
yōu zhí
  • figure of merit
优值[yōu zhí]
  1. 粗糙界面对Bi2Te3/PbTe超晶格热电优值影响的理论分析

    Effect of rough interface on the thermoelectric figure of merit of the Bi_2Te_3 / PbTe superlattice

  2. 降低吸收损耗和增大Ce、Bi离子含量可以增大石榴石薄膜的磁光优值。

    Reducing propagation loss and increasing Ce3 + , Bi3 + content can enlarge the figure of merit .

  3. 高优值P型(BiXSb(1-X))2Te3热电材料的优化制备工艺

    The Optimizing Preparation Technology of the High Merit Figure P-type ( Bi_XSb_ ( 1-X )) _2Te_3 Thermoelectric Materials

  4. 实验分析表明,复合体的热释电优值因子FD比BST陶瓷提高了约30%。

    The results show that figure-of-merit ( FOM ) FD of composite is about 30 percent larger than that of BST ceramic .

  5. 整个读出电路的优值为30dBgMHz/mW。

    The figure-of-merit ( FOM ) of readout circuit is 30 dB gM Hz / mW .

  6. 因为改进的Q算法中每个清点周期的帧大小都会自动地取较优值,所以降低了识别所需要的总时隙数和周期数。

    Because improved each inventory cycle qq algorithm of the frame size will automatically be take a optimal value and reduced the time needed to total identification number and cycle number .

  7. 指出加强非谐性V-V泵浦和提高谐振腔优值的重要意义,以及实现它的若干具体措施。

    This paper has shown the important significance of the enhancement of the non-resonant V-V pumping and the increment of the optimal cavity value and a number of concrete measures to be realized as well .

  8. 另一创新点是在考虑GDP影响因素后对环境优值模型进行了改进,增强了该模型的适用性,为绩效评价和审计实践提供了更健全的思路方法。

    Taking GDP factor into account of the environmental evaluation value model is improved to enhance the applicability of the model and provide a better method of thought for performance evaluation and auditing practice .

  9. 结果表明,当马来酸酐含量一定时,DCP含量在一定区间内有一个较优值,使产品性能较佳。

    The results demonstrated that when the maleic anhydride was a certain content , DCP content was in an optimal range .

  10. p-型FeSi2/Bi2Te3梯度热电材料的优值推证与界面温度优化

    Interface Temperature Optimization and Property Description for the Thermoelectric Materials of the p-Type Graded FeSi_2 / Bi_2Te-3

  11. 与纯YIG相比具有较好的磁光性能,有更高的比法拉弟旋转角和磁光优值以及较小的温度依赖性。

    It has larger Faraday rotation angle and magneto optic figure of merit and lower temperature sensibility than pure YIG .

  12. 同时简要介绍了能直接测量热电优值的Harman方法的基本原理和操作过程。

    The figure of merit ZT can directly be measured by this method .

  13. 本文针对影响读出电路的速度、功耗等因素进行了分析,设计了一个可用于1M(1024x1024)像素CIS(帧频20fps)中的高优值读出电路。

    And a high-figure-of-merit readout circuit for 1M ( 1024x1024 ) CIS is designed .

  14. 研究出高优值系数的P型和N型赝三元系Bi2Te3-Sb2Te3-Sb2Se3半导体致冷材料,在室温附近最高优值可达到3.2×10~(-3)/K以上。

    The high figure of merit p-type and n-type pseudo-ternary Bi_2Te_3-Sb_2Te_3-Sb_2Se_3 Semiconductor cooling materials , which give the highest figure of merit of 3.2 × 10 ~ ( - 3 ) / K at near room temperature , have been developed .

  15. 本文叙述采用双栅砷化镓场效应晶体管和高优值硅外延变容二极管实现UHF电子调谐器低噪声化的有关设计和实验结果。

    This paper reports the design and experiments of the low noise UHF electronic tuner consisting of a low noise dual-gate FET and a high merit silicon epitaxial varactor .

  16. 相关参数包括:器件电阻R、优值系数Z、最大温差△Tmax及最大工况下的参数等。

    The relevant parameters include : the device resistance R , the figure of merit Z , the maximum temperature difference Δ Tmax and the parameters of maximum operating condition and so on .

  17. 介绍热电的基本理论,分析了提高热电材料电优值的方法和温差发电器的功率输出;及其ANSYS热分析软件的基本原理。

    Introduction the basic theory of thermoelectric , analyses the way to improve thermoelectric materials ' electricity optimal value and the output power of the thermoelectric generator ; And introduce the basic principle of thermal analysis software-ANSYS . 3 .

