
bǎo xiān
  • retain freshness;keep fresh;preserve
保鲜 [bǎo xiān]
  • [keep fresh] 使蔬菜、水果、鱼肉等保持新鲜

保鲜[bǎo xiān]
  1. 目的:研究红色花标本的保鲜液,使红色花标本能够长期保存。

    Objective : Studies on retain freshness liquid of red flowers , in oder to specimen of red flowers were protected for more long term .

  2. 红色花保鲜液研究

    Studies on Retain Freshness Liquid of Red Flowers

  3. 覆上保鲜膜,冷藏24小时。

    Cover with plastic film and refrigerate for 24 hours .

  4. 只需把它们装进保鲜袋,在冰箱里储存一天即可。

    Simply put them into a polythene bag and store them in the freezer for a day .

  5. 锥栗贮藏过程维生素C的降解速率以及保鲜条件研究

    Degradation rate of vitamin C in storage of castanea henryi and storage conditions

  6. 大米聚烯烃基薄膜MAP保鲜效应研究

    Study on Storage of Milled Rice with Modified Atmosphere Packing by Polyolefine Film

  7. 雷竹笋MAP保鲜技术研究

    Study on MAP Technology of Bamboo Shoot Storage

  8. 加入银系抗菌剂、TiO2的防霉保鲜膜对灰霉菌的抑制作用明显。

    Added antimicrobial and TiO2 is more available to restrain the mold .

  9. 海峡两岸加入WTO后,农产品保鲜冷藏技术的研究成为一项重要的课题。

    The study of keeping fresh and cold-storage technology of agriculture products has become an important subject after entry into WTO .

  10. PVC食品保鲜膜专项检查尘埃落定

    PVC food film Special test

  11. 保鲜剂对麝香石竹切花SOD和POD同工酶的影响

    Effects of Antistaling Agent on Isoenzyme of Superoxide Dismutase and Peroxidase in the Cut Flower of Carnation

  12. 研究MAP保鲜技术在生鲜牛肉上的应用,具有很重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , the study of modified atmospheric packaging ( MAP ) in the preservation of fresh beef is of practical value and great significance .

  13. 乳过氧化物酶体系(LPS)是一种牛乳中天然的抑菌系统,在冷却条件不足的地区,它被用于原料奶的保鲜。

    The lactoperoxidase system ( LPS ) is the natural antimicrobial system presented in milk .

  14. 保鲜贮藏90天以内。对固形物影响不大,不仅降低了柑桔酸度,增加了全糖和维生素C的含量,而且表皮光泽鲜艳美观。

    The 90 days Storage treatments had less effect on soluble solids , but reduced acidity , increased total sugar and vitamin C and kept fruit coat bright and beautiful .

  15. 不同浓度6-BA保鲜剂对切花菊的保鲜效应

    Effect of Different Concentrations of 6-BA on Cutting Chrysanthemum Preservation

  16. 为改进绿芦笋常温贮运保鲜技术,将采后绿芦笋用1甲基环丙烯(1MCP)和乙烯分别在密闭的玻璃缸内常温下处理24h,测定其品质指标变化。

    The effects of 1-methylcyclopropene ( 1-MCP ) on the quality of green asparagus after harvesting .

  17. 保鲜剂处理减缓了杨梅的总糖和总酸的消耗速率,维生素C和花色苷含量保持较高,因而品质保持最好。

    The antiseptic treatment decreased the consumption rates of total sugar and titratable acidity and remained higher level of vitamin C and anthocyanin , thus kept the best quality of the fruit .

  18. 红子果实氧化酶活性相当强,这是保鲜果低温贮藏、加工果钝化酶活性利于VC保存的依据;

    The oxidase activity of fruit is very high , it is the basic for protecting Vc of storing fruit under low temperature and inactivating enzymatic activity to processed fruit .

  19. 研究了离子色谱法(IC)检测葡萄保鲜过程中SO2的方法,并用于SO2释放量及葡萄中SO2残留量的检测。

    An ion chromatographic ( IC ) method for the determination of SO_2 content in the grape preservation process was developed .

  20. 0.5%助溶剂B能显著提高1.0%除锈剂A的除锈效果;0.5%海藻酸钠涂膜的保鲜效果较好;

    The rust removing effect of 1.0 % RRA could be improved obviously by adding 0.5 % aid solvent B.The best fresh keeping method after removing rust was to coat membrane with 0.5 % sodium alginate .

  21. 芒果(MangiferaindicaLinn.)热处理保鲜技术研究

    Mango ( mangifera indica linn . ) preservation with hot water dip treatments

  22. 温度和GA3或6&BA都对苦瓜的贮藏保鲜时间有显著的影响。

    The effect of temperature and plant growth regular on the time of balsam pear storing was remarkable .

  23. 高水分玉米防霉保鲜技术研究&Ⅱ.SO2与NH3复合处理控制高水分玉米霉变

    STUDY ON THE MOULDPROOF AND FRESH-KEEPING TECHNIQUES OF HIGH-MOISTURE CORN ⅱ . Prevention of High-moisture Corn from Mould with Combination of SO_2-NH_3 Treatment

  24. HCF保鲜剂的研制及其在桃保鲜中的应用研究

    Research on HCF keeping fresh agents and applications to peach

  25. 氧化聚乙烯(OPE)的非离子型或阳离子型水乳液涂膜在水果上保鲜性能优异。

    A thin coating of non-ionic or cationic aqueous emulsion of OPE on fruit surface shows excellent fruit preservation performance .

  26. 在马蹄糕中,BQ添加量大于0.1%的时候其防腐保鲜效果已经可以较为明显的看出。

    In water chestnut cake , BQ preserving effect can be clearly watch out when its addition level is more than 0.1 % .

  27. 水产品保鲜和保活历来就是一个难题,是制约水产业发展的主要因素之一,随着中国加入WTO,这个问题日益显得重要。

    The preservation and keeping alive of aquatic products is a difficult problem all through the ages , which hampers the development of the aquatic industry . However , with the admission to WTO of China , this problem is becoming more important .

  28. 本文运用需求基础理论(线性FC模型)、企业价值链理论、保鲜加工质量分等分级增值论和物流时空增值理论等对其多方位论证。

    It is multi-directional demonstration of basic demand theory ( linear FC model ), enterprise value chain theory , preservation processing quality grade , classification theory , value-added logistics space-time theories . 4 .

  29. 结果表明:在相同条件下,O3气体处理10min的双孢蘑菇保鲜效果相对较好,表现为细胞膜透率和PPO活性受到有效抑制,CAT活性保持在较高水平。

    The result showed that Ozone treatment for 10 minutes produced the best result , showing that the plasma membrane permeability and PPO activity were inhibited , CAT activity kept higher level .

  30. 本文以红提葡萄为材料,分析了二氧化氯(ClO2)气体对葡萄贮藏过程中内源激素ABA、IAA、GA3含量的影响,探讨了ClO2对葡萄保鲜的作用机理。

    The effects of chlorine dioxide gas treatment on endogenous hormones contents of ABA , IAA and GA3 of Red Globe grape berry during storage were studied in this paper .