
  • 网络Advantage industry;competitive industries;dominant industry
  1. 论西部旅游业的优势产业地位及发展对策

    The dominant industry position and the Development Counter-measures of tourism in West China

  2. 贵州社会经济与优势产业分析

    On Social Economy and Dominant Industry in Guizhou Province

  3. 基于DEA的我国省际高技术产业发展模式及相对优势产业选择

    Chinese High-technology Industries Development Models and Leading Industries Selection on District Level Based on DEA

  4. 用区位商(LQ)反映京津冀产业结构的大致情况及各自的优势产业。

    By location quotient ( LQ ), reflectingurbanization and the industrial structure in their competitive industries .

  5. 文章就我国工程机械优势产业&载机行业的现状及存在问题,分析了加入WTO后的利弊关系以及应采取的相应策略;

    In view of the situation and problems of loader industry , the superior industry in Chinese construction machinery , the advantages , disadvantages and counter measures that should be taken after Chinese entering WTO are analyzed in the article .

  6. 中国一旦加入WTO后,云南现有的传统优势产业将受到严重冲击,然而天然生物产品、绿色产品正成为21世纪消费需求的主流,具有巨大的市场前景。

    Once China accedes to WTO , the existing traditional advantage industries of Yunnan Province will be affected severely . However , the natural bio-products and green products are becoming the main trend of consumption demand in the 21-century , which have great potent market demand .

  7. 吉林省优势产业营销策略研究

    The Study on Marketing Tactics of Superiority Industry of Jilin Province

  8. 优势产业培育的研究

    The Research on the Breeding of Industries with a Competitive Edge

  9. 长三角地区优势产业界定及关联性分析

    Definiens and Relevancy Analysis of Superior Industry in Yangtze River Delta

  10. 茶业是安溪的特色优势产业。

    Tea industry is the characteristic of competitive industries in Anxi .

  11. 福建省优势产业人力资源配置研究

    Study on the Human Resources Allocation of Advantageous Industries in Fujian Province

  12. 第五,大力发展特色经济和优势产业。

    Fifth , develop the feature economy and preponderant industry .

  13. 打造绿色优势产业,促进结构向高端转型;

    Green advantage industry was created to promote transformation of high-grade product .

  14. 结合佛山优势产业设置材料化学专业实验项目

    Setting Experimental Items of Material Chemistry Specialty Combined with Foshan Advantageous Sectors

  15. 我国粮食作物优势产业带及其资源优势

    The priority industrial belt of grain crops in China and its resources priority

  16. 云南省特色优势产业发展面临机遇和挑战。

    Yunnan 's industries with unique advantages are facing both opportunities and challenges .

  17. 农业优势产业内涵、特征分析。

    The content of agricultural industries , characteristic analysis .

  18. 临武县脐橙优势产业发展对策

    Stratagem of Development on Superiority Industry of the Citrus Sinensis in Linwu County

  19. 三是优势产业的培育。

    The third is the advantageous industries cultivation .

  20. 边际优势产业与中国制造业发展战略

    Marginal Advantage Industry and Chinese Industry Development Strategy

  21. 推进农业优势产业带建设,实现区域农业专业化、规模化生产。

    To promote agricultural industries with construction , regional agricultural specialization , large-scale production .

  22. 以地区资源联盟构建城镇群优势产业

    Thinking of Constructing Advanced Industry of Town Cluster Based on the Region Resource Alliance

  23. 西部地区优势产业发展的思路和对策研究

    On the Development of the Western Superior Industries

  24. 安徽省优势产业的选择、评价及发展研究

    The Choice , Appraisal and Development Research on the Advantageous Industries of Anhui Province

  25. 蔬菜、西瓜等比较优势产业种植面积达到1万亩。

    Vegetables , watermelon and other comparative advantages of industrial plant area of1 million mu .

  26. 扩大利用外资发展优势产业促进西部开发

    Expanding Foreign Fund Utilization , Developing Priority Industries and Promoting the Development of Western Regions

  27. 积极发展有特色的优势产业,推进重点地带开发。

    We must develop industries with local advantages and propel the development of key areas .

  28. 培育和提升优势产业;

    Build and promote advantage industry ;

  29. 优势产业的巨大合力

    Huge Composition Force of Advantageous Industry

  30. 中国西部地区特色优势产业发展与优化研究&以宁夏为例

    Study of Development and Optimization of Special Advantage Industries in Western China & A case of Ningxia