
  • 网络dry stool
  1. 中风病人凡具有便干便秘,舌苔黄腻,脉弦滑等症状,皆可大胆应用。

    This method can be used for apoplectics manifesting dry stool or constipation , yellowish fur , and thready and slippery pulse .

  2. 并且斥责红海,海便干了;

    He rebuked the Red Sea , and it dried up ;

  3. 我越想越来劲,便干了起来。

    The eagerness of my fancy prevailed and to work I went .

  4. 我们的衣服不久便干了。

    Our clothes soon dried out .

  5. 并且斥责红海,海便干了;他带领他们经过深处,如同经过旷野。

    By his word the Red Sea was made dry : and he took them through the deep waters as through the waste land .

  6. 症状频数较多的为:咳嗽、咳痰、口干、呼吸不畅、胸闷、纳差、痰血、胸痛、乏力、背痛、便干、便稀等。

    The main symptoms included cough with phlegm , dry mouth , unsmooth breathing , chest oppression , anorexia , bloody phlegm , chest pain , lassitude , back pain .

  7. 一旦我自己确信这个决定是正确的,我们便动手干了起来。

    Once I had satisfied myself it was the right decision , we went ahead .

  8. 于是上午便没法干活儿啦。

    For the rest of the morning it was very difficult to work .

  9. 鼹鼠便按吩咐干着,尽管他觉得他朋友有些疯疯傻傻。

    The Mole did what he was told , although he thought his friend was going crazy .

  10. 如果是一道江河,当我们脚一入水的时候,江河便会变成干地。

    If it is a river , it will dry up when you put your feet in its waters .

  11. 离开大学后,亨利到一所私立学校去跟他兄弟一起教书,然而没多久,他便辞职不干了。

    After leaving the University , he joined his brother in teaching a private school , which he soon renounced .

  12. 将粪便干燥,计算粪便含水量(%)眼穴湿便质量-干便质量雪/湿便质量×100%演。

    The water contents of feces ( % ) were calculated as [ ( the quality of humid feces - the quality of dry feces ) / the quality of humid feces × 100 % ] .

  13. 老国王发现女儿只是在嘲弄人家,对每个前来求婚的人都嗤之以鼻,便大动干火,发誓要把她嫁给第一个上门来讨饭的叫花子。

    Now the old king , seeing that his daughter did nothing but ridicule the people , making fun of all the suitors who were gathered there , became very angry , and he swore that she should have for her husband the very first beggar to come to his door .

  14. 第二天我们便出去找活干。

    The next day we began to look for work .

  15. 他的青年时期便是那样在干着报酬微薄的辛苦工作中消磨过去的。

    Thus his youth had been spent in rude and ill-paid toil .

  16. 我便准备辞职不干了。

    I was ready to quit .

  17. 当他们知道只是开玩笑,便笑着回去干自己的事。

    When they found it was only a joke , they laughed , and went back to their work .

  18. 亨利发现他的一名下级提升到他之上时,便决定辞职不干了。

    Henry decided to quit his post when he found one of his juniors had been promoted over his head .

  19. 对照组小儿自6个月开始全部进行规范DHP,其中排软便者84.78%,条形干便14.13%,球形干便1.09%,患FC者仅1例。

    Standard DHP was performed in all control group children from 6 months of age , with 84 . 7 % soft stool , 14.13 % strip stool and 1.09 % round dry stool and only one case of FC among them .