhancing Enterprises ' Reputation

  16. 企业信誉问卷是一份调查,由被访问者描述他们对于企业的看法。

    The Reputation Pulsequestionnaire is a survey that invites respondents to describe theirperceptions of companies .

  17. 企业信誉的博弈分析

    The Game Analysis on Enterprise Reputation

  18. 其优势在于资金相对充足,客户渠道广泛,企业信誉良好,等等。

    The strengths include : comparatively abundant money , wide client channels , good reputation , etc.

  19. 多次被省市评为企业信誉优秀单位称号。

    The enterprise is evaluated many times by the provinces and cities the enterprise prestige outstanding unit title .

  20. 安全工作关系到国民经济的发展、社会进步以及国际形象的改善,同时也关系到企业信誉和竞争力,甚至会决定着企业的生存。

    Safety concerns the development of national economy , social advancement and the improvement of international image as well .

  21. 最后,企业信誉建设还要求有强大的法律、文化、道德、舆论等环境支持。只有这样,才能有效地形成企业信誉建设的内在基础和外在压力,打造我国真正的信誉企业。

    At last , powerful law culture morality and public opinion are also essential in order to construct business goodwill .

  22. 2008年三鹿奶粉事件的发生,激起了人们对企业信誉的关注和拷问。

    The " SanLu milk powder " incident in 2008 , aroused people ' attention and question to the corporate reputation .

  23. 所以,加强电能计量管理已经成为电能计量装置质量管理和质量保证的基础,是确保电力企业信誉。

    Therefore , to strengthen electric power metering management has become the foundation of electric metering device quality management and quality assurance .

  24. 本论文着重探讨处于过渡时期国家的企业信誉,特别是从理论上探讨处于社会主义初级阶段时期的中国企业信誉。

    This paper focuses on the enterprise reputation of the transiting countries , especially Chinese enterprise reputation in the socialist primary stage .

  25. 愿以一流的产品质量,良好的企业信誉,竭诚欢迎海内外客户来人来函,洽谈业务。

    With products of first-rate and good credit of our enterprise , we are looking forward to your earnest enquiry for business !

  26. 在现代商业社会中,商标已成为企业信誉的象征,是企业的一项重要的无形资产。

    In the modern business world , trademark as an important intangible asset of enterprises , is a symbol of enterprises reputation .

  27. 并且要以企业信誉和员工素质超前于企业发展作为其发展保证。

    And it must be guaranteed that the enterprise 's reputation and the employee 's diathesis should be ahead of the enterprise 's development .

  28. 在竞争激烈的建筑市场,施工企业信誉是其能否承揽到工程的关键因素之一。

    At high competition building market , the credit of building enterprises is a key factor , which can determine to reach the project .

  29. 市场询价差异很大,受采购量、采购时间、付款方式、企业信誉等影响;

    Market Inquiry has great difference , it is influenced by purchase quantity , purchase time , type of payment , enterprise credibility etc ;

  30. 凭借突出的技术力量、丰富的实践经验、上乘的技术服务和良好的企业信誉保持着快速发展。

    With the outstanding technical forces , rich practical experiences , superior technical services and good reputation , the company has been maintaining rapid growth .