
  • 网络Daniel;the book of daniel
  1. 今天朗读的经文选自《但以理书》。

    The reading today is from the Book of Daniel .

  2. 在《但以理书》里,我们知道波斯王子,被认为是统治波斯的天使。

    In Daniel we 've got the Prince of Persia is understood as this angel who runs Persia .

  3. 谁是智慧人?,但以理书作者。

    Who are the wise ? The author of the book .

  4. 但以理书分为两部分。

    Now the book of Daniel is in two halves .

  5. 但以理书是启示文学,最早的作品之一。

    Daniel is one of the earliest cases of what we call apocalyptic literature .

  6. 甚至在《圣经》(但以理书1:8)中也出现过一例对照试验。

    There 's even a controlled trial in the Bible ( Daniel 1:8 ) .

  7. 圣经里的启示书,主要是《但以理书》和《启示录》

    The two apocalyptic , most apocalyptic books in the Bible are Daniel and Revelation .

  8. 最早的启示书,比如《但以理书》,讲到希腊人和叙利亚人,希腊-叙利亚帝国。

    The earliest apocalypses , Daniel was talking about the Greeks and Syrians , the Greco-Syrian Empire .

  9. 在《但以理书》中,波斯王子指的是,统治波斯的某种巨大的天使超人。

    The Prince of Persia refers in Daniel to some huge angelic super human being who actually rules Persia .

  10. 就像《但以理书》那样,启示书总是预言未来会发生什么。

    Like we saw in the case of Daniel , they usually tell you what 's going to happen in the future .

  11. 他们阅读但以理书,当他们研读希伯来圣经中,其他预言部分时,往往带着启示主义思想。

    They all were reading Daniel , and when they read other prophecies from the Hebrew Bible they also read those apocalyptically .

  12. 通常它们作者都是用假名的,背景设在很久以前,就像《但以理书》那样。

    They tend to be pseudonymous , and they are set deep in the past like we saw in the book of Daniel .

  13. 但以理书和他的三个朋友知道他们的智慧从神来,不是撒旦的把戏和咒语。

    Daniel and his 3 friends knew that their wisdom came from the Lord , not Satan 's tricks or charms or spells .

  14. 还是拿《但以理书》做例子,这是一种末日之前与末日之后的二元论。

    We 've talked a lot about how for Daniel , remember there is a dualism of before time and the after time .

  15. 然而,市场经济并不像《但以理书》中神圣不可侵犯的律法那样不可改变。

    Yet the market economy is not as unchangeable as the laws of the Medes and the Persians in the book of Daniel .

  16. 圣经在但以理书第五章里告诉我们伯沙撒王为他的一千个大臣大摆宴席。

    The Bible tells us in Daniel Chapter 5 that King Belshazzar had made a great feast for a thousand of his lords .

  17. 《但以理书》说,每个国家都有自己的王子,他认为这些王子是天使。

    It 's like every country , according to Daniel , has its own prince , by that he means some kind of angelic being .

  18. 但以理书中每一章节,但以理书最后部分,又重复了这个故事。

    Then what happens in Daniel is each different chapter , the last part of Daniel , in a sense tells the story over again .

  19. 见证人会是千禧年主义教派,这种信仰主要根据《圣经》中的启示部分,特别是〈但以理书〉和〈启示录〉。

    The Witnesses are a millennialist group whose beliefs are based primarily on the apocalyptic sections of the Bible , notably Daniel and the Book of Revelation .

  20. 虽然《但以理书》经常被看作政治小说进行分析,但是还没有通过分析文本以及叙事手法对但以理人物形象进行系统分析的研究。

    Although The Book of Daniel is often analyzed as a political fiction there lacks a systematic study about the narration for the exploration of the figuration of Daniel .

  21. 但以理书中的南方王,必定是指托勒密王朝的,某个托勒密王,那谁是北方的王?

    So whenever you see King of the South in Daniel it 's always referring to the Ptolemaic Dynasty , one of the Ptolemies . Who 's the King of the North ?

  22. 他们祷告了多久?我们不知道,不过但以理书2:19说,“这奥秘的事,就在夜间异象中,给但以理显明;”你知道但以理的反应是什么吗?

    How long did they continue in prayer ? We don 't know , but Daniel 2 : 19 says , " Then was the secret revealed to Daniel in a night vision . "

  23. 但以理书1章19节说,王与他们谈论,见少年人中,无一人能比但以理,哈拿尼雅,米沙利,亚撒利雅,所以留他们在王面前侍立。

    The book of Daniel , chapter 1 , verse 19 says , " And the king communed with them ; and among them all was found none like Daniel , Hananiah , Mishael , and Azariah : therefore they stood before the king .

  24. 但以理书5:5说,“当时,忽有人的指头显出,在王宫与灯台相对的粉墙上写字。王看见写字的指头。”突然之间这个聚会要结束了!

    Daniel 5 : 5 says , " In the same hour came forth fingers of a man 's hand , and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king 's palace : and the king saw the part of the hand that wrote . ? ? Suddenly the party was over !

  25. 尼布甲尼撒王一定了解但以理的智慧和真实,所以准许但以理书时间。

    King Nebuchadnezzar must have sensed the wisdom and truth in Daniel , for he granted Daniel time .