
  1. CRM不仅是一种新型的管理理念,还是一种信息技术,它利用庞大的数据网络为支撑,目的在于重塑银行与客户之间的关系、培育优质客户,从而为银行带来长期稳定的利润增值。

    CRM is not only a new management philosophy , also an information technology , which is supported by a large data-repository , aimed at reshaping the relationship between bank and its customers and cultivating high-quality customers .

  2. 客户关系管理(CRM)成为银行以客户为中心的有效工具,引进客户关系管理的管理理念与管理方法,留住优质客户,是提升银行核心竞争力的有效策略。

    Customer Relation Management ( CRM ) is an effective tool for banks to ensure customer centricity . Introducing the philosophy and methods of CRM can be a good strategy for banks to retain their good customers and enhance competitiveness .

  3. 本论文提出的个人客户关系管理模式对工商银行BJ分行拓展市场,发展优质客户,提高客户的满意度和忠诚度具有一定的参考价值。

    At present , individual customer relations management pattern which the present paper proposed has developed the market to the commerce bank BJ branch , the development high quality customer , enhances the customer the degree of satisfaction and the loyalty has certain reference value .

  4. 我国银行卡业务的传统营销方法存在着根本性的弊端,在新型的的顾客&银行关系中,品牌将是银行优质客户之争的立足点,是银行核心竞争力的综合体现。

    Traditional marketing method in our bank card business has fundamental shortcomings .

  5. 加强服务创新,竞争优质客户;服务大客户的综合能力差;

    Making innovations of service for strength and competing for high-quality customers ;

  6. 故而,优质客户是银行的利润之源,哪家银行拥有了广大的优质客户,哪家银行就拥有了生存和发展的空间。

    Then , the high-quality customers are the source of bank profit .

  7. 优质客户成为了商业银行经营发展中最重要的资源。

    Customers have become the most important resource in the development of commercial banks .

  8. 优质客户信用风险的防范

    Defence the Credit Risk from Quality Clients

  9. 关注服务业面临的管理挑战,提供优质客户服务。

    Focuses on the unique challenges of managing services and delivering quality service to customers .

  10. 支行的主要职能是进行市场营销,扩大市场份额,争取优质客户群体。

    While sub-branches are chiefly responsible for marketing , enlarging market shares and winning over reputable customer groups .

  11. 未来商业银行领域的竞争将紧紧围绕着客户,尤其是优质客户这一稀缺资源进行。

    The future competition on commercial banking field mainly focus on the customers , especially the high-quantity ones .

  12. 个人通知存款是为了满足像您这样的有短期大宗存款的优质客户而设置的一种储蓄种类。

    Personal notice deposit is specifically designed for the valued clients like you with a large sum of short-term deposit .

  13. 选择优质客户、提高收入来源的多元化,是解决上述问题的关键。

    The key of solving above-mentioned problem is the choice of high quality clients and the diversification of income resource .

  14. 南京爱立信事件为国有商业银行优质客户流失敲响了警钟。

    " Ericsson case in Nanjing " is real example for the issue of losing good client of state-run commercial banks .

  15. 优质客户流失问题。国有商业银行利润形成主要是依靠20%左右的优质客户。

    Losing of good client : the profit of the state-run commercial banks mainly depends on the 20 % good clients .

  16. 有效加强银行内部风险评级管理有助于银行方便快捷的选择优质客户进行信贷风险的管理,提升我国银行在国际银行业中的竞争力。

    Enhancing bank internal risk management helps bank to select high quality client for credit risk management and improve international competition .

  17. 尤其是对银行贡献较多的优质客户,商业银行更要为他们提供全方位、高质量、个性化的服务。

    Especially for quality customers with more contribution for banks , commercial bank should provide them with comprehensive , high-quality , personalized service .

  18. 它们还可利用这项技术建立自己的空中客户关系管理方案,以提高优质客户的忠诚度和满意度。

    They can also use the technology to create their own inflight customer relationship management programme to increase loyalty and satisfaction among their premium customers .

  19. 学习国外银行转变经营观念,实行客户经理制,开发优质客户的成功经验,对处于困境的国有商业银行具有重要的指导意义。

    Successful experience of the foreign banks , including changes of operation concepts and adoption of client management systems , is very useful for us .

  20. 我们强化企业的核心竞争专长,进一步发展客户联盟的长远部署,对优质客户和潜力大的项目倍加专注。

    We have strengthened our core competitive advantages , reinforced our long-term alliances with customers , and doubled our attention to premium customers and promising projects .

  21. 通过细分客户市场,针对不同的客户提供个性化服务,从客户服务流程和客户服务人员两个方面,在同质业务中构建期货公司的优质客户服务体系。

    Through market segmentation , the companies can construct a Customers Service Systems in homogeneity of business through customers ' services flow and customers services staffs .

  22. 尤其自2008年下半年开始,由金融危机导致经济危机席卷全球,各行各业均受到了巨大的冲击,经济规模发生萎缩、优质客户减少、总体利润下降等,实体经济受到巨大挑战。

    Since the second half of 2008 , the economic crisis caused by the financial crisis sweeping the world , all businesses have been a huge impacted .

  23. 中国加入世贸组织以后,首先,国有商业银行的地位将受到前所未有的挑战。外资银行将凭借其规模、信用、管理、技术以及完备的商业银行服务功能与国内银行展开优质客户的争夺战。

    Foreign banks will contest with Chinese state-run commercial banks drastically by their size , credit , management , technology and self-contained service function of commercial bank .

  24. 在国内各家商业银行几乎均有涉及银校合作,并大多将高等院校列为银行优质客户。

    Almost each commercial bank in China was involved in cooperation between banks and colleges and universities . Most colleges and universities are listed as high-end clients .

  25. 这就要求商业银行必须确立差异化战略,对客户进行适当细分,对不同等级的优质客户实行差别化服务。

    This requires that commercial banks should establish the differentiation strategy , the appropriate segment of customers of different levels of quality customer implementation of differentiated services .

  26. 日本监管机构对国内内幕交易的一场打击活动表明,日本的股票经纪人泄露机密信息更多是为了服务优质客户,而不是为直接获利。

    A Japanese regulatory crackdown on insider trading suggests that stockbrokers here have leaked confidential information more as a service to good clients than for direct profit .

  27. 银行实现差别服务的重要前提是争取足够多的合作商户,说服他们让利给银行的优质客户。

    The premise for bank 's deferential service is that there is enough business cooperators who could be persuaded into share interests with the bank 's customers .

  28. 生意归生意,我们不会冒质量风险,也不会冒风险丢失你这样一个潜在的优质客户。

    Business is business , we are not willing to take a risk in quality , nor a risk in loosing a potential good customer like you .

  29. 外资银行进入中国市场的策略多种多样,如瞄准优质客户,积极培育潜在市场和争夺市场份额;

    The strategies for foreign-funded banks ' entry into China have varied , such as aiming at high-quality clients , positively developing potential market and looting market shares ;

  30. 提出了并非所有的客户对企业来说都是有价值的,优质客户给企业带来的利润远远超过一般客户。

    Based on this rule , this paper proposes that not all ' the customers is valuable , some high-quality customers will bring profits far more than the general customers .