  18. 热释电性能测试表明,晶体的自发极化、热释电系数和热释电优值大于纯态的TGS。

    The measurement of pyroelectric property is shown that the spontaneous polarization , pyroelectric coefficience and pyroelectric merit are large than that of pure TGS crystal .

  19. 为了成功地与其它换能系统竞争,必须使无量纲优值ZT提高到1.5~3。

    The dimensionless figure of merit ZT of thermoelectric materials must be improved up to 1.5 ~ 3 in order to compete with traditional energy conversion systems .

  20. 本系列实验获得的最大热电优值为试样Ce-Bi2Te3在450K时获得的ZT≈0.22。

    A maximal dimensionless figure of merit of 0.22 has been obtained for the sample Ce-Bi_2Te_3 at about 45 OK .

  21. Bi2Te3及其合金的最高无量纲热电优值ZT接近于1,是目前室温附近应用得最好的热电材料。

    Bi_2Te_3 and its alloys , which have the highest dimensionless figure of merit close to unity , are known as the best thermoelectric ( TE ) materials currently available near room temperature .

  22. 前馈神经网络NN误差反向传播算法(BP)收敛速度较慢且常陷入局部极优值等,针对此种缺陷提出了一种基于扩展Kalman滤波的快速学习新算法(EF)。

    In view of the shortcomings of the backpropagation ( BP ) algorithm , such as slow convergence and frequent local-optimization deadlock , we propose a new quick-learning neural network algorithm based on extended Kalman filtering ( EF ) .

  23. 晶粒尺寸增加,多孔PZT陶瓷的介电常数、压电系数和优值增加,并可用Okazaki空间电荷理论解释晶粒尺寸对试样介电和压电性能的影响。

    An increase in grain size increases the dielectric constant , piezoelectric coefficient and hydrostatic figures of merit , which can be explained by the Okazaki space-charge theory .

  24. 同时根据BGO晶体费尔德常数随波长的变化关系曲线,通过对该晶体吸收系数的测量,得出了其磁光优值曲线。

    By combining the measured absorption coefficients with the relations between the Verdet constants and light wavelengths , the magneto-optical figure of merit of BGO crystal is presented .

  25. PbTe基化合物是目前中温附近应用的最好的热电材料之一,据报导其最高无量纲热电优值ZT高达2.2。

    PbTe and its alloys , which have the highest dimensionless figure of merit about 2.2 as reported , are known as one of the best TE materials currently available at medium-temperature .

  26. 评价某种材料热电性能的综合参数为无量纲优值ZT,影响ZT的大小的因素又分别为Seebeck系数、热导率和电导率。

    The merit ZT is the comprehensive parameter to evaluate thermoelectric properties of materials , and the factors that affect the size of ZT , are Seebeck coefficient , thermal conductivity and electrical conductivity respectively .

  27. 本文工作的第二个重要结果是提出并制备出了具有高热电优值的先进Bi2Te3基纳米复合热电材料。

    The second important result of the present work is the suggestion and preparation of advanced Bi_2Te_3 based nanocomposites with high TE properties .

  28. 现有独立分量分析(ICA)方法易陷入局部极优值,从而使提取出的胎儿心电信号(FECG)中常混有部分母体心电(MECG)。

    The existing independent component analysis ( ICA ) methods are easy to strap into local optimum values , so the extracted fetal electrocardiogram ( FECG ) is often mixed with some maternal ECG ( MECG ) .

  29. 提出将GaNHEMT作为微波器件用于混合微波集成电路(MIC)和微波单片集成电路(MMIC),在射频输出功率、器件优值等方面,均具有明显优点,并列举了成功的例子。

    The GaN HEMT as a microwave device for hybrid microwave integrated circuit ( MIC ) and microwave monolithic integrated circuit ( MMIC ) benefits from both RF output power and de-vices figure of merit , such as hybrid MIC packaged and high-power broadband MMIC .

  30. P-GaAs区在扩散长度一定时,结深存在优值,这一优值随耗尽区宽度的变化而产耙漂移,扩散长度一般要大于5~8倍结深;

    When Ln is constant , junction depth has an Optimum value which is drifting with the change of depletion width , generally Ln of p-GaAs layer should be 5-8 times later than junction depthl ;