
  • 网络insurance consumer
  1. 保险消费者权益保护是一个重要议题。

    The protection of insurance consumer rights is an important topic .

  2. 甚少有研究能深入、全面地展示保险消费者保护法律体制的概况。

    Rarely has study gone deep into comprehensive display of the insurance consumer protection legal system profiles .

  3. 合理预期原则(DoctrineofExpectation)作为一种引领优先保护保险消费者利益的法益思潮是符合理论发展和社会需要而产生的。

    The Doctrine of Expectation as a leading priority to the interests of consumers of law to protect the insurance benefits trend is consistent with theoretical development and social needs arising from .

  4. 分析保险消费者应当享有的权益,包括基础权利和辅助性权利两部分。

    Analysis of the interests of the insurance consumers should enjoy .

  5. 保险消费者行为决策的因素分析

    Analysis on the Factors of Insurance Consumers ' Behavior Decision Making

  6. 论保护保险消费者利益与保险业的科学发展

    On protecting consumer interests and the scientific development of the insurance industry

  7. 四是以加强保险消费者教育工作为抓手,不断健全保护被保险人利益的工作机制。

    Consumer education will also be strengthened to improve the mechanism to protect interests of the insured .

  8. 通过对除外条款予以司法、立法、行政上的控制,以实现对弱势的保险消费者予以特别保护。

    Through judical , legislative and administrative control , it can provide special protection for weak insurance consumers .

  9. 国际金融监管应逐步实现建立宏观审慎的监管框架,提高监管的执行力度,在宏观层面上实现监管目标。强化对投资者、消费者的保护,建立保险消费者的专门机构。

    International financial supervision should establish macro prudential regulatory framework , improve the regulatory enforcement , strengthen the investor protection gradually .

  10. 目前,保险消费者行为研究,主要基于保险需求理论对影响保险消费者行为的因素进行分析,但围绕目前国内车险产品,对车险个体消费者的投保行为的影响因素分析较少,实证研究较少。

    Nowadays most of researches are on insurance demands , while the study of individual consumer and positive analysis are less .

  11. 无论是保险消费者、投资者还是经营者,都必须对保险公司所面临的各种风险和所能获得的收益有所了解和把握。

    No matter consumers , investors or managements of insurance , must know all kinds of risks and income of insurance companies .

  12. 再保险为保险消费者带来利益,因为原保险人得到了再保险人的财务支持。

    Reinsurance works for the benefit of consumers , since the financial strength of the reinsurer is added to the primary insurer .

  13. 该系统投入使用近三个星期以来,几乎没有起到什么作用,许多保险消费者甚至无法创建账户。

    Nearly three weeks since its launch , the system is barely functional , with many insurance shoppers unable to even create an account .

  14. 因此,本文从立法、监管、纠纷解决机制以及信息披露制度四个方面出发,构建起了一个全面的、立体的保险消费者保护法律体系。

    Therefore , this paper begins from the legislative , regulatory , dispute resolution mechanisms to build a comprehensive , three-dimensional insurance consumer protection law system .

  15. 最后从立法和监管两个层面,提出了以保险消费者保护为价值导向的保险消费者保护法律制度的构想。

    Last but not the least , from aspect of legislation and supervision , author has presented a legal system concept which is value-oriented by insurance consumer protection .

  16. 制度实施两年来,很多保险消费者受惠于该制度,保险业诚信缺失现象亦有所改观。

    Since the system has been implemented for two years , many insurance consumers benefited from the system , and the lack of integrity of the insurance industry has been changed .

  17. 第三章从我国保险消费者保护的现状出发,分析现有法律制度的缺陷,主要包括立法缺陷和监管缺位。

    Chapter three : based on the present situation of our country insurance consumer protection , author analyzes the defects of existing legal system , including the legislative and regulatory defects .

  18. 说明我国保险消费者多为强制被动型。其次,分别按照收入和学历的高低分为两组进行研究。

    It states that insurance consumers in China belong to forced passive . Second , separately according to the level of income and education are divided into two groups and studied .

  19. 提出制定金融消费者保护法的立法建议,并将保险消费者权益保护作为其中的专章进行规定,法律中必须要明确以保险消费者为本位的价值取向,突出民事救济。

    To make a law on financial consumer protection is suggested , which contains the content of insurance Consumer Protection . The new law should clear its value , and give prominence to civil relief .

  20. 第一章,对现行保险消费者行为研究进行回顾和评述,并提出本文研究的主要问题。

    The full text consists of five chapters and the principal elements are as follows : Chapter I describes the present researches on the consumer behavior of insurance , and identifies the core of the paper .

  21. 接下来,在对消费者行为的分析中,详细阐述和分析了保险消费者需求类型与投保心理、保险消费者的类型、影响保险消费者需求的主要因素以及消费者的决策过程;

    And then , in the consumer behaviors part , have a detailed analysis of the consumers ' demanding types , insuring intentions , consumers types , the main influencing factors and consumers ' decision-making process .

  22. 在该背景下,在我国大力发展商业养老保险对消费者、政府和保险公司都是大有裨益的。

    In this context , it has great benefit to consumers , government and insurance companies if developing the commercial pension insurance in our country .

  23. 之于购置汽车,家居用品和人寿保险的消费者,保险商更乐意于收集他们的个人喜好,而不是用无礼的问卷赶走潜在客户。

    Insurers would love to collect more background information on the personal habits of those buying motor , household and life policies , but do not want to put off potential customers with intrusive questionnaires .

  24. 住房贷款保险中的消费者权益保护

    Protection of Consumer Rights in Housing Loan Insurance

  25. 建立该系统的主要目的,是为了改变保险代理人和消费者之间信息不对称的局面,使双方能够拥有一个便于相互了解的、公开的信息平台。

    The purpose to construct this system is to change the information asymmetry between agents and consumers and make an open information platform so they can understand each other more conveniently .

  26. 保险公司对消费者需求的了解不够,导致开发出的产品缺乏创新、没有针对性,不能满足消费者的差异性需求,产品的有效供给就不足。

    The insurance companies do not know enough about consumers ' demand , resulting in lack of innovation in developing products , the products cannot meet consumers ' different demand , and the effective supply of products is not enough .

  27. 富裕世界的医疗行业不是高效市场,因为欧洲一般是国家买单,而美国是私人保险公司买单消费者不需要自己去选择购买。

    Health care is not an efficient market in the rich world because-be it in Europe , where the state typically pays the bills , or in America , where private insurance companies do-the customer does not have to shop around .

  28. 试论新《保险法》对消费者权益的保护

    On the New Insurance Law to Protect the Rights and Interests of Consumers

  29. 可以说,银行保险产生了银行与保险公司、消费者三赢的效果。

    In fact , bank and insurance company cooperation brings the three win effect of bank insurance company and consumers .

  30. 但在发展的同时,因保险公司、保险中介违规经营及保险消费者的失信行为引发的保险纠纷越来越多。

    Meanwhile , there are more and more insurance disputes caused by illegal operation of insurance companies and agencies and dishonest acts of insurance customers .