
  1. 金融危机下体育休闲产业经营及发展方略

    Business and Development Strategy of Sports Leisure Industry under Financial Crisis

  2. 后奥运时代北京体育休闲产业的发展

    Beijing Sports Leisure Industry Development Strategy after the 2008 Olympic Games

  3. 体育休闲产业与社会发展

    Sports recreation industry and the progress of society

  4. 我们肯定会思考这样一个问题:申请国家级体育休闲产业基地应该具备那些要素。

    We certainly put forward such a problem : the application of national sports industry base should possess some elements .

  5. 同时,体育休闲产业对城市形象塑造、城市经济规模、城市产业结构等具有影响作用。

    In the meantime , the paper pointed out that sports leisure industry plays an important part in image molding , economic scale and industrial structure of a city .

  6. 于此同时发动社会力量完善社会支持,发展城市的体育休闲产业、整合体育旅游产业资源、强化单项协会与景区在体育旅游项目上的合作。

    At the same time mobilize social forces to improve the social support , the development of city leisure sports industry , sports tourism industry , strengthen the integration of resources of Sports Association and scenic spot in the sports tourism cooperation on the project .

  7. 河南省体育休闲旅游产业的发展研究

    Study on the Development of Physical Training Recreational Travel Industry in Henan

  8. 杭州市体育健身休闲产业的发展策略

    Study on the development strategy of sports bodybuilding and entertainment industry of Hangzhou

  9. 中原体育休闲旅游产业开发的优势及对策&以河南省为例

    The Development Advantages and Scientific Choices of Central Plains Leisure Sports Tourism Industry

  10. 西部地区体育休闲旅游产业开发的投融资研究&建立西部体育休闲旅游产业的风险投资融资模式

    Research on Investment and Financial Support for Sports Leisure Tourism Industry in Regions of Western China

  11. 但体育休闲娱乐产业在其发展、成长过程中遇见种种问题,都亟待解决。

    However , the leisure-entertainment industry meets various problems that need solve in the process of development of it .

  12. 分析认为,一方面要充分发掘和利用西部旅游和运动休闲旅游资源优势,积极发展西部体育休闲旅游产业;

    The results suggest that we should excavate fully and use the advantages of the western tourism and sports leisure resources to develop positively the western sports leisure tourism industry .

  13. 有关部门应联合起来,尽快把河南体育休闲旅游这个产业做大做强,使其成为河南经济新的增长点。

    The departments should develop this kind of travel industry as quickly as possible so as to make it a new growing point of economy of Henan .

  14. 第三,优化了城乡大众体育消费,促进了体育休闲产业的发展。

    Third , optimizes and rural sports consumption , promotes the development of sports and leisure industry .

  15. 以杭州市现有休闲体育产业的资源存量结构、规模、产权构成等调查分析为基础,全方位地分析杭州市体育休闲产业发展水平和特征,并提出杭州市休闲体育产业的若干发展策略。

    On the basis of investigating structure , size and property right of sports entertainment industry in Hangzhou , analyzes the developmental and character of sports entertainment industry in Hangzhou . Then we puts forwards some strategies for development .