
  • 网络Modernization of Enterprise Management;business management modernization
  1. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation)是信息技术发展的结果,也是企业管理现代化、信息化的必然要求。

    The office automation is the result of the development of information technology , the modernization of enterprise management , but also the inevitable requirement of informatization .

  2. OA的应用是政府和企业管理现代化的标志。

    The adhibition of an OA application is the milestone of an enterprise and government running with modern way .

  3. 论电子商务对企业管理现代化的促进作用

    On the Promoting Function of Electronic Commerce to the Enterprise Management Modernization

  4. 加快信息化建设,促进企业管理现代化;

    The modern management can be prompted , the enterprise accelerating information constructing .

  5. 电子商务对我国企业管理现代化进程的影响

    Effects of electronic commerce on the modernization progress of business management in China

  6. 论企业管理现代化的原则和管理观念更新

    On the Modernization of Enterprise Management and Managerial Concepts

  7. 浅谈会计电算化与企业管理现代化

    Talking about the Accounting Computerization and Enterprise Management Modernization

  8. 提高企业管理现代化课题研究水平

    Improve the Research Level of Enterprise Management Modernization Projects

  9. 高度的企业管理现代化、规范化需要建立一个综合管理体系。

    An integrated management system is required for highly modernized and standardized business management .

  10. 我国工业企业管理现代化的几个问题

    Some Problems about Modernizing China 's Enterprise Management

  11. 加快企业管理现代化、信息化建设。

    They need to accelerate the application of modern management methods and information technology .

  12. 关于企业管理现代化问题;

    Modernization of the administration of enterprises ;

  13. 该系统适合于航运企业管理现代化和高层次人才培养的需要。

    The system is fit for the modernization of shipping management and fostering the high-level talents .

  14. 企业管理现代化是现代管理思想、现代组织管理方法和手段的结合体。

    Modernization of enterprise management is the combo of modern management ideology and modern organization methods .

  15. 在企业管理现代化和信息化过程中,计算机技术和管理科学在纵深层次上相结合。

    In the course of enterprise management and information technology application , computer technology and management science are combinative in depth level .

  16. 咨询产业化是社会化大生产的必然产物,是企业管理现代化的必然趋势。

    Industrialization of consultancy is an essential product of large-scale socialized production as well as the consequent result of modernized business administration .

  17. 本文通过新旧制度变革,进一步阐述了企业管理现代化的战略意义。

    This paper elaborates the strategic meaning of enterprise management modernization under the condition of the change of the new and old system .

  18. 目前,以电子计算机和网络为主要工具的网络信息管理平台,已经是企业管理现代化的一个重要标志,能够帮助企业实现现代化管理,能够及时充分地采集、分析信息,进行正确决策。

    At present , the network management information system with computer and network as main tools has become an important indicator of current business .

  19. 随着企业管理现代化和计算机技术的发展,网络环境下的工具管理信息系统研究与应用成为新的趋势。

    With the development of management and computer technologies , the research and application of tool management information system based on web have become new trend .

  20. 本系统已投入运行使用,效果良好达到了预期的设计目标,加快了企业管理现代化建设的步伐。

    This Office Management Information System has been used , which appears the good effect , achieves the design goals and accelerates the pace of enterprises management modernization .

  21. 从某种意义上说是衡量企业管理现代化的一个标尺,为此,它很快就被人们认同和接受,并为许许多多的企业带来了丰厚的收益。

    In some sense , it is a standard to measure enterprise modernization , so it is rapidly accepted , and bring rich benefits to lots of enterprises .

  22. 作为推进企业管理现代化的关键技术,工作流技术发展迅速,它有效地将系统逻辑从业务过程中分离,使得企业能够更快地适应市场需求。

    The Workflow Management System , which is a key technology to realize enterprise management modernization , makes the enterprise more quickly to adapt to the market demand .

  23. 人力资源信息系统作为管理信息系统的重要组成部分在以信息技术提高企业管理现代化水平过程中发挥着重大作用。

    Using Information Technology to improve the modern enterprise management , Human Resources Information Systems ( HRIS ), as a management information system , plays a significant role .

  24. 计算机辅助业务管理是企业管理现代化的一个重要体现。因为它不仅仅是对数据的存储和检索,更重要是对业务的支撑。

    Computer aided business management is an important manifestation of enterprises management modernization , because it is not just for data storage and retrieval , but also for business supporting .

  25. 开发和利用计算机软件,完成系统管理对提高人力资源管理水平,实现人力资源管理现代化具有重要意义,是实现以人为中心的管理、促进企业管理现代化的必然选择。

    Development and use of human resources management information system is very important to achieve the modernization of human resources management , and is the inevitable choice to achieve human-centered management , to promote the modernization of enterprise management .

  26. 并从分析新时期市场经济体制、企业管理现代化和企业思想政治工作建设都迫切需要我们建设现代企业文化的必要性入手,对油田现代企业文化建设的整体思路作了规划设计。

    And from such aspects as the new era market economy system , the modernization of enterprise management and the enterprise 's idealistic construction , this paper makes plan and design for the whole thinking ways of the oilfield modern enterprise .

  27. 管理组织的现代化是企业管理现代化的基础,模具制造已逐步从传统的制造观念和方法向现代化的制造观念和方法转变,管理组织也应作相应的变革和创新。

    Modernization of management and organization is the base of modernization of enterprise management . Mould manufacturing is transforming from traditional manufacturing conception and method to modernized manufacturing conception and method . The management and organization should be transformed and innovated correspondingly .

  28. 企业管理现代化应从我国的国情和实际需要出发,管理信息系统的发展应遵循经济发展规律,结合我国的社会制度和经济文化的特点。

    The modernization of business management should be left from actual needs and the national conditions of our country , management information system should go to develop according to the characteristic of economic culture , the law of economic growth and the social system of our country .

  29. 办公自动化(OfficeAutomation,简称OA)已经成为现代政府、企业实现管理现代化的一个重要途径,极大地提高了办公效率。

    Office Automation ( OA for short ) has become an important approach of management modernization in modern governments and modern enterprises . It can greatly improve the working efficiency .

  30. ERP系统的有效实施可以促进企业管理的现代化、科学化,适应竞争日益激烈的市场需求,为企业带来巨大的经济效益。

    ERP promote the modernization , scientific izations of business administration by the effective implementationses of system , Meet the fierce market demand day by day of competition , bring the enormous economic benefits for the enterprise .