
  • 网络sensor material
  1. 同块材样品相比,实验证实YBCO厚膜样品的响应速度得到明显提高并具有较好的响应特性,有可能作为一种新的氧传感器材料。

    The experiments also show that the responding speed of the thick film is improved and it has better properties than bulk samples and the YBCO film may be as a new oxygen sensor material in practical application .

  2. 超微粒子膜用作化学传感器材料的研究进展

    The advancement of ultra fine particle film used to chemical sensor material

  3. 气体传感器材料&In2O3纳米线的制备与表征

    Preparation and Characterization of In_2O_3 Nanowires for Gas Sensor

  4. 纳米CeO2包覆TiO2氧传感器材料氧敏性能的机理研究

    Mechanism Study on Oxygen Sensitivity of Nano-CeO_2 Coating TiO_2

  5. 将Cu等金属及合金与石英光导纤维通过铸造等液固相复合方法,制成具有一定耐高温能力的金属基复合光导纤维及传感器材料。

    Silicon fiber was cast within Cu-based alloys and a kind of new composite fiber or sensor materials with higher heat-resistance was obtained .

  6. TiO2可作为多种传感器材料,不仅可以用于湿敏和压敏元件,也可用于检测多种气体,特别是O2。

    TiO_2 can serve as many kinds of sensors . It can be used as not only humidity and pressure sensing sensors , but also identifying many kinds of gases , mostly oxygen .

  7. 本课题组已经发明了Al2O3基陶瓷气敏传感器材料体系,本论文是在前面研究工作的基础上进行的Al2O3基薄膜型气敏传感器的研究。

    Our research group has invented a new series of γ - Al2O3-based ceramic gas senor . Based on previous studies , this paper studies the manufacturing methods and gas sensing properties of γ - Al2O3-based thin film gas sensors .

  8. 并且在Cux(SiO2)1-x这一非磁性金属系统中,发现了巨霍尔效应(GHE),其数值高于普通金属近3个数量级,为霍尔传感器材料研究提供了新途径。

    And we find Giant Hall Effect ( GHE ) which is 3 orders larger than that of ordinary metal in this non magnetic system . This provides a new in studying of material for Hall sensor .

  9. 氢传感器材料前驱粉体的低温制备原粉和B.t。

    Low temperature synthesis of proton conductor former powder formulation , b.t.

  10. 氧化物半导体丙酮气敏传感器材料研究与应用

    Investigation and Application of Oxide Semiconductor Materials Used for Acetone Sensors

  11. 高精度称重传感器材料的研究

    Study on the Materials Used in High Precision Weighing Sensors

  12. 电位计式位移传感器材料研究与应用

    Study and Application of Potentiometer Materials for Displacement Measuring Transducer

  13. 压电传感器材料的铁电特性研究

    Investigation of ferroelectric properties of piezoelectric sensor

  14. 在静态检测实验中,利用纳米硬度计直接测出传感器材料的弹性模量;

    The modulus of the sensor was measured directly by nano-indenter in the static measurement .

  15. 由于数字信号处理、内部温度补偿和新的传感器材料等技术的发展,使超声波换能器在固体料位检测中得到了更多的应用。

    DSP , built-in temperature compensation and new transducer materials have expanded the use of ultrasonic in solids measurements .

  16. 利用一种静态和两种动态的检测技术,对红外辐射探测微悬臂梁式传感器材料的弹性模量进行了测试研究。

    The elastic modulus of infrared detective micro-cantilever sensors was measured by three different methods & one static and two dynamic measurements .

  17. 高纯钴主要应用于磁记录材料、磁传感器材料、光电材料等高技术领域。

    High purity cobalt is important materials for manufacturing elements and devices such as magnetic recording mediums , magnetic recording heads , semiconductor and optoelectronic devices .

  18. 介绍了热电偶传感器材料的选择和结构的设计以及传感器的例行实验情况,特别是恢复系数和时间常数实验。

    The material selection and structural design of the thermocouple sensor and the routine test conditions , especially the recovery factor and time constant experiment are introduced .

  19. 本文综述了超微粒子膜用于化学传感器材料的研究情况,介绍了几种超微粒子膜的制备方法,并展望了发展前景。

    This paper briefly describes the development of ultra fine particle film used to chemical sensor material , preparation methods are introduced , and the possibility are presented .

  20. 常温下,与其它金属材料相比,银具有最好的导电性和导热性、良好的延展性和杀菌性,可用作传感器材料、电路板元件等。

    In the normal condition , silver has the best electroconductibility and heat-conductivity , good ductibility and antimicrobial properties , so it has been widely used as Sensor Materials , Circuit Board Component and so on .

  21. 内容包括固化后埋光纤对材料力学性能的影响、光纤传感的可能性(包括光纤传感器材料耐用性和基体对信号的衰减)和实际安装过程的可操作性这3方面的理论、实验研究。

    Three parts of theoretical and experimental studies , which include the influence of embedding optic fiber on the mechanical performance after curing , the possibility of optic fiber sensing and the manufacturability of polymer based composite embedding optic fiber sensors , were presented .

  22. 阐述了用线阵CCD传感器对材料拉伸变形量进行非接触测试的基本过程。

    This paper expatiated the basic process of testing the deformation quantity of a material during stretching process by using linear CCD sensors in non-contact mode .

  23. 用BSO晶体传感器测量材料霍耳系数的研究

    A BSO Crystal Sensor to Measure Howl Coefficient of Metal Materials

  24. 耗氧型光纤DCP传感器敏感材料的制备与性能研究

    Preparation and Properties of Sensitive Materials for Fiber Optic DCP Biosensor Based on Oxygen Consumption

  25. 纳米半导体氧化亚铜(Cu2O)由于良好的光催化性能,广泛应用于化学能源催化材料、环境污染有机物催化降解材料、高选择性传感器敏感材料等研究领域。

    Nano-semiconductor cuprous oxide ( Cu2O ) was widely used in chemical energy catalytic materials , degradation of environmental pollution organic catalytic materials , highly selective sensors sensitive materials , for its excellent photocatalytic properties .

  26. 硅酸铋(BSO)晶体具有泡克尔斯效应和法拉第磁光效应,通过BSO晶体的偏振光将受电场和磁场的调制,利用这一特性,设计了一种基于BSO晶体传感器的材料霍尔系数测试系统。

    There are Pockels Effect and Faraday Effect in BSO crystal , a beam of polarizer light through BSO crystal will be adjusted by electric field and magnetism field . With the character , a new system is designed in this paper for a material Hall coefficient measurement .

  27. 其内容包括:(1)磁传感器新材料;

    The review includes : ( 1 ) magnetic sensor new materials ;

  28. 石英压力传感器石英材料的加工工艺

    Processing technology of quartz material for quartz pressure sensor

  29. 并对非晶软磁合金在传感器敏感材料中的应用进行了探索。

    The application of amorphous soft magnetic alloys to the sensor elements have been discussed .

  30. 有机磷毒剂压电传感器敏感材料的制备及性能研究

    Synthesis and Properties Research of a New Sensing Membrane of Piezoelectric Crystal Sensor of Organophosphorous Toxicant